/* $NetBSD: atolfp.c,v 1.8 2016/01/08 21:35:38 christos Exp $ */ /* * atolfp - convert an ascii string to an l_fp number */ #include <config.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "ntp_fp.h" #include "ntp_string.h" #include "ntp_assert.h" /* * Powers of 10 */ static u_long ten_to_the_n[10] = { 0, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000, }; int atolfp( const char *str, l_fp *lfp ) { register const char *cp; register u_long dec_i; register u_long dec_f; char *ind; int ndec; int isneg; static const char *digits = "0123456789"; REQUIRE(str != NULL); isneg = 0; dec_i = dec_f = 0; ndec = 0; cp = str; /* * We understand numbers of the form: * * [spaces][-|+][digits][.][digits][spaces|\n|\0] */ while (isspace((unsigned char)*cp)) cp++; if (*cp == '-') { cp++; isneg = 1; } if (*cp == '+') cp++; if (*cp != '.' && !isdigit((unsigned char)*cp)) return 0; while (*cp != '\0' && (ind = strchr(digits, *cp)) != NULL) { dec_i = (dec_i << 3) + (dec_i << 1); /* multiply by 10 */ dec_i += (u_long)(ind - digits); cp++; } if (*cp != '\0' && !isspace((unsigned char)*cp)) { if (*cp++ != '.') return 0; while (ndec < 9 && *cp != '\0' && (ind = strchr(digits, *cp)) != NULL) { ndec++; dec_f = (dec_f << 3) + (dec_f << 1); /* *10 */ dec_f += (u_long)(ind - digits); cp++; } while (isdigit((unsigned char)*cp)) cp++; if (*cp != '\0' && !isspace((unsigned char)*cp)) return 0; } if (ndec > 0) { register u_long tmp; register u_long bit; register u_long ten_fact; ten_fact = ten_to_the_n[ndec]; tmp = 0; bit = 0x80000000; while (bit != 0) { dec_f <<= 1; if (dec_f >= ten_fact) { tmp |= bit; dec_f -= ten_fact; } bit >>= 1; } if ((dec_f << 1) > ten_fact) tmp++; dec_f = tmp; } if (isneg) M_NEG(dec_i, dec_f); lfp->l_ui = dec_i; lfp->l_uf = dec_f; return 1; }