#include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> /* for XDestroyImage */ #include <pixman.h> /* for pixman blt functions */ #include "test.h" static const XPoint points[]= { /* top */ { 0, 0}, { 1, 0}, { 2, 0}, { 3, 0}, { 4, 0}, { 5, 0}, { 6, 0}, { 7, 0}, { 8, 0}, /* right */ { 8, 1}, { 8, 2}, { 8, 3}, { 8, 4}, { 8, 5}, { 8, 6}, { 8, 7}, { 8, 8}, /* bottom */ { 7, 8}, { 6, 8}, { 5, 8}, { 4, 8}, { 3, 8}, { 2, 8}, { 1, 8}, { 0, 8}, /* left */ { 0, 7}, { 0, 6}, { 0, 5}, { 0, 4}, { 0, 3}, { 0, 2}, { 0, 1}, { 0, 0} /* and origin again for luck */ }; #define NUM_POINTS (sizeof(points)/sizeof(points[0])) static void clear(struct test_display *dpy, struct test_target *tt) { XRenderColor render_color = {0}; XRenderFillRectangle(dpy->dpy, PictOpClear, tt->picture, &render_color, 0, 0, tt->width, tt->height); } static void draw(struct test_display *dpy, struct test_target *tt, int alu, int width, int style, int cap, XSegment *seg, int nseg) { XGCValues val; GC gc; val.function = alu; val.foreground = WhitePixel(dpy->dpy, 0); val.line_width = width; val.line_style = style; val.cap_style = cap; gc = XCreateGC(dpy->dpy, tt->draw, GCForeground | GCFunction | GCLineWidth | GCLineStyle | GCCapStyle, &val); XDrawSegments(dpy->dpy, tt->draw, gc, seg, nseg); XFreeGC(dpy->dpy, gc); } static void hv0(struct test *t, enum target target) { char buf[1024]; struct test_target out, ref; int a, alu, cap; XSegment seg[(NUM_POINTS+1)*8]; int n, x, y, nseg; printf("Testing drawing of zero-width line segments (%s): ", test_target_name(target)); fflush(stdout); test_target_create_render(&t->out, target, &out); test_target_create_render(&t->ref, target, &ref); y = x = n = 0; for (a = 0; a <= NUM_POINTS; a++) { seg[n].x1 = a + 64; seg[n].y1 = y + 64; seg[n].x2 = NUM_POINTS + 64; seg[n].y2 = y + 64; n++; y++; seg[n].x1 = NUM_POINTS - a + 64; seg[n].y1 = y + 64; seg[n].x2 = 0 + 64; seg[n].y2 = y + 64; n++; y++; seg[n].x2 = a + 64; seg[n].y2 = y + 64; seg[n].x1 = NUM_POINTS + 64; seg[n].y1 = y + 64; n++; y++; seg[n].x2 = NUM_POINTS - a + 64; seg[n].y2 = y + 64; seg[n].x1 = 0 + 64; seg[n].y1 = y + 64; n++; y++; seg[n].y1 = a + 64; seg[n].x1 = x + 64; seg[n].y2 = NUM_POINTS + 64; seg[n].x2 = x + 64; n++; x++; seg[n].y1 = NUM_POINTS - a + 64; seg[n].x1 = x + 64; seg[n].y2 = 0 + 64; seg[n].x2 = x + 64; n++; x++; seg[n].y2 = a + 64; seg[n].x2 = x + 64; seg[n].y1 = NUM_POINTS + 64; seg[n].x1 = x + 64; n++; x++; seg[n].y2 = NUM_POINTS - a + 64; seg[n].x2 = x + 64; seg[n].y1 = 0 + 64; seg[n].x1 = x + 64; n++; x++; } for (alu = 0; alu < 16; alu++) { for (cap = CapNotLast; cap <= CapProjecting; cap++) { for (nseg = 0; nseg < n; nseg++) { sprintf(buf, "cap=%d, alu=%d, nseg=%d", cap, alu, nseg); clear(&t->out, &out); clear(&t->ref, &ref); draw(&t->out, &out, alu, 0, LineSolid, cap, seg, nseg); draw(&t->ref, &ref, alu, 0, LineSolid, cap, seg, nseg); test_compare(t, out.draw, out.format, ref.draw, ref.format, 0, 0, out.width, out.height, buf); } } } test_target_destroy_render(&t->out, &out); test_target_destroy_render(&t->ref, &ref); printf("\n"); } static void general(struct test *t, enum target target) { char buf[1024]; struct test_target out, ref; int a, b, alu, lw, style, cap; XSegment seg[NUM_POINTS*NUM_POINTS]; int n = 0; printf("Testing drawing of general line segments (%s): ", test_target_name(target)); fflush(stdout); test_target_create_render(&t->out, target, &out); test_target_create_render(&t->ref, target, &ref); style = LineSolid; for (a = 0; a < NUM_POINTS; a++) { for (b = 0; b < NUM_POINTS; b++) { seg[n].x1 = points[a].x + 64; seg[n].y1 = points[a].y + 64; seg[n].x2 = points[b].x + 64; seg[n].y2 = points[b].y + 64; n++; } } for (alu = 0; alu < 16; alu++) { for (cap = CapNotLast; cap <= CapProjecting; cap++) { for (lw = 0; lw <= 4; lw++) { sprintf(buf, "width=%d, cap=%d, alu=%d", lw, cap, alu); clear(&t->out, &out); clear(&t->ref, &ref); draw(&t->out, &out, alu, lw, style, cap, seg, n); draw(&t->ref, &ref, alu, lw, style, cap, seg, n); test_compare(t, out.draw, out.format, ref.draw, ref.format, 0, 0, out.width, out.height, buf); } } } test_target_destroy_render(&t->out, &out); test_target_destroy_render(&t->ref, &ref); printf("\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct test test; enum target t; test_init(&test, argc, argv); for (t = TARGET_FIRST; t <= TARGET_LAST; t++) { hv0(&test, t); general(&test, t); } return 0; }