The following are examples of rb_flowtime.d.

This is a simple script to trace the flow of Ruby methods.
Here it traces the example program, Code/Ruby/func_abc.rb

# rb_flowtime.d
  C TIME(us)         FILE             DELTA(us) -- CLASS::METHOD
  0 3066547402640    func_abc.rb              2 -> Module::method_added
  0 3066547402662    func_abc.rb             22 <- Module::method_added
  0 3066547402683    func_abc.rb             20 -> Module::method_added
  0 3066547402693    func_abc.rb              9 <- Module::method_added
  0 3066547402707    func_abc.rb             14 -> Module::method_added
  0 3066547402716    func_abc.rb              9 <- Module::method_added
  0 3066547402729    func_abc.rb             12 -> Object::func_a
  0 3066547402740    func_abc.rb             10   -> Object::print
  0 3066547402759    func_abc.rb             18     -> IO::write
  0 3066547402860    func_abc.rb            101     <- IO::write
  0 3066547402871    func_abc.rb             10   <- Object::print
  0 3066547402881    func_abc.rb             10   -> Object::sleep
  0 3066548410630    func_abc.rb        1007749   <- Object::sleep
  0 3066548410660    func_abc.rb             30   -> Object::func_b
  0 3066548410679    func_abc.rb             18     -> Object::print
  0 3066548410689    func_abc.rb             10       -> IO::write
  0 3066548410730    func_abc.rb             40       <- IO::write
  0 3066548410740    func_abc.rb              9     <- Object::print
  0 3066548410749    func_abc.rb              9     -> Object::sleep
  0 3066549420724    func_abc.rb        1009974     <- Object::sleep
  0 3066549420755    func_abc.rb             30     -> Object::func_c
  0 3066549420773    func_abc.rb             18       -> Object::print
  0 3066549420783    func_abc.rb             10         -> IO::write
  0 3066549420825    func_abc.rb             41         <- IO::write
  0 3066549420835    func_abc.rb              9       <- Object::print
  0 3066549420844    func_abc.rb              9       -> Object::sleep
  0 3066550430611    func_abc.rb        1009766       <- Object::sleep
  0 3066550430635    func_abc.rb             24     <- Object::func_c
  0 3066550430645    func_abc.rb             10   <- Object::func_b
  0 3066550430655    func_abc.rb              9 <- Object::func_a

The fifth column is indented by 2 spaces to show when a new method begins.
This shows which method is calling which.

The TIME(us) column shows time since boot.

The DELTA(us) column shows time from that line to the previous line, and
so can be a bit tricky to read. For example, the seventh line of data output
(skipping the header) reads as "the time from func_a beginning to
calling the print method was 10 microseconds".

The FILE column shows file that was being executed.

If the output looks shuffled, check the CPU "C" and "TIME" columns, and
post sort based on TIME if necessary.

See Notes/ALLflow_notes.txt for important notes about reading flow outputs.