/*	$NetBSD: tree.c,v 2024/02/29 11:39:18 martin Exp $	*/

/* tree.c

   Routines for manipulating parse trees... */

 * Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
 * Copyright (c) 1995-2003 by Internet Software Consortium
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 *   Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
 *   PO Box 360
 *   Newmarket, NH 03857 USA
 *   <info@isc.org>
 *   https://www.isc.org/

#include <sys/cdefs.h>
__RCSID("$NetBSD: tree.c,v 2024/02/29 11:39:18 martin Exp $");

#include "dhcpd.h"
#include <omapip/omapip_p.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

# include <regex.h>

struct binding_scope *global_scope;

static int do_host_lookup (struct data_string *, struct dns_host_entry *);

#define DS_SPRINTF_SIZE 128

 * If we are using a data_string structure to hold a NUL-terminated
 * ASCII string, this function can be used to append a printf-formatted
 * string to the end of it. The data_string structure will be resized to
 * be big enough to hold the new string.
 * If the append works, then 1 is returned.
 * If it is not possible to allocate a buffer big enough to hold the
 * new value, then the old data_string is unchanged, and 0 is returned.
data_string_sprintfa(struct data_string *ds, const char *fmt, ...) {
	va_list args;
	int cur_strlen;
	int max;
	int vsnprintf_ret;
	int new_len;
	struct buffer *tmp_buffer;

	 * If the data_string is empty, then initialize it.
	if (ds->data == NULL) {
		/* INSIST(ds.buffer == NULL); */
		if (!buffer_allocate(&ds->buffer, DS_SPRINTF_SIZE, MDL)) {
			return 0;
		ds->data = ds->buffer->data;
		ds->len = DS_SPRINTF_SIZE;
		*((char *)ds->data) = '\0';

	 * Get the length of the string, and figure out how much space
	 * is left.
	cur_strlen = strlen((char *)ds->data);
	max = ds->len - cur_strlen;

	 * Use vsnprintf(), which won't write past our space, but will
	 * tell us how much space it wants.
	va_start(args, fmt);
	vsnprintf_ret = vsnprintf((char *)ds->data+cur_strlen, max, fmt, args);
	/* INSIST(vsnprintf_ret >= 0); */

	 * If our buffer is not big enough, we need a new buffer.
	if (vsnprintf_ret >= max) {
		 * Figure out a size big enough.
		new_len = ds->len * 2;
		while (new_len <= cur_strlen + vsnprintf_ret) {
			new_len *= 2;

		 * Create a new buffer and fill it.
		tmp_buffer = NULL;
		if (!buffer_allocate(&tmp_buffer, new_len, MDL)) {
			 * If we can't create a big enough buffer,
			 * we should remove any truncated output that we had.
			*((char *)ds->data+cur_strlen) = '\0';
			return 0;
		memcpy(tmp_buffer->data, ds->data, cur_strlen);

		/* Rerun the vsprintf. */
		va_start(args, fmt);
		vsprintf((char *)tmp_buffer->data + cur_strlen, fmt, args);

		 * Replace our old buffer with the new buffer.
		buffer_dereference(&ds->buffer, MDL);
		buffer_reference(&ds->buffer, tmp_buffer, MDL);
		buffer_dereference(&tmp_buffer, MDL);
		ds->data = ds->buffer->data;
		ds->len = new_len;
	return 1;

pair cons (car, cdr)
	caddr_t car;
	pair cdr;
	pair foo = (pair)dmalloc (sizeof *foo, MDL);
	if (!foo)
		log_fatal ("no memory for cons.");
	foo -> car = car;
	foo -> cdr = cdr;
	return foo;

int make_const_option_cache (oc, buffer, data, len, option, file, line)
	struct option_cache **oc;
	struct buffer **buffer;
	u_int8_t *data;
	unsigned len;
	struct option *option;
	const char *file;
	int line;
	struct buffer *bp;

	if (buffer) {
		bp = *buffer;
		*buffer = 0;
	} else {
		bp = (struct buffer *)0;
		if (!buffer_allocate (&bp, len, file, line)) {
			log_error ("%s(%d): can't allocate buffer.",
				   file, line);
			return 0;

	if (!option_cache_allocate (oc, file, line)) {
		log_error ("%s(%d): can't allocate option cache.", file, line);
		buffer_dereference (&bp, file, line);
		return 0;

	(*oc) -> data.len = len;
	(*oc) -> data.buffer = bp;
	(*oc) -> data.data = &bp -> data [0];
	(*oc) -> data.terminated = 0;
	if (data)
		memcpy (&bp -> data [0], data, len);
	option_reference(&((*oc)->option), option, MDL);
	return 1;

int make_host_lookup (expr, name)
	struct expression **expr;
	const char *name;
	if (!expression_allocate (expr, MDL)) {
		log_error ("No memory for host lookup tree node.");
		return 0;
	(*expr) -> op = expr_host_lookup;
	if (!enter_dns_host (&((*expr) -> data.host_lookup), name)) {
		expression_dereference (expr, MDL);
		return 0;
	return 1;

int enter_dns_host (dh, name)
	struct dns_host_entry **dh;
	const char *name;
	/* XXX This should really keep a hash table of hostnames
	   XXX and just add a new reference to a hostname that
	   XXX already exists, if possible, rather than creating
	   XXX a new structure. */
	if (!dns_host_entry_allocate (dh, name, MDL)) {
		log_error ("Can't allocate space for new host.");
		return 0;
	return 1;

int make_const_data (struct expression **expr, const unsigned char *data,
		     unsigned len, int terminated, int allocate,
		     const char *file, int line)
	struct expression *nt;

	if (!expression_allocate (expr, file, line)) {
		log_error ("No memory for make_const_data tree node.");
		return 0;
	nt = *expr;

	if (len) {
		if (allocate) {
			if (!buffer_allocate (&nt -> data.const_data.buffer,
					      len + terminated, file, line)) {
				log_error ("Can't allocate const_data buffer");
				expression_dereference (expr, file, line);
				return 0;
			nt -> data.const_data.data =
				&nt -> data.const_data.buffer -> data [0];
			memcpy (nt -> data.const_data.buffer -> data,
				data, len + terminated);
		} else
			nt -> data.const_data.data = data;
		nt -> data.const_data.terminated = terminated;
	} else
		nt -> data.const_data.data = 0;

	nt -> op = expr_const_data;
	nt -> data.const_data.len = len;
	return 1;

int make_const_int (expr, val)
	struct expression **expr;
	unsigned long val;
	if (!expression_allocate (expr, MDL)) {
		log_error ("No memory for make_const_int tree node.");
		return 0;

	(*expr) -> op = expr_const_int;
	(*expr) -> data.const_int = val;
	return 1;

int make_concat (expr, left, right)
	struct expression **expr;
	struct expression *left, *right;
	/* If we're concatenating a null tree to a non-null tree, just
	   return the non-null tree; if both trees are null, return
	   a null tree. */
	if (!left) {
		if (!right)
			return 0;
		expression_reference (expr, right, MDL);
		return 1;
	if (!right) {
		expression_reference (expr, left, MDL);
		return 1;

	/* Otherwise, allocate a new node to concatenate the two. */
	if (!expression_allocate (expr, MDL)) {
		log_error ("No memory for concatenation expression node.");
		return 0;

	(*expr) -> op = expr_concat;
	expression_reference (&(*expr) -> data.concat [0], left, MDL);
	expression_reference (&(*expr) -> data.concat [1], right, MDL);
	return 1;

int make_encapsulation (expr, name)
	struct expression **expr;
	struct data_string *name;
	/* Allocate a new node to store the encapsulation. */
	if (!expression_allocate (expr, MDL)) {
		log_error ("No memory for encapsulation expression node.");
		return 0;

	(*expr) -> op = expr_encapsulate;
	data_string_copy (&(*expr) -> data.encapsulate, name, MDL);
	return 1;

int make_substring (new, expr, offset, length)
	struct expression **new;
	struct expression *expr;
	struct expression *offset;
	struct expression *length;
	/* Allocate an expression node to compute the substring. */
	if (!expression_allocate (new, MDL)) {
		log_error ("no memory for substring expression.");
		return 0;
	(*new) -> op = expr_substring;
	expression_reference (&(*new) -> data.substring.expr, expr, MDL);
	expression_reference (&(*new) -> data.substring.offset, offset, MDL);
	expression_reference (&(*new) -> data.substring.len, length, MDL);
	return 1;

int make_limit (new, expr, limit)
	struct expression **new;
	struct expression *expr;
	int limit;
	/* Allocate a node to enforce a limit on evaluation. */
	if (!expression_allocate (new, MDL))
		log_error ("no memory for limit expression");
	(*new) -> op = expr_substring;
	expression_reference (&(*new) -> data.substring.expr, expr, MDL);

	/* Offset is a constant 0. */
	if (!expression_allocate (&(*new) -> data.substring.offset, MDL)) {
		log_error ("no memory for limit offset expression");
		expression_dereference (new, MDL);
		return 0;
	(*new) -> data.substring.offset -> op = expr_const_int;
	(*new) -> data.substring.offset -> data.const_int = 0;

	/* Length is a constant: the specified limit. */
	if (!expression_allocate (&(*new) -> data.substring.len, MDL)) {
		log_error ("no memory for limit length expression");
		expression_dereference (new, MDL);
		return 0;
	(*new) -> data.substring.len -> op = expr_const_int;
	(*new) -> data.substring.len -> data.const_int = limit;

	return 1;

int option_cache (struct option_cache **oc, struct data_string *dp,
		  struct expression *expr, struct option *option,
		  const char *file, int line)
	if (!option_cache_allocate (oc, file, line))
		return 0;
	if (dp)
		data_string_copy (&(*oc) -> data, dp, file, line);
	if (expr)
		expression_reference (&(*oc) -> expression, expr, file, line);
	option_reference(&(*oc)->option, option, MDL);
	return 1;

int make_let (result, name)
	struct executable_statement **result;
	const char *name;
	if (!(executable_statement_allocate (result, MDL)))
		return 0;

	(*result) -> op = let_statement;
	(*result) -> data.let.name = dmalloc (strlen (name) + 1, MDL);
	if (!(*result) -> data.let.name) {
		executable_statement_dereference (result, MDL);
		return 0;
	strcpy ((*result) -> data.let.name, name);
	return 1;

static int do_host_lookup (result, dns)
	struct data_string *result;
	struct dns_host_entry *dns;
	struct hostent *h;
	unsigned i, count;
	unsigned new_len;

	log_debug ("time: now = %d  dns = %d  diff = %d",
	       cur_time, dns -> timeout, cur_time - dns -> timeout);

	/* If the record hasn't timed out, just copy the data and return. */
	if (cur_time <= dns -> timeout) {
		log_debug ("easy copy: %d %s",
		       dns -> data.len,
		       (dns -> data.len > 4
			? inet_ntoa (*(struct in_addr *)(dns -> data.data))
			: 0));
		data_string_copy (result, &dns -> data, MDL);
		return 1;
	log_debug ("Looking up %s", dns -> hostname);

	/* Otherwise, look it up... */
	h = gethostbyname (dns -> hostname);
	if (!h) {
#ifndef NO_H_ERRNO
		switch (h_errno) {
		      case HOST_NOT_FOUND:
			log_error ("%s: host unknown.", dns -> hostname);
#ifndef NO_H_ERRNO
		      case TRY_AGAIN:
			log_error ("%s: temporary name server failure",
				   dns -> hostname);
		      case NO_RECOVERY:
			log_error ("%s: name server failed", dns -> hostname);
		      case NO_DATA:
			log_error ("%s: no A record associated with address",
				   dns -> hostname);
#endif /* !NO_H_ERRNO */

		/* Okay to try again after a minute. */
		dns -> timeout = cur_time + 60;
		data_string_forget (&dns -> data, MDL);
		return 0;

	log_debug ("Lookup succeeded; first address is %s",
	       inet_ntoa (h -> h_addr_list [0]));

	/* Count the number of addresses we got... */
	for (count = 0; h -> h_addr_list [count]; count++)

	/* Dereference the old data, if any. */
	data_string_forget (&dns -> data, MDL);

	/* Do we need to allocate more memory? */
	new_len = count * h -> h_length;
	if (!buffer_allocate (&dns -> data.buffer, new_len, MDL))
		log_error ("No memory for %s.", dns -> hostname);
		return 0;

	dns -> data.data = &dns -> data.buffer -> data [0];
	dns -> data.len = new_len;
	dns -> data.terminated = 0;

