/* This file is part of the program psim. Copyright 1994, 1995, 2003 Andrew Cagney This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "misc.h" #include "lf.h" #include "table.h" #include "filter.h" #include "ld-decode.h" #include "ld-cache.h" #include "ld-insn.h" #include "igen.h" #include "gen-semantics.h" #include "gen-support.h" static void print_support_function_name(lf *file, table_entry *function, int is_function_definition) { if (it_is("internal", function->fields[insn_flags])) { lf_print_function_type(file, SEMANTIC_FUNCTION_TYPE, "PSIM_INLINE_SUPPORT", (is_function_definition ? "\n" : " ")); print_function_name(file, function->fields[function_name], NULL, function_name_prefix_semantics); lf_printf(file, "\n(%s)", SEMANTIC_FUNCTION_FORMAL); if (!is_function_definition) lf_printf(file, ";"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); } else { lf_print_function_type(file, function->fields[function_type], "PSIM_INLINE_SUPPORT", (is_function_definition ? "\n" : " ")); lf_printf(file, "%s\n(%s)%s", function->fields[function_name], function->fields[function_param], (is_function_definition ? "\n" : ";\n")); } } static void support_h_function(insn_table *entry, lf *file, void *data, table_entry *function) { ASSERT(function->fields[function_type] != NULL); ASSERT(function->fields[function_param] != NULL); print_support_function_name(file, function, 0/*!is_definition*/); lf_printf(file, "\n"); } extern void gen_support_h(insn_table *table, lf *file) { /* output a declaration for all functions */ insn_table_traverse_function(table, file, NULL, support_h_function); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#if (SUPPORT_INLINE & INCLUDE_MODULE)\n"); lf_printf(file, "# include \"support.c\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif\n"); } static void support_c_function(insn_table *table, lf *file, void *data, table_entry *function) { ASSERT(function->fields[function_type] != NULL); print_support_function_name(file, function, 1/*!is_definition*/); table_entry_print_cpp_line_nr(file, function); lf_printf(file, "{\n"); lf_indent(file, +2); lf_print__c_code(file, function->annex); if (it_is("internal", function->fields[insn_flags])) { lf_printf(file, "error(\"Internal function must longjump\\n\");\n"); lf_printf(file, "return 0;\n"); } lf_indent(file, -2); lf_printf(file, "}\n"); lf_print__internal_reference(file); lf_printf(file, "\n"); } void gen_support_c(insn_table *table, lf *file) { lf_printf(file, "#include \"cpu.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"idecode.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifdef HAVE_COMMON_FPU\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"sim-inline.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"sim-fpu.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"support.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); /* output a definition (c-code) for all functions */ insn_table_traverse_function(table, file, NULL, support_c_function); }