/* $NetBSD: ndbm.c,v 1.2 2017/01/28 21:31:48 christos Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1997 - 2001 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan * (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "hdb_locl.h" #if HAVE_NDBM #if defined(HAVE_GDBM_NDBM_H) #include <gdbm/ndbm.h> #define WRITE_SUPPORT 1 #elif defined(HAVE_NDBM_H) #include <ndbm.h> #elif defined(HAVE_DBM_H) #define WRITE_SUPPORT 1 #include <dbm.h> #endif struct ndbm_db { DBM *db; int lock_fd; }; static krb5_error_code NDBM_destroy(krb5_context context, HDB *db) { hdb_clear_master_key (context, db); free(db->hdb_name); free(db); return 0; } static krb5_error_code NDBM_lock(krb5_context context, HDB *db, int operation) { struct ndbm_db *d = db->hdb_db; return hdb_lock(d->lock_fd, operation); } static krb5_error_code NDBM_unlock(krb5_context context, HDB *db) { struct ndbm_db *d = db->hdb_db; return hdb_unlock(d->lock_fd); } static krb5_error_code NDBM_seq(krb5_context context, HDB *db, unsigned flags, hdb_entry_ex *entry, int first) { struct ndbm_db *d = (struct ndbm_db *)db->hdb_db; datum key, value; krb5_data key_data, data; krb5_error_code ret = 0; if(first) key = dbm_firstkey(d->db); else key = dbm_nextkey(d->db); if(key.dptr == NULL) return HDB_ERR_NOENTRY; key_data.data = key.dptr; key_data.length = key.dsize; ret = db->hdb_lock(context, db, HDB_RLOCK); if(ret) return ret; value = dbm_fetch(d->db, key); db->hdb_unlock(context, db); data.data = value.dptr; data.length = value.dsize; memset(entry, 0, sizeof(*entry)); if(hdb_value2entry(context, &data, &entry->entry)) return NDBM_seq(context, db, flags, entry, 0); if (db->hdb_master_key_set && (flags & HDB_F_DECRYPT)) { ret = hdb_unseal_keys (context, db, &entry->entry); if (ret) hdb_free_entry (context, entry); } if (ret == 0 && entry->entry.principal == NULL) { entry->entry.principal = malloc (sizeof(*entry->entry.principal)); if (entry->entry.principal == NULL) { hdb_free_entry (context, entry); ret = ENOMEM; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, "malloc: out of memory"); } else { hdb_key2principal (context, &key_data, entry->entry.principal); } } return ret; } static krb5_error_code NDBM_firstkey(krb5_context context, HDB *db,unsigned flags,hdb_entry_ex *entry) { return NDBM_seq(context, db, flags, entry, 1); } static krb5_error_code NDBM_nextkey(krb5_context context, HDB *db, unsigned flags,hdb_entry_ex *entry) { return NDBM_seq(context, db, flags, entry, 0); } static krb5_error_code open_lock_file(krb5_context context, const char *db_name, int *fd) { char *lock_file; /* lock old and new databases */ asprintf(&lock_file, "%s.lock", db_name); if(lock_file == NULL) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, "malloc: out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } *fd = open(lock_file, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600); free(lock_file); if(*fd < 0) { int ret = errno; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, "open(%s): %s", lock_file, strerror(ret)); return ret; } return 0; } static krb5_error_code NDBM_rename(krb5_context context, HDB *db, const char *new_name) { int ret; char *old_dir, *old_pag, *new_dir, *new_pag; int old_lock_fd, new_lock_fd; /* lock old and new databases */ ret = open_lock_file(context, db->hdb_name, &old_lock_fd); if (ret) return ret; ret = hdb_lock(old_lock_fd, HDB_WLOCK); if(ret) { close(old_lock_fd); return ret; } ret = open_lock_file(context, new_name, &new_lock_fd); if (ret) { hdb_unlock(old_lock_fd); close(old_lock_fd); return ret; } ret = hdb_lock(new_lock_fd, HDB_WLOCK); if(ret) { hdb_unlock(old_lock_fd); close(old_lock_fd); close(new_lock_fd); return ret; } asprintf(&old_dir, "%s.dir", db->hdb_name); asprintf(&old_pag, "%s.pag", db->hdb_name); asprintf(&new_dir, "%s.dir", new_name); asprintf(&new_pag, "%s.pag", new_name); ret = rename(old_dir, new_dir) || rename(old_pag, new_pag); if (ret) { ret = errno; if (ret == 0) ret = EPERM; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, "rename: %s", strerror(ret)); } free(old_dir); free(old_pag); free(new_dir); free(new_pag); hdb_unlock(new_lock_fd); hdb_unlock(old_lock_fd); close(new_lock_fd); close(old_lock_fd); if(ret) return ret; free(db->hdb_name); db->hdb_name = strdup(new_name); return 0; } static krb5_error_code NDBM__get(krb5_context context, HDB *db, krb5_data key, krb5_data *reply) { struct ndbm_db *d = (struct ndbm_db *)db->hdb_db; datum k, v; int code; k.dptr = key.data; k.dsize = key.length; code = db->hdb_lock(context, db, HDB_RLOCK); if(code) return code; v = dbm_fetch(d->db, k); db->hdb_unlock(context, db); if(v.dptr == NULL) return HDB_ERR_NOENTRY; krb5_data_copy(reply, v.dptr, v.dsize); return 0; } static krb5_error_code NDBM__put(krb5_context context, HDB *db, int replace, krb5_data key, krb5_data value) { #ifdef WRITE_SUPPORT struct ndbm_db *d = (struct ndbm_db *)db->hdb_db; datum k, v; int code; k.dptr = key.data; k.dsize = key.length; v.dptr = value.data; v.dsize = value.length; code = db->hdb_lock(context, db, HDB_WLOCK); if(code) return code; code = dbm_store(d->db, k, v, replace ? DBM_REPLACE : DBM_INSERT); db->hdb_unlock(context, db); if(code == 1) return HDB_ERR_EXISTS; if (code < 0) return code; return 0; #else return HDB_ERR_NO_WRITE_SUPPORT; #endif } static krb5_error_code NDBM__del(krb5_context context, HDB *db, krb5_data key) { struct ndbm_db *d = (struct ndbm_db *)db->hdb_db; datum k; int code; krb5_error_code ret; k.dptr = key.data; k.dsize = key.length; ret = db->hdb_lock(context, db, HDB_WLOCK); if(ret) return ret; code = dbm_delete(d->db, k); db->hdb_unlock(context, db); if(code < 0) return errno; return 0; } static krb5_error_code NDBM_close(krb5_context context, HDB *db) { struct ndbm_db *d = db->hdb_db; dbm_close(d->db); close(d->lock_fd); free(d); return 0; } static krb5_error_code NDBM_open(krb5_context context, HDB *db, int flags, mode_t mode) { krb5_error_code ret; struct ndbm_db *d = malloc(sizeof(*d)); if(d == NULL) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, "malloc: out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } d->db = dbm_open((char*)db->hdb_name, flags, mode); if(d->db == NULL){ ret = errno; free(d); krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, "dbm_open(%s): %s", db->hdb_name, strerror(ret)); return ret; } ret = open_lock_file(context, db->hdb_name, &d->lock_fd); if (ret) { ret = errno; dbm_close(d->db); free(d); krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, "open(lock file): %s", strerror(ret)); return ret; } db->hdb_db = d; if((flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY) ret = hdb_check_db_format(context, db); else ret = hdb_init_db(context, db); if(ret == HDB_ERR_NOENTRY) return 0; if (ret) { NDBM_close(context, db); krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, "hdb_open: failed %s database %s", (flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY ? "checking format of" : "initialize", db->hdb_name); } return ret; } krb5_error_code hdb_ndbm_create(krb5_context context, HDB **db, const char *filename) { *db = calloc(1, sizeof(**db)); if (*db == NULL) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, "malloc: out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } (*db)->hdb_db = NULL; (*db)->hdb_name = strdup(filename); if ((*db)->hdb_name == NULL) { free(*db); *db = NULL; krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, "malloc: out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } (*db)->hdb_master_key_set = 0; (*db)->hdb_openp = 0; (*db)->hdb_capability_flags = HDB_CAP_F_HANDLE_ENTERPRISE_PRINCIPAL; (*db)->hdb_open = NDBM_open; (*db)->hdb_close = NDBM_close; (*db)->hdb_fetch_kvno = _hdb_fetch_kvno; (*db)->hdb_store = _hdb_store; (*db)->hdb_remove = _hdb_remove; (*db)->hdb_firstkey = NDBM_firstkey; (*db)->hdb_nextkey= NDBM_nextkey; (*db)->hdb_lock = NDBM_lock; (*db)->hdb_unlock = NDBM_unlock; (*db)->hdb_rename = NDBM_rename; (*db)->hdb__get = NDBM__get; (*db)->hdb__put = NDBM__put; (*db)->hdb__del = NDBM__del; (*db)->hdb_destroy = NDBM_destroy; return 0; } #endif /* HAVE_NDBM */