	/* Addresses are conveniently stored one to the buffer, so we
	   have to copy them out one at a time... :'( */
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		memcpy (&dns -> data.buffer -> data [h -> h_length * i],
			h -> h_addr_list [i], (unsigned)(h -> h_length));
	log_debug ("dns -> data: %x  h -> h_addr_list [0]: %x",
		   *(int *)(dns -> buffer), h -> h_addr_list [0]);

	/* XXX Set the timeout for an hour from now.
	   XXX This should really use the time on the DNS reply. */
	dns -> timeout = cur_time + 3600;

	log_debug ("hard copy: %d %s", dns -> data.len,
	       (dns -> data.len > 4
		? inet_ntoa (*(struct in_addr *)(dns -> data.data)) : 0));
	data_string_copy (result, &dns -> data, MDL);
	return 1;

int evaluate_expression (result, packet, lease, client_state,
			 in_options, cfg_options, scope, expr, file, line)
	struct binding_value **result;
	struct packet *packet;
	struct lease *lease;
	struct client_state *client_state;
	struct option_state *in_options;
	struct option_state *cfg_options;
	struct binding_scope **scope;
	struct expression *expr;
	const char *file;
	int line;
	struct binding_value *bv;
	int status;
	struct binding *binding;

	bv = (struct binding_value *)0;

	if (expr -> op == expr_variable_reference) {
		if (!scope || !*scope)
			return 0;

		binding = find_binding (*scope, expr -> data.variable);

		if (binding && binding -> value) {
			if (result)
				binding_value_reference (result,
							 binding -> value,
							 file, line);
			return 1;
		} else
			return 0;
	} else if (expr -> op == expr_funcall) {
		struct string_list *s;
		struct expression *arg;
		struct binding_scope *ns;
		struct binding *nb;

		if (!scope || !*scope) {
			log_error ("%s: no such function.",
				   expr -> data.funcall.name);
			return 0;

		binding = find_binding (*scope, expr -> data.funcall.name);

		if (!binding || !binding -> value) {
			log_error ("%s: no such function.",
				   expr -> data.funcall.name);
			return 0;
		if (binding -> value -> type != binding_function) {
			log_error ("%s: not a function.",
				   expr -> data.funcall.name);
			return 0;

		/* Create a new binding scope in which to define
		   the arguments to the function. */
		ns = (struct binding_scope *)0;
		if (!binding_scope_allocate (&ns, MDL)) {
			log_error ("%s: can't allocate argument scope.",
				   expr -> data.funcall.name);
			return 0;

		arg = expr -> data.funcall.arglist;
		s = binding -> value -> value.fundef -> args;
		while (arg && s) {
			nb = dmalloc (sizeof *nb, MDL);
			if (!nb) {
				binding_scope_dereference (&ns, MDL);
				return 0;
			} else {
				memset (nb, 0, sizeof *nb);
				nb -> name = dmalloc (strlen (s -> string) + 1,
				if (nb -> name)
					strcpy (nb -> name, s -> string);
				else {
					dfree (nb, MDL);
					goto blb;
			evaluate_expression (&nb -> value, packet, lease,
					     in_options, cfg_options, scope,
					     arg -> data.arg.val, file, line);
			nb -> next = ns -> bindings;
			ns -> bindings = nb;
			arg = arg -> data.arg.next;
			s = s -> next;
		if (arg) {
			log_error ("%s: too many arguments.",
				   expr -> data.funcall.name);
			binding_scope_dereference (&ns, MDL);
			return 0;
		if (s) {
			log_error ("%s: too few arguments.",
				   expr -> data.funcall.name);
			binding_scope_dereference (&ns, MDL);
			return 0;

		if (scope && *scope)
			binding_scope_reference (&ns -> outer, *scope, MDL);

		status = (execute_statements
			  (&bv, packet,
			   lease, client_state, in_options, cfg_options, &ns,
			   binding->value->value.fundef->statements, NULL));
		binding_scope_dereference (&ns, MDL);

		if (!bv)
			return 1;
        } else if (is_boolean_expression (expr)) {
		if (!binding_value_allocate (&bv, MDL))
			return 0;
		bv -> type = binding_boolean;
		status = (evaluate_boolean_expression
			  (&bv -> value.boolean, packet, lease, client_state,
			   in_options, cfg_options, scope, expr));
	} else if (is_numeric_expression (expr)) {
		if (!binding_value_allocate (&bv, MDL))
			return 0;
		bv -> type = binding_numeric;
		status = (evaluate_numeric_expression
			  (&bv -> value.intval, packet, lease, client_state,
			   in_options, cfg_options, scope, expr));
	} else if (is_data_expression  (expr)) {
		if (!binding_value_allocate (&bv, MDL))
			return 0;
		bv -> type = binding_data;
		status = (evaluate_data_expression
			  (&bv -> value.data, packet, lease, client_state,
			   in_options, cfg_options, scope, expr, MDL));
	} else {
		log_error ("%s: invalid expression type: %d",
			   "evaluate_expression", expr -> op);
		return 0;
	if (result && status)
		binding_value_reference (result, bv, file, line);
	binding_value_dereference (&bv, MDL);

	return status;

int binding_value_dereference (struct binding_value **v,
			       const char *file, int line)
	struct binding_value *bv = *v;

	*v = (struct binding_value *)0;

	/* Decrement the reference count.   If it's nonzero, we're
	   done. */
	--(bv -> refcnt);
	rc_register (file, line, v, bv, bv -> refcnt, 1, RC_MISC);
	if (bv -> refcnt > 0)
		return 1;
	if (bv -> refcnt < 0) {
		log_error ("%s(%d): negative refcnt!", file, line);
#if defined (DEBUG_RC_HISTORY)
		dump_rc_history (bv);
#if defined (POINTER_DEBUG)
		abort ();
		return 0;

	switch (bv -> type) {
	      case binding_boolean:
	      case binding_numeric:
	      case binding_data:
		if (bv -> value.data.buffer)
			data_string_forget (&bv -> value.data, file, line);
		log_error ("%s(%d): invalid binding type: %d",
			   file, line, bv -> type);
		return 0;
	free_binding_value(bv, file, line);
	return 1;

int evaluate_boolean_expression (result, packet, lease, client_state,
				 in_options, cfg_options, scope, expr)
	int *result;
	struct packet *packet;
	struct lease *lease;
	struct client_state *client_state;
	struct option_state *in_options;
	struct option_state *cfg_options;
	struct binding_scope **scope;
	struct expression *expr;
	struct data_string left, right;
	int bleft, bright;
	int sleft, sright;
	struct binding *binding;
	struct binding_value *bv, *obv;
	int regflags = REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB;
	regex_t re;

	switch (expr -> op) {
	      case expr_check:
		*result = libdhcp_callbacks.check_collection (packet, lease,
				expr -> data.check);
		log_debug ("bool: check (%s) returns %s",
			   expr -> data.check -> name,
			   *result ? "true" : "false");
		return 1;

	      case expr_equal:
	      case expr_not_equal:
		bv = obv = (struct binding_value *)0;
		sleft = evaluate_expression (&bv, packet, lease, client_state,
					     in_options, cfg_options, scope,
					     expr -> data.equal [0], MDL);
		sright = evaluate_expression (&obv, packet, lease,
					      client_state, in_options,
					      cfg_options, scope,
					      expr -> data.equal [1], MDL);
		if (sleft && sright) {
		    if (bv -> type != obv -> type)
			*result = expr -> op == expr_not_equal;
		    else {
			switch (obv -> type) {
			  case binding_boolean:
			    if (bv -> value.boolean == obv -> value.boolean)
				*result = expr -> op == expr_equal;
				*result = expr -> op == expr_not_equal;

			  case binding_data:
			    if ((bv -> value.data.len ==
				 obv -> value.data.len) &&
				!memcmp (bv -> value.data.data,
					 obv -> value.data.data,
					 obv -> value.data.len))
				*result = expr -> op == expr_equal;
				*result = expr -> op == expr_not_equal;

			  case binding_numeric:
			    if (bv -> value.intval == obv -> value.intval)
				*result = expr -> op == expr_equal;
				*result = expr -> op == expr_not_equal;

			  case binding_function:
			    if (bv -> value.fundef == obv -> value.fundef)
				*result = expr -> op == expr_equal;
				*result = expr -> op == expr_not_equal;
			    *result = expr -> op == expr_not_equal;
		} else if (!sleft && !sright)
		    *result = expr -> op == expr_equal;
		    *result = expr -> op == expr_not_equal;

		log_debug ("bool: %sequal = %s",
			   expr -> op == expr_not_equal ? "not" : "",
			   (*result ? "true" : "false"));
		if (sleft)
			binding_value_dereference (&bv, MDL);
		if (sright)
			binding_value_dereference (&obv, MDL);
		return 1;

	      case expr_iregex_match:
		regflags |= REG_ICASE;
	      case expr_regex_match:
		memset(&left, 0, sizeof left);
		bleft = evaluate_data_expression(&left, packet, lease,
						 in_options, cfg_options,
						 expr->data.equal[0], MDL);

		/* This is annoying, regexec requires the string being processed
		 * to be NULL terminated, but left may not be, so pass it into
		 * the termination function to ensure it's null terminated.
		if (bleft && (data_string_terminate(&left, MDL) == 0)) {
			/* failed to make a null terminated version, couldn't
			 * create a copy, probably a memory issue, an error
			 * message has already been logged */
			bleft = 0;

		memset(&right, 0, sizeof right);
		bright = evaluate_data_expression(&right, packet, lease,
						  in_options, cfg_options,
						  expr->data.equal[1], MDL);

		*result = 0;
		memset(&re, 0, sizeof(re));
		if (bleft && bright &&
		    (left.data != NULL) && (right.data != NULL) &&
		    (regcomp(&re, (char *)right.data, regflags) == 0) &&
		    (regexec(&re, (char *)left.data, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == 0))
				*result = 1;

		log_debug("bool: %s ~= %s yields %s",
			  bleft ? print_hex_1(left.len, left.data, 20)
				: "NULL",
			  bright ? print_hex_2 (right.len, right.data, 20)
				 : "NULL",
			  *result ? "true" : "false");

		if (bleft)
			data_string_forget(&left, MDL);
		if (bright)
			data_string_forget(&right, MDL);


		 * If we have bleft and bright then we have a good
		 * syntax, otherwise not.
		 * XXX: we don't warn on invalid regular expression
		 *      syntax, should we?
		return bleft && bright;
		/* It shouldn't be possible to configure a regex operator
		 * when there's no support.
		log_fatal("Impossible condition at %s:%d.", MDL);

	      case expr_and:
		sleft = evaluate_boolean_expression (&bleft, packet, lease,
						     in_options, cfg_options,
						     expr -> data.and [0]);
		if (sleft && bleft)
			sright = evaluate_boolean_expression
				(&bright, packet, lease, client_state,
				 in_options, cfg_options,
				 scope, expr -> data.and [1]);
			sright = bright = 0;

		log_debug ("bool: and (%s, %s) = %s",
		      sleft ? (bleft ? "true" : "false") : "NULL",
		      sright ? (bright ? "true" : "false") : "NULL",
		      ((sleft && sright)
		       ? (bleft && bright ? "true" : "false") : "NULL"));
		if (sleft && sright) {
			*result = bleft && bright;
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case expr_or:
		bleft = bright = 0;
		sleft = evaluate_boolean_expression (&bleft, packet, lease,
						     in_options, cfg_options,
						     expr -> data.or [0]);
		if (!sleft || !bleft)
			sright = evaluate_boolean_expression
				(&bright, packet, lease, client_state,
				 in_options, cfg_options,
				 scope, expr -> data.or [1]);
			sright = 0;
		log_debug ("bool: or (%s, %s) = %s",
		      sleft ? (bleft ? "true" : "false") : "NULL",
		      sright ? (bright ? "true" : "false") : "NULL",
		      ((sleft || sright)
		       ? (bleft || bright ? "true" : "false") : "NULL"));
		if (sleft || sright) {
			*result = bleft || bright;
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case expr_not:
		sleft = evaluate_boolean_expression(&bleft, packet, lease,
						    in_options, cfg_options,
		log_debug("bool: not (%s) = %s",
			  sleft ? (bleft ? "true" : "false") : "NULL",
			  sleft ? (!bleft ? "true" : "false") : "NULL");
		if (sleft) {
			*result = !bleft;
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case expr_exists:
		memset (&left, 0, sizeof left);
		if (!in_options ||
		    !get_option (&left, expr -> data.exists -> universe,
				 packet, lease, client_state,
				 in_options, cfg_options, in_options,
				 scope, expr -> data.exists -> code, MDL))
			*result = 0;
		else {
			*result = 1;
			data_string_forget (&left, MDL);
		log_debug ("bool: exists %s.%s = %s",
			   expr -> data.option -> universe -> name,
			   expr -> data.option -> name,
			   *result ? "true" : "false");
		return 1;

