/* $NetBSD: icmp.c,v 2024/02/29 11:39:17 martin Exp $ */ /* dhcp.c ICMP Protocol engine - for sending out pings and receiving responses. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * Copyright (c) 1996-2003 by Internet Software Consortium * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT * OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. * PO Box 360 * Newmarket, NH 03857 USA * <info@isc.org> * https://www.isc.org/ * */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __RCSID("$NetBSD: icmp.c,v 2024/02/29 11:39:17 martin Exp $"); #include "dhcpd.h" #include "netinet/ip.h" #include "netinet/ip_icmp.h" struct icmp_state *icmp_state; static omapi_object_type_t *dhcp_type_icmp; static int no_icmp; OMAPI_OBJECT_ALLOC (icmp_state, struct icmp_state, dhcp_type_icmp) #if defined (TRACING) trace_type_t *trace_icmp_input; trace_type_t *trace_icmp_output; #endif /* Initialize the ICMP protocol. */ void icmp_startup (routep, handler) int routep; void (*handler) (struct iaddr, u_int8_t *, int); { struct protoent *proto; int protocol = 1; int state; isc_result_t result; /* Only initialize icmp once. */ if (dhcp_type_icmp) log_fatal ("attempted to reinitialize icmp protocol"); result = omapi_object_type_register (&dhcp_type_icmp, "icmp", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, sizeof (struct icmp_state), 0, RC_MISC); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) log_fatal ("Can't register icmp object type: %s", isc_result_totext (result)); icmp_state_allocate (&icmp_state, MDL); icmp_state -> icmp_handler = handler; #if defined (TRACING) trace_icmp_input = trace_type_register ("icmp-input", (void *)0, trace_icmp_input_input, trace_icmp_input_stop, MDL); trace_icmp_output = trace_type_register ("icmp-output", (void *)0, trace_icmp_output_input, trace_icmp_output_stop, MDL); /* If we're playing back a trace file, don't create the socket or set up the callback. */ if (!trace_playback ()) { #endif /* Get the protocol number (should be 1). */ proto = getprotobyname ("icmp"); if (proto) protocol = proto -> p_proto; /* Get a raw socket for the ICMP protocol. */ icmp_state -> socket = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, protocol); if (icmp_state -> socket < 0) { no_icmp = 1; log_error ("unable to create icmp socket: %m"); return; } #if defined (HAVE_SETFD) if (fcntl (icmp_state -> socket, F_SETFD, 1) < 0) log_error ("Can't set close-on-exec on icmp: %m"); #endif /* Make sure it does routing... */ state = 0; if (setsockopt (icmp_state -> socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DONTROUTE, (char *)&state, sizeof state) < 0) log_fatal ("Can't disable SO_DONTROUTE on ICMP: %m"); result = (omapi_register_io_object ((omapi_object_t *)icmp_state, icmp_readsocket, 0, icmp_echoreply, 0, 0)); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) log_fatal ("Can't register icmp handle: %s", isc_result_totext (result)); #if defined (TRACING) } #endif } int icmp_readsocket (h) omapi_object_t *h; { struct icmp_state *state; state = (struct icmp_state *)h; return state -> socket; } int icmp_echorequest (addr) struct iaddr *addr; { struct sockaddr_in to; struct icmp icmp; int status; #if defined (TRACING) trace_iov_t iov [2]; #endif if (no_icmp) return 1; if (!icmp_state) log_fatal ("ICMP protocol used before initialization."); memset (&to, 0, sizeof(to)); #ifdef HAVE_SA_LEN to.sin_len = sizeof to; #endif to.sin_family = AF_INET; to.sin_port = 0; /* unused. */ memcpy (&to.sin_addr, addr -> iabuf, sizeof to.sin_addr); /* XXX */ icmp.icmp_type = ICMP_ECHO; icmp.icmp_code = 0; icmp.icmp_cksum = 0; icmp.icmp_seq = 0; #ifdef _LP64 icmp.icmp_id = (((u_int32_t)(u_int64_t)addr) ^ (u_int32_t)(((u_int64_t)addr) >> 32)); #else icmp.icmp_id = (u_int32_t)addr; #endif memset (&icmp.icmp_dun, 0, sizeof icmp.icmp_dun); icmp.icmp_cksum = wrapsum (checksum ((unsigned char *)&icmp, sizeof icmp, 0)); #if defined (TRACING) if (trace_playback ()) { char *buf = (char *)0; unsigned buflen = 0; /* Consume the ICMP event. */ status = trace_get_packet (&trace_icmp_output, &buflen, &buf); if (status != ISC_R_SUCCESS) log_error ("icmp_echorequest: %s", isc_result_totext (status)); if (buf) dfree (buf, MDL); } else { if (trace_record ()) { iov [0].buf = (char *)addr; iov [0].len = sizeof *addr; iov [1].buf = (char *)&icmp; iov [1].len = sizeof icmp; trace_write_packet_iov (trace_icmp_output, 2, iov, MDL); } #endif /* Send the ICMP packet... */ status = sendto (icmp_state -> socket, (char *)&icmp, sizeof icmp, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&to, sizeof to); if (status < 0) log_error ("icmp_echorequest %s: %m", inet_ntoa(to.sin_addr)); if (status != sizeof icmp) return 0; #if defined (TRACING) } #endif return 1; } isc_result_t icmp_echoreply (h) omapi_object_t *h; { struct icmp *icfrom; struct ip *ip; struct sockaddr_in from; u_int8_t icbuf [1500]; int status; SOCKLEN_T sl; int hlen, len; struct iaddr ia; struct icmp_state *state; #if defined (TRACING) trace_iov_t iov [2]; #endif state = (struct icmp_state *)h; sl = sizeof from; status = recvfrom (state -> socket, (char *)icbuf, sizeof icbuf, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &sl); if (status < 0) { log_error ("icmp_echoreply: %m"); return ISC_R_UNEXPECTED; } /* Find the IP header length... */ ip = (struct ip *)icbuf; hlen = IP_HL (ip); /* Short packet? */ if (status < hlen + (sizeof *icfrom)) { return ISC_R_SUCCESS; } len = status - hlen; icfrom = (struct icmp *)(icbuf + hlen); /* Silently discard ICMP packets that aren't echoreplies. */ if (icfrom -> icmp_type != ICMP_ECHOREPLY) { return ISC_R_SUCCESS; } /* If we were given a second-stage handler, call it. */ if (state -> icmp_handler) { memcpy (ia.iabuf, &from.sin_addr, sizeof from.sin_addr); ia.len = sizeof from.sin_addr; #if defined (TRACING) if (trace_record ()) { ia.len = htonl(ia.len); iov [0].buf = (char *)&ia; iov [0].len = sizeof ia; iov [1].buf = (char *)icbuf; iov [1].len = len; trace_write_packet_iov (trace_icmp_input, 2, iov, MDL); ia.len = ntohl(ia.len); } #endif (*state -> icmp_handler) (ia, icbuf, len); } return ISC_R_SUCCESS; } #if defined (TRACING) void trace_icmp_input_input (trace_type_t *ttype, unsigned length, char *buf) { struct iaddr *ia; u_int8_t *icbuf; ia = (struct iaddr *)buf; ia->len = ntohl(ia->len); icbuf = (u_int8_t *)(ia + 1); if (icmp_state -> icmp_handler) (*icmp_state -> icmp_handler) (*ia, icbuf, (int)(length - sizeof ia)); } void trace_icmp_input_stop (trace_type_t *ttype) { } void trace_icmp_output_input (trace_type_t *ttype, unsigned length, char *buf) { struct iaddr ia; if (length != (sizeof (struct icmp) + sizeof (ia))) { log_error ("trace_icmp_output_input: data size mismatch %d:%d", length, (int)(sizeof (struct icmp) + sizeof (ia))); return; } ia.len = 4; memcpy (ia.iabuf, buf, 4); log_error ("trace_icmp_output_input: unsent ping to %s", piaddr (ia)); } void trace_icmp_output_stop (trace_type_t *ttype) { } #endif /* TRACING */