	      case expr_known:
		if (!packet) {
			log_debug ("bool: known = NULL");
			return 0;
		log_debug ("bool: known = %s",
			  packet -> known ? "true" : "false");
		*result = packet -> known;
		return 1;

	      case expr_static:
		if (!lease || !(lease -> flags & STATIC_LEASE)) {
			log_debug ("bool: static = false (%s %s %s %d)",
				   lease ? "y" : "n",
				   (lease && (lease -> flags & STATIC_LEASE)
				    ? "y" : "n"),
				   piaddr (lease -> ip_addr),
				   lease ? lease -> flags : 0);
			*result = 0;
			return 1;
		log_debug ("bool: static = true");
		*result = 1;
		return 1;

	      case expr_variable_exists:
		if (scope && *scope) {
			binding = find_binding (*scope, expr -> data.variable);

			if (binding) {
				if (binding -> value)
					*result = 1;
					*result = 0;
			} else
				*result = 0;
		} else
			*result = 0;
		log_debug ("boolean: %s? = %s", expr -> data.variable,
			   *result ? "true" : "false");
		return 1;

	      case expr_variable_reference:
		if (scope && *scope) {
		    binding = find_binding (*scope, expr -> data.variable);

		    if (binding && binding -> value) {
			if (binding -> value -> type ==
			    binding_boolean) {
				*result = binding -> value -> value.boolean;
				sleft = 1;
			} else {
				log_error ("binding type %d in %s.",
					   binding -> value -> type,
				sleft = 0;
		    } else
			    sleft = 0;
		} else
			sleft = 0;
		log_debug ("boolean: %s = %s", expr -> data.variable,
			   sleft ? (*result ? "true" : "false") : "NULL");
		return sleft;

	      case expr_funcall:
		bv = (struct binding_value *)0;
		sleft = evaluate_expression (&bv, packet, lease, client_state,
					  in_options, cfg_options,
					  scope, expr, MDL);
		if (sleft) {
			if (bv -> type != binding_boolean)
				log_error ("%s() returned type %d in %s.",
					   expr -> data.funcall.name,
					   bv -> type,
				*result = bv -> value.boolean;
			binding_value_dereference (&bv, MDL);
		log_debug ("boolean: %s() = %s", expr -> data.funcall.name,
			   sleft ? (*result ? "true" : "false") : "NULL");

	      case expr_none:
	      case expr_match:
	      case expr_substring:
	      case expr_suffix:
	      case expr_lcase:
	      case expr_ucase:
	      case expr_option:
	      case expr_hardware:
	      case expr_const_data:
	      case expr_packet:
	      case expr_concat:
	      case expr_encapsulate:
	      case expr_host_lookup:
	      case expr_encode_int8:
	      case expr_encode_int16:
	      case expr_encode_int32:
	      case expr_binary_to_ascii:
	      case expr_reverse:
	      case expr_pick_first_value:
	      case expr_host_decl_name:
	      case expr_config_option:
	      case expr_leased_address:
	      case expr_null:
	      case expr_filename:
	      case expr_sname:
	      case expr_gethostname:
	      case expr_v6relay:
	      case expr_concat_dclist:
		log_error ("Data opcode in evaluate_boolean_expression: %d",
		      expr -> op);
		return 0;

	      case expr_extract_int8:
	      case expr_extract_int16:
	      case expr_extract_int32:
	      case expr_const_int:
	      case expr_lease_time:
	      case expr_dns_transaction:
	      case expr_add:
	      case expr_subtract:
	      case expr_multiply:
	      case expr_divide:
	      case expr_remainder:
	      case expr_binary_and:
	      case expr_binary_or:
	      case expr_binary_xor:
	      case expr_client_state:
		log_error ("Numeric opcode in evaluate_boolean_expression: %d",
		      expr -> op);
		return 0;

	      case expr_ns_add:
	      case expr_ns_delete:
	      case expr_ns_exists:
	      case expr_ns_not_exists:
		log_error ("dns opcode in evaluate_boolean_expression: %d",
		      expr -> op);
		return 0;

	      case expr_function:
		log_error ("function definition in evaluate_boolean_expr");
		return 0;

	      case expr_arg:

	log_error ("Bogus opcode in evaluate_boolean_expression: %d",
		   expr -> op);
	return 0;

int evaluate_data_expression (result, packet, lease, client_state,
			      in_options, cfg_options, scope, expr, file, line)
	struct data_string *result;
	struct packet *packet;
	struct lease *lease;
	struct client_state *client_state;
	struct option_state *in_options;
	struct option_state *cfg_options;
	struct binding_scope **scope;
	struct expression *expr;
	const char *file;
	int line;
	struct data_string data, other;
	unsigned long offset, len, i;
	int s0, s1, s2, s3;
	int status;
	struct binding *binding;
	unsigned char *s;
	struct binding_value *bv;
	struct packet *relay_packet;
	struct option_state *relay_options;

	switch (expr -> op) {
		/* Extract N bytes starting at byte M of a data string. */
	      case expr_substring:
		memset (&data, 0, sizeof data);
		s0 = evaluate_data_expression (&data, packet, lease,
					       in_options, cfg_options, scope,
					       expr -> data.substring.expr,

		/* Evaluate the offset and length. */
		s1 = evaluate_numeric_expression
			(&offset, packet, lease, client_state, in_options,
			 cfg_options, scope, expr -> data.substring.offset);
		s2 = evaluate_numeric_expression (&len, packet, lease,
						  in_options, cfg_options,
						  expr -> data.substring.len);

		if (s0 && s1 && s2) {
			/* If the offset is after end of the string,
			   return an empty string.  Otherwise, do the
			   adjustments and return what's left. */
			if (data.len > offset) {
				data_string_copy (result, &data, file, line);
				result -> len -= offset;
				if (result -> len > len) {
					result -> len = len;
					result -> terminated = 0;
				result -> data += offset;
			s3 = 1;
		} else
			s3 = 0;

		log_debug ("data: substring (%s, %s, %s) = %s",
		      s0 ? print_hex_1 (data.len, data.data, 30) : "NULL",
		      s1 ? print_dec_1 (offset) : "NULL",
		      s2 ? print_dec_2 (len) : "NULL",
		      (s3 ? print_hex_2 (result -> len, result -> data, 30)
		          : "NULL"));
		if (s0)
			data_string_forget (&data, MDL);
		if (s3)
			return 1;
		return 0;

		/* Extract the last N bytes of a data string. */
	      case expr_suffix:
		memset (&data, 0, sizeof data);
		s0 = evaluate_data_expression (&data, packet, lease,
					       in_options, cfg_options, scope,
					       expr -> data.suffix.expr, MDL);
		/* Evaluate the length. */
		s1 = evaluate_numeric_expression (&len, packet, lease,
						  in_options, cfg_options,
						  expr -> data.suffix.len);
		if (s0 && s1) {
			data_string_copy (result, &data, file, line);

			/* If we are returning the last N bytes of a
			   string whose length is <= N, just return
			   the string - otherwise, compute a new
			   starting address and decrease the
			   length. */
			if (data.len > len) {
				result -> data += data.len - len;
				result -> len = len;

			data_string_forget (&data, MDL);

		log_debug ("data: suffix (%s, %s) = %s",
		      s0 ? print_hex_1 (data.len, data.data, 30) : "NULL",
		      s1 ? print_dec_1 (len) : "NULL",
		      ((s0 && s1)
		       ? print_hex_2 (result -> len, result -> data, 30)
		       : "NULL"));

		return s0 && s1;

		/* Convert string to lowercase. */
	      case expr_lcase:
		memset(&data, 0, sizeof data);
		s0 = evaluate_data_expression(&data, packet, lease,
					      in_options, cfg_options, scope,
					      expr->data.lcase, MDL);
		s1 = 0;
		if (s0) {
			result->len = data.len;
			if (buffer_allocate(&result->buffer,
					    result->len + data.terminated,
					    MDL)) {
				result->data = &result->buffer->data[0];
				memcpy(result->buffer->data, data.data,
				       data.len + data.terminated);
				result->terminated = data.terminated;
				s = (unsigned char *)result->data;
				for (i = 0; i < result->len; i++, s++)
					*s = tolower(*s);
				s1 = 1;
			} else {
				log_error("data: lcase: no buffer memory.");

		log_debug("data: lcase (%s) = %s",
			  s0 ? print_hex_1(data.len, data.data, 30) : "NULL",
			  s1 ? print_hex_2(result->len, result->data, 30)
			     : "NULL");
		if (s0)
			data_string_forget(&data, MDL);
		return s1;

		/* Convert string to uppercase. */
	      case expr_ucase:
		memset(&data, 0, sizeof data);
		s0 = evaluate_data_expression(&data, packet, lease,
					      in_options, cfg_options, scope,
					      expr->data.lcase, MDL);
		s1 = 0;
		if (s0) {
			result->len = data.len;
			if (buffer_allocate(&result->buffer,
					    result->len + data.terminated,
					    file, line)) {
				result->data = &result->buffer->data[0];
				memcpy(result->buffer->data, data.data,
				       data.len + data.terminated);
				result->terminated = data.terminated;
				s = (unsigned char *)result->data;
				for (i = 0; i < result->len; i++, s++)
					*s = toupper(*s);
				s1 = 1;
			} else {
				log_error("data: lcase: no buffer memory.");

		log_debug("data: ucase (%s) = %s",
			  s0 ? print_hex_1(data.len, data.data, 30) : "NULL",
			  s1 ? print_hex_2(result->len, result->data, 30)
			     : "NULL");
		if (s0)
			data_string_forget(&data, MDL);

		 return s1;

		/* Extract an option. */
	      case expr_option:
		if (in_options)
		    s0 = get_option (result,
				     expr -> data.option -> universe,
				     packet, lease, client_state,
				     in_options, cfg_options, in_options,
				     scope, expr -> data.option -> code,
				     file, line);
			s0 = 0;

		log_debug ("data: option %s.%s = %s",
		      expr -> data.option -> universe -> name,
		      expr -> data.option -> name,
		      s0 ? print_hex_1 (result -> len, result -> data, 60)
		      : "NULL");
		return s0;

	      case expr_config_option:
		if (cfg_options)
		    s0 = get_option (result,
				     expr -> data.option -> universe,
				     packet, lease, client_state,
				     in_options, cfg_options, cfg_options,
				     scope, expr -> data.option -> code,
				     file, line);
			s0 = 0;

		log_debug ("data: config-option %s.%s = %s",
		      expr -> data.option -> universe -> name,
		      expr -> data.option -> name,
		      s0 ? print_hex_1 (result -> len, result -> data, 60)
		      : "NULL");
		return s0;

		/* Combine the hardware type and address. */
	      case expr_hardware:
		/* On the client, hardware is our hardware. */
		if (client_state) {
			memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result));
			result->data = client_state->interface->hw_address.hbuf;
			result->len = client_state->interface->hw_address.hlen;
			log_debug("data: hardware = %s",
				  print_hex_1(result->len, result->data, 60));
			return (1);

		/* The server cares about the client's hardware address,
		   so only in the case where we are examining a packet or have
		   a lease with a hardware address can we return anything. */

		if (packet != NULL && packet->raw != NULL) {
			if (packet->raw->hlen > sizeof(packet->raw->chaddr)) {
				log_error("data: hardware: invalid hlen (%d)\n",
				return (0);
			result->len = packet->raw->hlen + 1;
			if (buffer_allocate(&result->buffer, result->len, MDL)){
				result->data = &result->buffer->data[0];
				result->buffer->data[0] = packet->raw->htype;
				       packet->raw->chaddr, packet->raw->hlen);
				result->terminated = 0;
			} else {
				log_error("data: hardware: "
					  "no memory for buffer.");
				return (0);
		} else if (lease != NULL) {
			result->len = lease->hardware_addr.hlen;
			if (buffer_allocate(&result->buffer, result->len, MDL)){
				result->data = &result->buffer->data[0];
				       lease->hardware_addr.hbuf, result->len);
				result->terminated = 0;
			} else {
				log_error("data: hardware: "
					  "no memory for buffer.");
				return (0);
		} else {
			log_error("data: hardware: no raw packet or lease "
				  "is available");
			return (0);

		log_debug("data: hardware = %s",
			  print_hex_1(result->len, result->data, 60));
		return (1);

		/* Extract part of the raw packet. */
	      case expr_packet:
		if (!packet || !packet -> raw) {
			log_error ("data: packet: raw packet not available");
			return 0;

		s0 = evaluate_numeric_expression (&offset, packet, lease,
						  in_options, cfg_options,
						  expr -> data.packet.offset);
		s1 = evaluate_numeric_expression (&len,
						  packet, lease, client_state,
						  in_options, cfg_options,
						  expr -> data.packet.len);
		if (s0 && s1 && offset < packet -> packet_length) {
			if (offset + len > packet -> packet_length)
				result -> len =
					packet -> packet_length - offset;
				result -> len = len;
			if (buffer_allocate (&result -> buffer,
					     result -> len, file, line)) {
				result -> data = &result -> buffer -> data [0];
				memcpy (result -> buffer -> data,
					(((unsigned char *)(packet -> raw))
					 + offset), result -> len);
				result -> terminated = 0;
			} else {
				log_error ("data: packet: no buffer memory.");
				return 0;
			s2 = 1;
		} else
			s2 = 0;
		log_debug ("data: packet (%ld, %ld) = %s",
		      offset, len,
		      s2 ? print_hex_1 (result -> len,
					result -> data, 60) : NULL);
		return s2;

		/* The encapsulation of all defined options in an
		   option space... */
	      case expr_encapsulate:
		if (cfg_options)
			s0 = option_space_encapsulate
				(result, packet, lease, client_state,
				 in_options, cfg_options, scope,
				 &expr -> data.encapsulate);
			s0 = 0;

		log_debug ("data: encapsulate (%s) = %s",
			  expr -> data.encapsulate.data,
			  s0 ? print_hex_1 (result -> len,
					    result -> data, 60) : "NULL");
		return s0;

		/* Some constant data... */
	      case expr_const_data:
		log_debug ("data: const = %s",
		      print_hex_1 (expr -> data.const_data.len,
				   expr -> data.const_data.data, 60));
		data_string_copy (result,
				  &expr -> data.const_data, file, line);
		return 1;

		/* Hostname lookup... */
	      case expr_host_lookup:
		s0 = do_host_lookup (result, expr -> data.host_lookup);
		log_debug ("data: DNS lookup (%s) = %s",
		      expr -> data.host_lookup -> hostname,
		       ? print_dotted_quads (result -> len, result -> data)
		       : "NULL"));
		return s0;

		/* Concatenation... */
	      case expr_concat:
		memset (&data, 0, sizeof data);
		s0 = evaluate_data_expression (&data, packet, lease,
					       in_options, cfg_options, scope,
					       expr -> data.concat [0], MDL);
		memset (&other, 0, sizeof other);
		s1 = evaluate_data_expression (&other, packet, lease,
					       in_options, cfg_options, scope,
					       expr -> data.concat [1], MDL);

		if (s0 && s1) {
		    result -> len = data.len + other.len;
		    if (!buffer_allocate (&result -> buffer,
					  (result -> len + other.terminated),
					  file, line)) {
				log_error ("data: concat: no memory");
				result -> len = 0;
				data_string_forget (&data, MDL);
				data_string_forget (&other, MDL);
				return 0;
			result -> data = &result -> buffer -> data [0];
			memcpy (result -> buffer -> data, data.data, data.len);
			memcpy (&result -> buffer -> data [data.len],
				other.data, other.len + other.terminated);

		if (s0)
			data_string_forget (&data, MDL);
		if (s1)
			data_string_forget (&other, MDL);
		log_debug ("data: concat (%s, %s) = %s",
		      s0 ? print_hex_1 (data.len, data.data, 20) : "NULL",
		      s1 ? print_hex_2 (other.len, other.data, 20) : "NULL",
		      ((s0 && s1)
		       ? print_hex_3 (result -> len, result -> data, 30)
		       : "NULL"));
		return s0 && s1;

	      case expr_encode_int8:
		s0 = evaluate_numeric_expression (&len, packet, lease,
						  in_options, cfg_options,
						  expr -> data.encode_int);
		if (s0) {
			result -> len = 1;
			if (!buffer_allocate (&result -> buffer,
					      1, file, line)) {
				log_error ("data: encode_int8: no memory");
				result -> len = 0;
				s0 = 0;
			} else {
				result -> data = &result -> buffer -> data [0];
				result -> buffer -> data [0] = len;
		} else
			result -> len = 0;

		if (!s0)
			log_debug ("data: encode_int8 (NULL) = NULL");
			log_debug ("data: encode_int8 (%ld) = %s", len,
				  print_hex_2 (result -> len,
					       result -> data, 20));
		return s0;

	      case expr_encode_int16:
		s0 = evaluate_numeric_expression (&len, packet, lease,
						  in_options, cfg_options,
						  expr -> data.encode_int);
		if (s0) {
			result -> len = 2;
			if (!buffer_allocate (&result -> buffer, 2,
					      file, line)) {
				log_error ("data: encode_int16: no memory");
				result -> len = 0;
				s0 = 0;
			} else {
				result -> data = &result -> buffer -> data [0];
				putUShort (result -> buffer -> data, len);
		} else
			result -> len = 0;

		if (!s0)
			log_debug ("data: encode_int16 (NULL) = NULL");
			log_debug ("data: encode_int16 (%ld) = %s", len,
				  print_hex_2 (result -> len,
					       result -> data, 20));
		return s0;

	      case expr_encode_int32:
		s0 = evaluate_numeric_expression (&len, packet, lease,
						  in_options, cfg_options,
						  expr -> data.encode_int);
		if (s0) {
			result -> len = 4;
			if (!buffer_allocate (&result -> buffer, 4,
					      file, line)) {
				log_error ("data: encode_int32: no memory");
				result -> len = 0;
				s0 = 0;
			} else {
				result -> data = &result -> buffer -> data [0];
				putULong (result -> buffer -> data, len);
		} else
			result -> len = 0;

		if (!s0)
			log_debug ("data: encode_int32 (NULL) = NULL");
			log_debug ("data: encode_int32 (%ld) = %s", len,
				  print_hex_2 (result -> len,
					       result -> data, 20));
		return s0;

	      case expr_binary_to_ascii:
		/* Evaluate the base (offset) and width (len): */
		s0 = evaluate_numeric_expression
			(&offset, packet, lease, client_state, in_options,
			 cfg_options, scope, expr -> data.b2a.base);
		s1 = evaluate_numeric_expression (&len, packet, lease,
						  in_options, cfg_options,
						  expr -> data.b2a.width);

		/* Evaluate the separator string. */
		memset (&data, 0, sizeof data);
		s2 = evaluate_data_expression (&data, packet, lease,
					       in_options, cfg_options, scope,
					       expr -> data.b2a.separator,

		/* Evaluate the data to be converted. */
		memset (&other, 0, sizeof other);
		s3 = evaluate_data_expression (&other, packet, lease,
					       in_options, cfg_options, scope,
					       expr -> data.b2a.buffer, MDL);

		if (s0 && s1 && s2 && s3) {
			unsigned buflen, i;

			if (len != 8 && len != 16 && len != 32) {
				log_info ("binary_to_ascii: %s %ld!",
					  "invalid width", len);
				status = 0;
				goto b2a_out;
			len /= 8;

			/* The buffer must be a multiple of the number's
			   width. */
			if (other.len % len) {
				log_info ("binary-to-ascii: %s %d %s %ld!",
					  "length of buffer", other.len,
					  "not a multiple of width", len);
				status = 0;
				goto b2a_out;

			/* Count the width of the output. */
			buflen = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < other.len; i += len) {
				if (len == 1) {
					if (offset == 8) {
						if (other.data [i] < 8)
						else if (other.data [i] < 64)
							buflen += 2;
							buflen += 3;
					} else if (offset == 10) {
						if (other.data [i] < 10)
						else if (other.data [i] < 100)
							buflen += 2;
							buflen += 3;
					} else if (offset == 16) {
						if (other.data [i] < 16)
							buflen += 2;
					} else
						buflen += (converted_length
							   (&other.data [i],
							    offset, 1));
				} else
					buflen += (converted_length
						   (&other.data [i],
						    offset, len));
				if (i + len != other.len)
					buflen += data.len;

			if (!buffer_allocate (&result -> buffer,
					      buflen + 1, file, line)) {
				log_error ("data: binary-to-ascii: no memory");
				status = 0;
				goto b2a_out;
			result -> data = &result -> buffer -> data [0];
			result -> len = buflen;
			result -> terminated = 1;

			buflen = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < other.len; i += len) {
				buflen += (binary_to_ascii
					   (&result -> buffer -> data [buflen],
					    &other.data [i], offset, len));
				if (i + len != other.len) {
					memcpy (&result ->
						buffer -> data [buflen],
						data.data, data.len);
					buflen += data.len;
			/* NUL terminate. */
			result -> buffer -> data [buflen] = 0;
			status = 1;
		} else
			status = 0;

		log_debug ("data: binary-to-ascii (%s, %s, %s, %s) = %s",
		      s0 ? print_dec_1 (offset) : "NULL",
		      s1 ? print_dec_2 (len) : "NULL",
		      s2 ? print_hex_1 (data.len, data.data, 30) : "NULL",
		      s3 ? print_hex_2 (other.len, other.data, 30) : "NULL",
		      (status ? print_hex_3 (result -> len, result -> data, 30)
		          : "NULL"));
		if (s2)
			data_string_forget (&data, MDL);
		if (s3)
			data_string_forget (&other, MDL);
		if (status)
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case expr_reverse:
		/* Evaluate the width (len): */
		s0 = evaluate_numeric_expression
			(&len, packet, lease, client_state, in_options,
			 cfg_options, scope, expr -> data.reverse.width);

		/* Evaluate the data. */
		memset (&data, 0, sizeof data);
		s1 = evaluate_data_expression (&data, packet, lease,
					       in_options, cfg_options, scope,
					       expr -> data.reverse.buffer,

		if (s0 && s1) {
			int i;

			/* The buffer must be a multiple of the number's
			   width. */
			if (data.len % len) {
				log_info ("reverse: %s %d %s %ld!",
					  "length of buffer", data.len,
					  "not a multiple of width", len);
				status = 0;
				goto reverse_out;

			/* XXX reverse in place?   I don't think we can. */
			if (!buffer_allocate (&result -> buffer,
					      data.len, file, line)) {
				log_error ("data: reverse: no memory");
				status = 0;
				goto reverse_out;
			result -> data = &result -> buffer -> data [0];
			result -> len = data.len;
			result -> terminated = 0;

			for (i = 0; i < data.len; i += len) {
				memcpy (&result -> buffer -> data [i],
					&data.data [data.len - i - len], len);
			status = 1;
		} else
			status = 0;

		log_debug ("data: reverse (%s, %s) = %s",
		      s0 ? print_dec_1 (len) : "NULL",
		      s1 ? print_hex_1 (data.len, data.data, 30) : "NULL",
		      (status ? print_hex_3 (result -> len, result -> data, 30)
		          : "NULL"));
		if (s0)
			data_string_forget (&data, MDL);
		if (status)
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case expr_leased_address:
		if (!lease) {
			log_debug("data: \"leased-address\" configuration "
				  "directive: there is no lease associated "
				  "with this client.");
			return 0;
		result -> len = lease -> ip_addr.len;
		if (buffer_allocate (&result -> buffer, result -> len,
				     file, line)) {
			result -> data = &result -> buffer -> data [0];
			memcpy (&result -> buffer -> data [0],
				lease -> ip_addr.iabuf, lease -> ip_addr.len);
			result -> terminated = 0;
		} else {
			log_error ("data: leased-address: no memory.");
			return 0;
		log_debug ("data: leased-address = %s",
		      print_hex_1 (result -> len, result -> data, 60));
		return 1;

	      case expr_pick_first_value:
		memset (&data, 0, sizeof data);
		if ((evaluate_data_expression
		     (result, packet,
		      lease, client_state, in_options, cfg_options,
		      scope, expr -> data.pick_first_value.car, MDL))) {
			log_debug ("data: pick_first_value (%s, xxx)",
				   print_hex_1 (result -> len,
						result -> data, 40));
			return 1;

		if (expr -> data.pick_first_value.cdr &&
		     (result, packet,
		      lease, client_state, in_options, cfg_options,
		      scope, expr -> data.pick_first_value.cdr, MDL))) {
			log_debug ("data: pick_first_value (NULL, %s)",
				   print_hex_1 (result -> len,
						result -> data, 40));
			return 1;

		log_debug ("data: pick_first_value (NULL, NULL) = NULL");
		return 0;

	      case expr_host_decl_name:
		if (!lease || !lease -> host) {
			log_error ("data: host_decl_name: not available");
			return 0;
		result -> len = strlen (lease -> host -> name);
		if (buffer_allocate (&result -> buffer,
				     result -> len + 1, file, line)) {
			result -> data = &result -> buffer -> data [0];
			strcpy ((char *)&result -> buffer -> data [0],
				lease -> host -> name);
			result -> terminated = 1;
		} else {
			log_error ("data: host-decl-name: no memory.");
			return 0;
		log_debug ("data: host-decl-name = %s", lease -> host -> name);
		return 1;

	      case expr_null:
		log_debug ("data: null = NULL");
		return 0;

	      case expr_variable_reference:
		if (scope && *scope) {
		    binding = find_binding (*scope, expr -> data.variable);

		    if (binding && binding -> value) {
			if (binding -> value -> type == binding_data) {
			    data_string_copy (result,
					      &binding -> value -> value.data,
					      file, line);
			    s0 = 1;
			} else if (binding -> value -> type != binding_data) {
			    log_error ("binding type %d in %s.",
				       binding -> value -> type,
			    s0 = 0;
			} else
			    s0 = 0;
		    } else
			s0 = 0;
		} else
		    s0 = 0;
		log_debug ("data: %s = %s", expr -> data.variable,
			   s0 ? print_hex_1 (result -> len,
					     result -> data, 50) : "NULL");
		return s0;

	      case expr_funcall:
		bv = (struct binding_value *)0;
		s0 = evaluate_expression (&bv, packet, lease, client_state,
					  in_options, cfg_options,
					  scope, expr, MDL);
		if (s0) {
			if (bv -> type != binding_data)
				log_error ("%s() returned type %d in %s.",
					   expr -> data.funcall.name,
					   bv -> type,
				data_string_copy (result, &bv -> value.data,
						  file, line);
			binding_value_dereference (&bv, MDL);
		log_debug ("data: %s = %s", expr -> data.funcall.name,
			   s0 ? print_hex_1 (result -> len,
					     result -> data, 50) : "NULL");

		/* Extract the filename. */
	      case expr_filename:
		if (packet && packet -> raw -> file [0]) {
			char *fn =
				memchr (packet -> raw -> file, 0,
					sizeof packet -> raw -> file);
			if (!fn)
				fn = ((char *)packet -> raw -> file +
				      sizeof packet -> raw -> file);
			result -> len = fn - &(packet -> raw -> file [0]);
			if (buffer_allocate (&result -> buffer,
					     result -> len + 1, file, line)) {
				result -> data = &result -> buffer -> data [0];
				memcpy (&result -> buffer -> data [0],
					packet -> raw -> file,
					result -> len);
				result -> buffer -> data [result -> len] = 0;
				result -> terminated = 1;
				s0 = 1;
			} else {
				log_error ("data: filename: no memory.");
				s0 = 0;
		} else
			s0 = 0;

		log_info ("data: filename = \"%s\"",
			  s0 ? (const char *)(result -> data) : "NULL");
		return s0;

		/* Extract the server name. */
	      case expr_sname:
		if (packet && packet -> raw -> sname [0]) {
			char *fn =
				memchr (packet -> raw -> sname, 0,
					sizeof packet -> raw -> sname);
			if (!fn)
				fn = ((char *)packet -> raw -> sname +
				      sizeof packet -> raw -> sname);
			result -> len = fn - &packet -> raw -> sname [0];
			if (buffer_allocate (&result -> buffer,
					     result -> len + 1, file, line)) {
				result -> data = &result -> buffer -> data [0];
				memcpy (&result -> buffer -> data [0],
					packet -> raw -> sname,
					result -> len);
				result -> buffer -> data [result -> len] = 0;
				result -> terminated = 1;
				s0 = 1;
			} else {
				log_error ("data: sname: no memory.");
				s0 = 0;
		} else
			s0 = 0;

		log_info ("data: sname = \"%s\"",
			  s0 ? (const char *)(result -> data) : "NULL");
		return s0;

		/* Provide the system's local hostname as a return value. */
	      case expr_gethostname:
		 * Allocate a buffer to return.
		 * The largest valid hostname is maybe 64 octets at a single
		 * label, or 255 octets if you think a hostname is allowed
		 * to contain labels (plus termination).
		memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result));
		if (!buffer_allocate(&result->buffer, 255, file, line)) {
			log_error("data: gethostname(): no memory for buffer");
			return 0;
		result->data = result->buffer->data;

		 * On successful completion, gethostname() resturns 0.  It may
		 * not null-terminate the string if there was insufficient
		 * space.
		if (!gethostname((char *)result->buffer->data, 255)) {
			if (result->buffer->data[255] == '\0')
				result->len =
					strlen((char *)result->buffer->data);
				result->len = 255;
			return 1;

		data_string_forget(result, MDL);
		return 0;

		/* Find an option within a v6relay context
		 * The numeric expression in relay indicates which relay
		 * to try and use as the context.  The relays are numbered
		 * 1 to 32 with 1 being the one closest to the client and
		 * 32 closest to the server.  A value of greater than 33
		 * indicates using the one closest to the server whatever
		 * the count.  A value of 0 indicates not using the relay
		 * options, this is included for completeness and consistency
		 * with the host-identier code.
		 * The data expression in roption is evaluated in that
		 * context and the result returned.
	      case expr_v6relay:
		len = 0;
		s1 = 0;
		memset (&data, 0, sizeof data);

		/* Evaluate the relay count */
		s0 = evaluate_numeric_expression(&len, packet, lease,
						 in_options, cfg_options,

		/* no number or an obviously invalid number */
		if ((s0 == 0) ||
		    ((len > 0) &&
		     ((packet == NULL) ||
		      (packet->dhcpv6_container_packet == NULL)))) {
			log_debug("data: v6relay(%lu) = NULL", len);
			return (0);

		/* Find the correct packet for the requested relay */
		i = len;
		relay_packet = packet;
		relay_options = in_options;
		while ((i != 0) &&
		       (relay_packet->dhcpv6_container_packet != NULL)) {
			relay_packet = relay_packet->dhcpv6_container_packet;
			relay_options = relay_packet->options;
		/* We wanted a specific relay but were unable to find it */
		if ((len <= MAX_V6RELAY_HOPS) && (i != 0)) {
			log_debug("data: v6relay(%lu) = NULL", len);
			return (0);

		s1 = evaluate_data_expression(&data, relay_packet, lease,
					      client_state, relay_options,
					      cfg_options, scope,

		if (s1) {
			data_string_copy(result, &data, file, line);
			data_string_forget(&data, MDL);

		log_debug("data: v6relay(%lu) = %s", len,
			  s1 ? print_hex_3(result->len, result->data, 30)
			  : "NULL");
		return (s1);

	      case expr_concat_dclist: {
		/* Operands are compressed domain-name lists ("Dc" format)
		 * Fetch both compressed lists then call concat_dclists which
		 * combines them into a single compressed list. */
		memset(&data, 0, sizeof data);
		int outcome = 0;
		s0 = evaluate_data_expression(&data, packet, lease,
					      in_options, cfg_options, scope,
					      expr->data.concat[0], MDL);

		memset (&other, 0, sizeof other);
		s1 = evaluate_data_expression (&other, packet, lease,
					       in_options, cfg_options, scope,
					       expr->data.concat[1], MDL);

		if (s0 && s1) {
			outcome = concat_dclists(result, &data, &other);
			if (outcome == 0) {
				log_error ("data: concat_dclist failed");

		log_debug ("data: concat_dclists (%s, %s) = %s",
		      (s0 ? print_hex_1(data.len, data.data, data.len)
			  : "NULL"),
		      (s1 ? print_hex_2(other.len, other.data, other.len)
			  : "NULL"),
		      (((s0 && s1) && result->len > 0)
		       ? print_hex_3 (result->len, result->data, result->len)
		       : "NULL"));
		if (s0)
			data_string_forget (&data, MDL);

		if (s1)
			data_string_forget (&other, MDL);

		return (outcome);
		} /* expr_concat_dclist */

	      case expr_check:
	      case expr_equal:
	      case expr_not_equal:
	      case expr_regex_match:
	      case expr_iregex_match:
	      case expr_and:
	      case expr_or:
	      case expr_not:
	      case expr_match:
	      case expr_static:
	      case expr_known:
	      case expr_none:
	      case expr_exists:
	      case expr_variable_exists:
		log_error ("Boolean opcode in evaluate_data_expression: %d",
		      expr -> op);
		return 0;

	      case expr_extract_int8:
	      case expr_extract_int16:
	      case expr_extract_int32:
	      case expr_const_int:
	      case expr_lease_time:
	      case expr_dns_transaction:
	      case expr_add:
	      case expr_subtract:
	      case expr_multiply:
	      case expr_divide:
	      case expr_remainder:
	      case expr_binary_and:
	      case expr_binary_or:
	      case expr_binary_xor:
	      case expr_client_state:
		log_error ("Numeric opcode in evaluate_data_expression: %d",
		      expr -> op);
		return 0;

	      case expr_ns_add:
	      case expr_ns_delete:
	      case expr_ns_exists:
	      case expr_ns_not_exists:
		log_error ("dns opcode in evaluate_boolean_expression: %d",
		      expr -> op);
		return 0;

	      case expr_function:
		log_error ("function definition in evaluate_data_expression");
		return 0;

	      case expr_arg:


	log_error ("Bogus opcode in evaluate_data_expression: %d", expr -> op);
	return 0;

int evaluate_numeric_expression (result, packet, lease, client_state,
				 in_options, cfg_options, scope, expr)
	unsigned long *result;
	struct packet *packet;
	struct lease *lease;
	struct client_state *client_state;
	struct option_state *in_options;
	struct option_state *cfg_options;
	struct binding_scope **scope;
	struct expression *expr;
	struct data_string data;
	int status, sleft, sright;

	struct binding *binding;
	struct binding_value *bv;
	unsigned long ileft, iright;
	int rc = 0;

	switch (expr -> op) {
	      case expr_check:
	      case expr_equal:
	      case expr_not_equal:
	      case expr_regex_match:
	      case expr_iregex_match:
	      case expr_and:
	      case expr_or:
	      case expr_not:
	      case expr_match:
	      case expr_static:
	      case expr_known:
	      case expr_none:
	      case expr_exists:
	      case expr_variable_exists:
		log_error ("Boolean opcode in evaluate_numeric_expression: %d",
		      expr -> op);
		return 0;

	      case expr_substring:
	      case expr_suffix:
	      case expr_lcase:
	      case expr_ucase:
	      case expr_option:
	      case expr_hardware:
	      case expr_const_data:
	      case expr_packet:
	      case expr_concat:
	      case expr_encapsulate:
	      case expr_host_lookup:
	      case expr_encode_int8:
	      case expr_encode_int16:
	      case expr_encode_int32:
	      case expr_binary_to_ascii:
	      case expr_reverse:
	      case expr_filename:
	      case expr_sname:
	      case expr_pick_first_value:
	      case expr_host_decl_name:
	      case expr_config_option:
	      case expr_leased_address:
	      case expr_null:
	      case expr_gethostname:
	      case expr_v6relay:
		log_error ("Data opcode in evaluate_numeric_expression: %d",
		      expr -> op);
		return 0;

	      case expr_extract_int8:
		memset (&data, 0, sizeof data);
		status = evaluate_data_expression
			(&data, packet, lease, client_state, in_options,
			 cfg_options, scope, expr -> data.extract_int, MDL);
		if (status)
			*result = data.data [0];
		log_debug ("num: extract_int8 (%s) = %s",
		      status ? print_hex_1 (data.len, data.data, 60) : "NULL",
		      status ? print_dec_1 (*result) : "NULL" );
		if (status) data_string_forget (&data, MDL);
		return status;

	      case expr_extract_int16:
		memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
		status = (evaluate_data_expression
			  (&data, packet, lease, client_state, in_options,
			   cfg_options, scope, expr->data.extract_int, MDL));
		if (status && data.len >= 2) {
			*result = getUShort(data.data);
			rc = 1;
		if (rc == 1) {
			log_debug("num: extract_int16 (%s) = %ld",
				  print_hex_1(data.len, data.data, 60),
		} else {
			log_debug("num: extract_int16 (NULL) = NULL");
		if (status)
			data_string_forget(&data, MDL);

		return (rc);

	      case expr_extract_int32:
		memset (&data, 0, sizeof data);
		status = (evaluate_data_expression
			  (&data, packet, lease, client_state, in_options,
			   cfg_options, scope, expr -> data.extract_int, MDL));
		if (status && data.len >= 4) {
			*result = getULong (data.data);
			rc = 1;
		if (rc == 1) {
			log_debug ("num: extract_int32 (%s) = %ld",
				   print_hex_1 (data.len, data.data, 60),
		} else {
			log_debug ("num: extract_int32 (NULL) = NULL");
		if (status) data_string_forget (&data, MDL);
		return (rc);

	      case expr_const_int:
		*result = expr -> data.const_int;
		log_debug ("number: CONSTANT = %ld", *result);
		return 1;

	      case expr_lease_time:
		if (!lease) {
			log_error("data: leased_lease: not available");
			return (0);
		if (lease->ends < cur_time) {
			log_error("%s %lu when it is now %lu",
				  "data: lease_time: lease ends at",
				  (long)(lease->ends), (long)cur_time);
			return (0);
		*result = lease->ends - cur_time;
		log_debug("number: lease-time = (%lu - %lu) = %ld",
			  (long unsigned)lease->ends,
			  (long unsigned)cur_time, *result);
		return (1);

	      case expr_variable_reference:
		if (scope && *scope) {
		    binding = find_binding (*scope, expr -> data.variable);

		    if (binding && binding -> value) {
			if (binding -> value -> type == binding_numeric) {
				*result = binding -> value -> value.intval;
			    status = 1;
			} else {
				log_error ("binding type %d in %s.",
					   binding -> value -> type,
				status = 0;
		    } else
			status = 0;
		} else
		    status = 0;
		if (status)
			log_debug ("numeric: %s = %ld",
				   expr -> data.variable, *result);
			log_debug ("numeric: %s = NULL",
				   expr -> data.variable);
		return status;

	      case expr_funcall:
		bv = (struct binding_value *)0;
		status = evaluate_expression (&bv, packet, lease,
					      in_options, cfg_options,
					      scope, expr, MDL);
		if (status) {
			if (bv -> type != binding_numeric)
				log_error ("%s() returned type %d in %s.",
					   expr -> data.funcall.name,
					   bv -> type,
				*result = bv -> value.intval;
			binding_value_dereference (&bv, MDL);
		log_debug ("data: %s = %ld", expr -> data.funcall.name,
			   status ? *result : 0);

	      case expr_add:
		sleft = evaluate_numeric_expression (&ileft, packet, lease,
						     in_options, cfg_options,
						     expr -> data.and [0]);
		sright = evaluate_numeric_expression (&iright, packet, lease,
						      in_options, cfg_options,
						      expr -> data.and [1]);

		if (sleft && sright)
			log_debug ("num: %ld + %ld = %ld",
				   ileft, iright, ileft + iright);
		else if (sleft)
			log_debug ("num: %ld + NULL = NULL", ileft);
			log_debug ("num: NULL + %ld = NULL", iright);
		if (sleft && sright) {
			*result = ileft + iright;
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case expr_subtract:
		sleft = evaluate_numeric_expression (&ileft, packet, lease,
						     in_options, cfg_options,
						     expr -> data.and [0]);
		sright = evaluate_numeric_expression (&iright, packet, lease,
						      in_options, cfg_options,
						      expr -> data.and [1]);

		if (sleft && sright)
			log_debug ("num: %ld - %ld = %ld",
				   ileft, iright, ileft - iright);
		else if (sleft)
			log_debug ("num: %ld - NULL = NULL", ileft);
			log_debug ("num: NULL - %ld = NULL", iright);
		if (sleft && sright) {
			*result = ileft - iright;
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case expr_multiply:
		sleft = evaluate_numeric_expression (&ileft, packet, lease,
						     in_options, cfg_options,
						     expr -> data.and [0]);
		sright = evaluate_numeric_expression (&iright, packet, lease,
						      in_options, cfg_options,
						      expr -> data.and [1]);

		if (sleft && sright)
			log_debug ("num: %ld * %ld = %ld",
				   ileft, iright, ileft * iright);
		else if (sleft)
			log_debug ("num: %ld * NULL = NULL", ileft);
			log_debug ("num: NULL * %ld = NULL", iright);
		if (sleft && sright) {
			*result = ileft * iright;
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case expr_divide:
		sleft = evaluate_numeric_expression (&ileft, packet, lease,
						     in_options, cfg_options,
						     expr -> data.and [0]);
		sright = evaluate_numeric_expression (&iright, packet, lease,
						      in_options, cfg_options,
						      expr -> data.and [1]);

		if (sleft && sright) {
			if (iright != 0)
				log_debug ("num: %ld / %ld = %ld",
					   ileft, iright, ileft / iright);
				log_debug ("num: %ld / %ld = NULL",
					   ileft, iright);
		} else if (sleft)
			log_debug ("num: %ld / NULL = NULL", ileft);
			log_debug ("num: NULL / %ld = NULL", iright);
		if (sleft && sright && iright) {
			*result = ileft / iright;
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case expr_remainder:
		sleft = evaluate_numeric_expression (&ileft, packet, lease,
						     in_options, cfg_options,
						     expr -> data.and [0]);
		sright = evaluate_numeric_expression (&iright, packet, lease,
						      in_options, cfg_options,
						      expr -> data.and [1]);

		if (sleft && sright) {
			if (iright != 0)
				log_debug ("num: %ld %% %ld = %ld",
					   ileft, iright, ileft % iright);
				log_debug ("num: %ld %% %ld = NULL",
					   ileft, iright);
		} else if (sleft)
			log_debug ("num: %ld %% NULL = NULL", ileft);
			log_debug ("num: NULL %% %ld = NULL", iright);
		if (sleft && sright && iright) {
			*result = ileft % iright;
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case expr_binary_and:
		sleft = evaluate_numeric_expression (&ileft, packet, lease,
						     in_options, cfg_options,
						     expr -> data.and [0]);
		sright = evaluate_numeric_expression (&iright, packet, lease,
						      in_options, cfg_options,
						      expr -> data.and [1]);

		if (sleft && sright)
			log_debug ("num: %ld | %ld = %ld",
				   ileft, iright, ileft & iright);
		else if (sleft)
			log_debug ("num: %ld & NULL = NULL", ileft);
			log_debug ("num: NULL & %ld = NULL", iright);
		if (sleft && sright) {
			*result = ileft & iright;
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case expr_binary_or:
		sleft = evaluate_numeric_expression (&ileft, packet, lease,
						     in_options, cfg_options,
						     expr -> data.and [0]);
		sright = evaluate_numeric_expression (&iright, packet, lease,
						      in_options, cfg_options,
						      expr -> data.and [1]);

		if (sleft && sright)
			log_debug ("num: %ld | %ld = %ld",
				   ileft, iright, ileft | iright);
		else if (sleft)
			log_debug ("num: %ld | NULL = NULL", ileft);
			log_debug ("num: NULL | %ld = NULL", iright);
		if (sleft && sright) {
			*result = ileft | iright;
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case expr_binary_xor:
		sleft = evaluate_numeric_expression (&ileft, packet, lease,
						     in_options, cfg_options,
						     expr -> data.and [0]);
		sright = evaluate_numeric_expression (&iright, packet, lease,
						      in_options, cfg_options,
						      expr -> data.and [1]);

		if (sleft && sright)
			log_debug ("num: %ld ^ %ld = %ld",
				   ileft, iright, ileft ^ iright);
		else if (sleft)
			log_debug ("num: %ld ^ NULL = NULL", ileft);
			log_debug ("num: NULL ^ %ld = NULL", iright);
		if (sleft && sright) {
			*result = ileft ^ iright;
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case expr_client_state:
		if (client_state) {
			log_debug ("num: client-state = %d",
				   client_state -> state);
			*result = client_state -> state;
			return 1;
		} else {
			log_debug ("num: client-state = NULL");
			return 0;

	      case expr_function:
		log_error ("function definition in evaluate_numeric_expr");
		return 0;

	      case expr_arg:

		log_fatal("Impossible case at %s:%d.  Undefined operator "
			  "%d.", MDL, expr->op);

	log_error ("evaluate_numeric_expression: bogus opcode %d", expr -> op);
	return 0;

 * Return data hanging off of an option cache structure, or if there
 * isn't any, evaluate the expression hanging off of it and return the
 * result of that evaluation.   There should never be both an expression
 * and a valid data_string.
 * returns 0 if there wasn't an expression or it couldn't be evaluated
 * returns non-zero if there was an expression or string that was evaluated
 * When it returns zero the arguements, in particualr resutl,  should not
 * be modified

int evaluate_option_cache (result, packet, lease, client_state,
			   in_options, cfg_options, scope, oc, file, line)
	struct data_string *result;
	struct packet *packet;
	struct lease *lease;
	struct client_state *client_state;
	struct option_state *in_options;
	struct option_state *cfg_options;
	struct binding_scope **scope;
	struct option_cache *oc;
	const char *file;
	int line;
	if (oc->data.data != NULL) {
		data_string_copy (result, &oc -> data, file, line);
		return 1;
	if (!oc -> expression)
		return 0;
	return evaluate_data_expression (result, packet, lease, client_state,
					 in_options, cfg_options, scope,
					 oc -> expression, file, line);

/* Evaluate an option cache and extract a boolean from the result.
 * The boolean option cache is actually a trinary value where:
 *     0 = return 0, ignore parameter 0 (also the case for no data)
 *     1 = return 1, ignore parameter 0
 *     2 = return 0, ignore parameter 1
 * This supports both classic boolean flags on/off as well as the
 * allow/deny/ignore keywords
int evaluate_boolean_option_cache (ignorep, packet,
				   lease, client_state, in_options,
				   cfg_options, scope, oc, file, line)
	int *ignorep;
	struct packet *packet;
	struct lease *lease;
	struct client_state *client_state;
	struct option_state *in_options;
	struct option_state *cfg_options;
	struct binding_scope **scope;
	struct option_cache *oc;
	const char *file;
	int line;
	int result = 0;
	if (ignorep)
		*ignorep = 0;

	/* Only attempt to evaluate if option_cache is not null. This permits
	 * us to be called with option_lookup() as an argument. */
	if (oc && in_options) {
		struct data_string ds;

		memset(&ds, 0, sizeof ds);
		if (evaluate_option_cache(&ds, packet,
					  lease, client_state, in_options,
					  cfg_options, scope, oc, file,
					  line)) {
			/* We have a value for the option set result and
			 * ignore parameter accordingly. */
			if (ds.len) {
				if (ds.data[0] == 1)
					result = 1;
				else if ((ds.data[0] == 2) && (ignorep != NULL))
					*ignorep = 1;

			data_string_forget(&ds, MDL);

	return (result);

/* Evaluate a boolean expression and return the result of the evaluation,
   or FALSE if it failed. */

int evaluate_boolean_expression_result (ignorep, packet, lease, client_state,
					in_options, cfg_options, scope, expr)
	int *ignorep;
	struct packet *packet;
	struct lease *lease;
	struct client_state *client_state;
	struct option_state *in_options;
	struct option_state *cfg_options;
	struct binding_scope **scope;
	struct expression *expr;
	int result;

	/* So that we can be called with option_lookup as an argument. */
	if (!expr)
		return 0;

	if (!evaluate_boolean_expression (&result, packet, lease, client_state,
					  in_options, cfg_options,
					  scope, expr))
		return 0;

	if (result == 2) {
		*ignorep = 1;
		result = 0;
	} else
		*ignorep = 0;
	return result;

/* Dereference an expression node, and if the reference count goes to zero,
   dereference any data it refers to, and then free it. */
void expression_dereference (eptr, file, line)
	struct expression **eptr;
	const char *file;
	int line;
	struct expression *expr = *eptr;

	/* Zero the pointer. */
	*eptr = (struct expression *)0;

	/* Decrement the reference count.   If it's nonzero, we're
	   done. */
	--(expr -> refcnt);
	rc_register (file, line, eptr, expr, expr -> refcnt, 1, RC_MISC);
	if (expr -> refcnt > 0)
	if (expr -> refcnt < 0) {
		log_error ("%s(%d): negative refcnt!", file, line);
#if defined (DEBUG_RC_HISTORY)
		dump_rc_history (expr);
#if defined (POINTER_DEBUG)
		abort ();

	/* Dereference subexpressions. */
	switch (expr -> op) {
		/* All the binary operators can be handled the same way. */
	      case expr_equal:
	      case expr_not_equal:
	      case expr_regex_match:
	      case expr_iregex_match:
	      case expr_concat:
	      case expr_and:
	      case expr_or:
	      case expr_add:
	      case expr_subtract:
	      case expr_multiply:
	      case expr_divide:
	      case expr_remainder:
	      case expr_binary_and:
	      case expr_binary_or:
	      case expr_binary_xor:
	      case expr_client_state:
		if (expr -> data.equal [0])
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.equal [0],
						file, line);
		if (expr -> data.equal [1])
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.equal [1],
						file, line);

	      case expr_substring:
		if (expr -> data.substring.expr)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.substring.expr,
						file, line);
		if (expr -> data.substring.offset)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.substring.offset,
						file, line);
		if (expr -> data.substring.len)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.substring.len,
						file, line);

	      case expr_suffix:
		if (expr -> data.suffix.expr)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.suffix.expr,
						file, line);
		if (expr -> data.suffix.len)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.suffix.len,
						file, line);

	      case expr_lcase:
		if (expr->data.lcase)
			expression_dereference(&expr->data.lcase, MDL);

	      case expr_ucase:
		if (expr->data.ucase)
			expression_dereference(&expr->data.ucase, MDL);

	      case expr_not:
		if (expr -> data.not)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.not, file, line);

	      case expr_packet:
		if (expr -> data.packet.offset)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.packet.offset,
						file, line);
		if (expr -> data.packet.len)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.packet.len,
						file, line);

	      case expr_extract_int8:
	      case expr_extract_int16:
	      case expr_extract_int32:
		if (expr -> data.extract_int)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.extract_int,
						file, line);

	      case expr_encode_int8:
	      case expr_encode_int16:
	      case expr_encode_int32:
		if (expr -> data.encode_int)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.encode_int,
						file, line);

	      case expr_encapsulate:
	      case expr_const_data:
		data_string_forget (&expr -> data.const_data, file, line);

	      case expr_host_lookup:
		if (expr -> data.host_lookup)
			dns_host_entry_dereference (&expr -> data.host_lookup,
						    file, line);

	      case expr_binary_to_ascii:
		if (expr -> data.b2a.base)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.b2a.base,
						file, line);
		if (expr -> data.b2a.width)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.b2a.width,
						file, line);
		if (expr -> data.b2a.separator)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.b2a.separator,
						file, line);
		if (expr -> data.b2a.buffer)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.b2a.buffer,
						file, line);

	      case expr_pick_first_value:
		if (expr -> data.pick_first_value.car)
		    expression_dereference (&expr -> data.pick_first_value.car,
					    file, line);
		if (expr -> data.pick_first_value.cdr)
		    expression_dereference (&expr -> data.pick_first_value.cdr,
					    file, line);

	      case expr_reverse:
		if (expr -> data.reverse.width)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.reverse.width,
						file, line);
		if (expr -> data.reverse.buffer)
				(&expr -> data.reverse.buffer, file, line);

	      case expr_variable_reference:
	      case expr_variable_exists:
		if (expr -> data.variable)
			dfree (expr -> data.variable, file, line);

	      case expr_funcall:
		if (expr -> data.funcall.name)
			dfree (expr -> data.funcall.name, file, line);
		if (expr -> data.funcall.arglist)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.funcall.arglist,
						file, line);

	      case expr_arg:
		if (expr -> data.arg.val)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.arg.val,
						file, line);
		if (expr -> data.arg.next)
			expression_dereference (&expr -> data.arg.next,
						file, line);

	      case expr_function:
		fundef_dereference (&expr -> data.func, file, line);

	      case expr_v6relay:
		if (expr->data.v6relay.relay)
					       file, line);

		if (expr->data.v6relay.roption)
					       file, line);

		/* No subexpressions. */
	      case expr_leased_address:
	      case expr_lease_time:
	      case expr_filename:
	      case expr_sname:
	      case expr_const_int:
	      case expr_check:
	      case expr_option:
	      case expr_hardware:
	      case expr_exists:
	      case expr_known:
	      case expr_null:
	      case expr_gethostname:

	free_expression (expr, MDL);

int is_boolean_expression (expr)
	struct expression *expr;
	return (expr -> op == expr_check ||
		expr -> op == expr_exists ||
		expr -> op == expr_variable_exists ||
		expr -> op == expr_equal ||
		expr -> op == expr_not_equal ||
		expr->op == expr_regex_match ||
		expr->op == expr_iregex_match ||
		expr -> op == expr_and ||
		expr -> op == expr_or ||
		expr -> op == expr_not ||
		expr -> op == expr_known ||
		expr -> op == expr_static);

int is_data_expression (expr)
	struct expression *expr;
	return (expr->op == expr_substring ||
		expr->op == expr_suffix ||
		expr->op == expr_lcase ||
		expr->op == expr_ucase ||
		expr->op == expr_option ||
		expr->op == expr_hardware ||
		expr->op == expr_const_data ||
		expr->op == expr_packet ||
		expr->op == expr_concat ||
		expr->op == expr_encapsulate ||
		expr->op == expr_encode_int8 ||
		expr->op == expr_encode_int16 ||
		expr->op == expr_encode_int32 ||
		expr->op == expr_host_lookup ||
		expr->op == expr_binary_to_ascii ||
		expr->op == expr_filename ||
		expr->op == expr_sname ||
		expr->op == expr_reverse ||
		expr->op == expr_pick_first_value ||
		expr->op == expr_host_decl_name ||
		expr->op == expr_leased_address ||
		expr->op == expr_config_option ||
		expr->op == expr_null ||
		expr->op == expr_gethostname ||
	        expr->op == expr_v6relay);

int is_numeric_expression (expr)
	struct expression *expr;
	return (expr -> op == expr_extract_int8 ||
		expr -> op == expr_extract_int16 ||
		expr -> op == expr_extract_int32 ||
		expr -> op == expr_const_int ||
		expr -> op == expr_lease_time ||
		expr -> op == expr_add ||
		expr -> op == expr_subtract ||
		expr -> op == expr_multiply ||
		expr -> op == expr_divide ||
		expr -> op == expr_remainder ||
		expr -> op == expr_binary_and ||
		expr -> op == expr_binary_or ||
		expr -> op == expr_binary_xor ||
		expr -> op == expr_client_state);

int is_compound_expression (expr)
	struct expression *expr;
	return (expr -> op == expr_substring ||
		expr -> op == expr_suffix ||
		expr -> op == expr_option ||
		expr -> op == expr_concat ||
		expr -> op == expr_encode_int8 ||
		expr -> op == expr_encode_int16 ||
		expr -> op == expr_encode_int32 ||
		expr -> op == expr_binary_to_ascii ||
		expr -> op == expr_reverse ||
		expr -> op == expr_pick_first_value ||
		expr -> op == expr_config_option ||
		expr -> op == expr_extract_int8 ||
		expr -> op == expr_extract_int16 ||
		expr -> op == expr_extract_int32 ||
		expr -> op == expr_v6relay);

static int op_val (enum expr_op);

static int op_val (op)
	enum expr_op op;
	switch (op) {
	      case expr_none:
	      case expr_match:
	      case expr_static:
	      case expr_check:
	      case expr_substring:
	      case expr_suffix:
	      case expr_lcase:
	      case expr_ucase:
	      case expr_concat:
	      case expr_encapsulate:
	      case expr_host_lookup:
	      case expr_not:
	      case expr_option:
	      case expr_hardware:
	      case expr_packet:
	      case expr_const_data:
	      case expr_extract_int8:
	      case expr_extract_int16:
	      case expr_extract_int32:
	      case expr_encode_int8:
	      case expr_encode_int16:
	      case expr_encode_int32:
	      case expr_const_int:
	      case expr_exists:
	      case expr_variable_exists:
	      case expr_known:
	      case expr_binary_to_ascii:
	      case expr_reverse:
	      case expr_filename:
	      case expr_sname:
	      case expr_pick_first_value:
	      case expr_host_decl_name:
	      case expr_config_option:
	      case expr_leased_address:
	      case expr_lease_time:
	      case expr_dns_transaction:
	      case expr_null:
	      case expr_variable_reference:
	      case expr_ns_add:
	      case expr_ns_delete:
	      case expr_ns_exists:
	      case expr_ns_not_exists:
	      case expr_arg:
	      case expr_funcall:
	      case expr_function:
		/* XXXDPN: Need to assign sane precedences to these. */
	      case expr_binary_and:
	      case expr_binary_or:
	      case expr_binary_xor:
	      case expr_client_state:
	      case expr_gethostname:
	      case expr_v6relay:
	      case expr_concat_dclist:
		return 100;

	      case expr_equal:
	      case expr_not_equal:
	      case expr_regex_match:
	      case expr_iregex_match:
		return 4;

	      case expr_or:
	      case expr_and:
		return 3;

	      case expr_add:
	      case expr_subtract:
		return 2;

	      case expr_multiply:
	      case expr_divide:
	      case expr_remainder:
		return 1;
	return 100;

int op_precedence (op1, op2)
	enum expr_op op1, op2;
	return op_val (op1) - op_val (op2);

enum expression_context expression_context (struct expression *expr)
	if (is_data_expression (expr))
		return context_data;
	if (is_numeric_expression (expr))
		return context_numeric;
	if (is_boolean_expression (expr))
		return context_boolean;
	return context_any;

enum expression_context op_context (op)
	enum expr_op op;
	switch (op) {
/* XXX Why aren't these specific? */
	      case expr_none:
	      case expr_match:
	      case expr_static:
	      case expr_check:
	      case expr_substring:
	      case expr_suffix:
	      case expr_lcase:
	      case expr_ucase:
	      case expr_concat:
	      case expr_encapsulate:
	      case expr_host_lookup:
	      case expr_not:
	      case expr_option:
	      case expr_hardware:
	      case expr_packet:
	      case expr_const_data:
	      case expr_extract_int8:
	      case expr_extract_int16:
	      case expr_extract_int32:
	      case expr_encode_int8:
	      case expr_encode_int16:
	      case expr_encode_int32:
	      case expr_const_int:
	      case expr_exists:
	      case expr_variable_exists:
	      case expr_known:
	      case expr_binary_to_ascii:
	      case expr_reverse:
	      case expr_filename:
	      case expr_sname:
	      case expr_pick_first_value:
	      case expr_host_decl_name:
	      case expr_config_option:
	      case expr_leased_address:
	      case expr_lease_time:
	      case expr_null:
	      case expr_variable_reference:
	      case expr_ns_add:
	      case expr_ns_delete:
	      case expr_ns_exists:
	      case expr_ns_not_exists:
	      case expr_dns_transaction:
	      case expr_arg:
	      case expr_funcall:
	      case expr_function:
	      case expr_gethostname:
	      case expr_v6relay:
	      case expr_concat_dclist:
		return context_any;

	      case expr_equal:
	      case expr_not_equal:
	      case expr_regex_match:
	      case expr_iregex_match:
		return context_data;

	      case expr_and:
		return context_boolean;

	      case expr_or:
		return context_boolean;

	      case expr_add:
	      case expr_subtract:
	      case expr_multiply:
	      case expr_divide:
	      case expr_remainder:
	      case expr_binary_and:
	      case expr_binary_or:
	      case expr_binary_xor:
	      case expr_client_state:
		return context_numeric;
	return context_any;

int write_expression (file, expr, col, indent, firstp)
	FILE *file;
	struct expression *expr;
	int col;
	int indent;
	int firstp;
	struct expression *e;
	const char *s;
	char obuf [65];
	int scol;
	int width;

	/* If this promises to be a fat expression, start a new line. */
	if (!firstp && is_compound_expression (expr)) {
		indent_spaces (file, indent);
		col = indent;

	switch (expr -> op) {
	      case expr_none:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "", "null");

	      case expr_check:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "", "check");
		col = token_print_indent_concat (file, col, indent,
						 " ", "", "\"",
						 expr -> data.check -> name,
						 "\"", (char *)0);

	      case expr_regex_match:
		s = "~=";
		goto binary;

	      case expr_iregex_match:
		s = "~~";
		goto binary;

	      case expr_not_equal:
		s = "!=";
		goto binary;

	      case expr_equal:
		s = "=";
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.equal [0],
					col, indent, 1);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, " ", " ", s);
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.equal [1],
					col, indent + 2, 0);

	      case expr_substring:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, " ", "", "(");
		scol = col;
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.substring.expr,
					col, scol, 1);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", " ", ",");
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.substring.offset,
					col, indent, 0);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, scol, "", " ", ",");
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.substring.len,
					col, scol, 0);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "", ")");

	      case expr_suffix:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "", "suffix");
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, " ", "", "(");
		scol = col;
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.suffix.expr,
					col, scol, 1);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, scol, "", " ", ",");
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.suffix.len,
					col, scol, 0);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "", ")");

	      case expr_lcase:
		col = token_print_indent(file, col, indent, "", "", "lcase");
		col = token_print_indent(file, col, indent, " ", "", "(");
		scol = col;
		col = write_expression(file, expr->data.lcase, col, scol, 1);
		col = token_print_indent(file, col, indent, "", "", ")");

	      case expr_ucase:
		col = token_print_indent(file, col, indent, "", "", "ucase");
		col = token_print_indent(file, col, indent, " ", "", "(");
		scol = col;
		col = write_expression(file, expr->data.ucase, col, scol, 1);
		col = token_print_indent(file, col, indent, "", "", ")");

	      case expr_concat:
		e = expr;
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, " ", "", "(");
		scol = col;
		firstp = 1;
		col = write_expression (file, e -> data.concat [0],
					col, scol, firstp);
		firstp = 0;
		if (!e -> data.concat [1])
			goto no_concat_cdr;
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, scol, "", " ", ",");
		if (e -> data.concat [1] -> op == expr_concat) {
			e = e -> data.concat [1];
			goto concat_again;
		col = write_expression (file, e -> data.concat [1],
					col, scol, 0);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "", ")");

	      case expr_host_lookup:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, " ", "", "(");
		col = token_print_indent_concat
			(file, col, indent, "", "",
			 "\"", expr -> data.host_lookup -> hostname, "\"",
			 (char *)0);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "", ")");

	      case expr_add:
		s = "+";
		goto binary;

	      case expr_subtract:
		s = "-";
		goto binary;

	      case expr_multiply:
		s = "*";
		goto binary;

	      case expr_divide:
		s = "/";
		goto binary;

	      case expr_remainder:
		s = "%";
		goto binary;

	      case expr_binary_and:
		s = "&";
		goto binary;

	      case expr_binary_or:
		s = "|";
		goto binary;

	      case expr_binary_xor:
		s = "^";
		goto binary;

	      case expr_and:
		s = "and";
		goto binary;

	      case expr_or:
		s = "or";
		goto binary;

	      case expr_not:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", " ", "not");
		col = write_expression (file,
					expr -> data.not, col, indent + 2, 1);

	      case expr_option:
		s = "option";

		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "", s);

		if (expr -> data.option -> universe != &dhcp_universe) {
			col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent,
						  " ", "",
						  (expr -> data.option ->
						   universe -> name));
			col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",
			col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",
						  expr -> data.option -> name);
		} else {
			col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, " ", "",
						  expr -> data.option -> name);

	      case expr_hardware:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",

	      case expr_packet:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, " ", "", "(");
		scol = col;
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.packet.offset,
					col, indent, 1);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, scol, "", " ", ",");
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.packet.len,
					col, scol, 0);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "", ")");

	      case expr_const_data:
		col = token_indent_data_string (file, col, indent, "", "",
						&expr -> data.const_data);

	      case expr_extract_int8:
		width = 8;
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, " ", "", "(");
		scol = col;
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.extract_int,
					col, indent, 1);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, scol, "", " ", ",");
		sprintf (obuf, "%d", width);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, scol, " ", "", obuf);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "", ")");

	      case expr_extract_int16:
		width = 16;
		goto extract_int;

	      case expr_extract_int32:
		width = 32;
		goto extract_int;

	      case expr_encode_int8:
		width = 8;
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, " ", "", "(");
		scol = col;
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.extract_int,
					col, indent, 1);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, scol, "", " ", ",");
		sprintf (obuf, "%d", width);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, scol, " ", "", obuf);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",

	      case expr_encode_int16:
		width = 16;
		goto encode_int;

	      case expr_encode_int32:
		width = 32;
		goto encode_int;

	      case expr_const_int:
		sprintf (obuf, "%lu", expr -> data.const_int);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "", obuf);

	      case expr_exists:
		s = "exists";
		goto print_option_name;

	      case expr_encapsulate:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",
		col = token_indent_data_string (file, col, indent, " ", "",
						&expr -> data.encapsulate);

	      case expr_known:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "", "known");

	      case expr_reverse:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, " ", "", "(");
		scol = col;
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.reverse.width,
					col, scol, 1);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, scol, "", " ", ",");
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.reverse.buffer,
					col, scol, 0);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",

	      case expr_leased_address:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",

	      case expr_client_state:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",

	      case expr_binary_to_ascii:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, " ", "",
		scol = col;
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.b2a.base,
					col, scol, 1);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, scol, "", " ",
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.b2a.width,
					col, scol, 0);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, scol, "", " ",
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.b2a.separator,
					col, scol, 0);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, scol, "", " ",
		col = write_expression (file, expr -> data.b2a.buffer,
					col, scol, 0);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",

	      case expr_config_option:
		s = "config-option";
		goto print_option_name;

	      case expr_host_decl_name:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",

	      case expr_pick_first_value:
		e = expr;
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, " ", "",
		scol = col;
		firstp = 1;
		col = write_expression (file,
					e -> data.pick_first_value.car,
					col, scol, firstp);
		firstp = 0;
		/* We're being very lisp-like right now - instead of
                   representing this expression as (first middle . last) we're
                   representing it as (first middle last), which means that the
                   tail cdr is always nil.  Apologies to non-wisp-lizards - may
                   this obscure way of describing the problem motivate you to
                   learn more about the one true computing language. */
		if (!e -> data.pick_first_value.cdr)
			goto no_pick_cdr;
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, scol, "", " ",
		if (e -> data.pick_first_value.cdr -> op ==
		    expr_pick_first_value) {
			e = e -> data.pick_first_value.cdr;
			goto pick_again;
		col = write_expression (file,
					e -> data.pick_first_value.cdr,
					col, scol, 0);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",

	      case expr_lease_time:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",

	      case expr_static:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",

	      case expr_null:
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "", "null");

	      case expr_variable_reference:
		col = token_print_indent (file, indent, indent, "", "",
					  expr -> data.variable);

	      case expr_variable_exists:
		col = token_print_indent (file, indent, indent, "", "",
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, " ", "", "(");
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "",
					  expr -> data.variable);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, indent, "", "", ")");

	      case expr_gethostname:
		col = token_print_indent(file, col, indent, "", "",

	      case expr_funcall:
		col = token_print_indent(file, indent, indent, "", "",
		col = token_print_indent(file, col, indent, " ", "", "(");

		firstp = 1;
		e = expr->data.funcall.arglist;
		while (e != NULL) {
			if (!firstp)
				col = token_print_indent(file, col, indent,
							 "", " ", ",");

			col = write_expression(file, e->data.arg.val, col,
					       indent, firstp);
			firstp = 0;
			e = e->data.arg.next;

		col = token_print_indent(file, col, indent, "", "", ")");

	      case expr_v6relay:
		col = token_print_indent(file, col, indent, "", "",
		col = token_print_indent(file, col, indent, " ", "", "(");
		scol = col;
		col = write_expression(file, expr->data.v6relay.relay,
				       col, scol, 1);
		col = token_print_indent (file, col, scol, "", " ", ",");
		col = write_expression(file, expr->data.v6relay.roption,
				       col, scol, 0);
		col = token_print_indent(file, col, indent, "", "", ")");

		log_fatal ("invalid expression type in print_expression: %d",
			   expr -> op);
	return col;

struct binding *find_binding (struct binding_scope *scope, const char *name)
	struct binding *bp;
	struct binding_scope *s;

	for (s = scope; s; s = s -> outer) {
		for (bp = s -> bindings; bp; bp = bp -> next) {
			if (!strcasecmp (name, bp -> name)) {
				return bp;
	return (struct binding *)0;

int free_bindings (struct binding_scope *scope, const char *file, int line)
	struct binding *bp, *next;

	for (bp = scope -> bindings; bp; bp = next) {
		next = bp -> next;
		if (bp -> name)
			dfree (bp -> name, file, line);
		if (bp -> value)
			binding_value_dereference (&bp -> value, file, line);
		dfree (bp, file, line);
	scope -> bindings = (struct binding *)0;
	return 1;

int binding_scope_dereference (ptr, file, line)
	struct binding_scope **ptr;
	const char *file;
	int line;
	struct binding_scope *binding_scope;

	if (!ptr || !*ptr) {
		log_error ("%s(%d): null pointer", file, line);
#if defined (POINTER_DEBUG)
		abort ();
		return 0;

	binding_scope = *ptr;
	*ptr = (struct binding_scope *)0;
	--binding_scope -> refcnt;
	rc_register (file, line, ptr,
		     binding_scope, binding_scope -> refcnt, 1, RC_MISC);
	if (binding_scope -> refcnt > 0)
		return 1;

	if (binding_scope -> refcnt < 0) {
		log_error ("%s(%d): negative refcnt!", file, line);
#if defined (DEBUG_RC_HISTORY)
		dump_rc_history (binding_scope);
#if defined (POINTER_DEBUG)
		abort ();
		return 0;

	free_bindings (binding_scope, file, line);
	if (binding_scope -> outer)
		binding_scope_dereference (&binding_scope -> outer, MDL);
	dfree (binding_scope, file, line);
	return 1;

int fundef_dereference (ptr, file, line)
	struct fundef **ptr;
	const char *file;
	int line;
	struct fundef *bp;
	struct string_list *sp, *next;

	if ((ptr == NULL) || (*ptr == NULL)) {
		log_error ("%s(%d): null pointer", file, line);
#if defined (POINTER_DEBUG)
		abort ();
		return 0;

	bp = *ptr;
	bp -> refcnt--;
	rc_register (file, line, ptr, bp, bp -> refcnt, 1, RC_MISC);
	if (bp -> refcnt < 0) {
		log_error ("%s(%d): negative refcnt!", file, line);
#if defined (DEBUG_RC_HISTORY)
		dump_rc_history (bp);
#if defined (POINTER_DEBUG)
		abort ();
		return 0;
	if (!bp -> refcnt) {
		for (sp = bp -> args; sp; sp = next) {
			next = sp -> next;
			dfree (sp, file, line);
		if (bp -> statements)
			executable_statement_dereference (&bp -> statements,
							  file, line);
		dfree (bp, file, line);
	*ptr = (struct fundef *)0;
	return 1;

#if defined (NOTYET)		/* Post 3.0 final. */
int data_subexpression_length (int *rv,
			       struct expression *expr)
	int crhs, clhs, llhs, lrhs;
	switch (expr -> op) {
	      case expr_substring:
		if (expr -> data.substring.len &&
		    expr -> data.substring.len -> op == expr_const_int) {
			(*rv =
			 (int)expr -> data.substring.len -> data.const_int);
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case expr_packet:
	      case expr_suffix:
		if (expr -> data.suffix.len &&
		    expr -> data.suffix.len -> op == expr_const_int) {
			(*rv =
			 (int)expr -> data.suffix.len -> data.const_int);
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case expr_lcase:
		return data_subexpression_length(rv, expr->data.lcase);

	      case expr_ucase:
		return data_subexpression_length(rv, expr->data.ucase);

	      case expr_concat:
		clhs = data_subexpression_length (&llhs,
						  expr -> data.concat [0]);
		crhs = data_subexpression_length (&lrhs,
						  expr -> data.concat [1]);
		if (crhs == 0 || clhs == 0)
			return 0;
		*rv = llhs + lrhs;
		return 1;

	      case expr_hardware:
		return 0;

	      case expr_const_data:
		*rv = expr -> data.const_data.len;
		return 2;

	      case expr_reverse:
		return data_subexpression_length (rv,
						  expr -> data.reverse.buffer);

	      case expr_leased_address:
	      case expr_lease_time:
		*rv = 4;
		return 2;

	      case expr_pick_first_value:
		clhs = data_subexpression_length (&llhs,
						  expr -> data.concat [0]);
		crhs = data_subexpression_length (&lrhs,
						  expr -> data.concat [1]);
		if (crhs == 0 || clhs == 0)
			return 0;
		if (llhs > lrhs)
			*rv = llhs;
			*rv = lrhs;
		return 1;

	      case expr_v6relay:
		clhs = data_subexpression_length (&llhs,
						  expr -> data.v6relay.relay);
		crhs = data_subexpression_length (&lrhs,
						  expr -> data.v6relay.roption);
		if (crhs == 0 || clhs == 0)
			return 0;
		*rv = llhs + lrhs;
		return 1;

	      case expr_binary_to_ascii:
	      case expr_config_option:
	      case expr_host_decl_name:
	      case expr_encapsulate:
	      case expr_filename:
	      case expr_sname:
	      case expr_host_lookup:
	      case expr_option:
	      case expr_none:
	      case expr_match:
	      case expr_check:
	      case expr_equal:
	      case expr_regex_match:
	      case expr_iregex_match:
	      case expr_and:
	      case expr_or:
	      case expr_not:
	      case expr_extract_int8:
	      case expr_extract_int16:
	      case expr_extract_int32:
	      case expr_encode_int8:
	      case expr_encode_int16:
	      case expr_encode_int32:
	      case expr_const_int:
	      case expr_exists:
	      case expr_known:
	      case expr_static:
	      case expr_not_equal:
	      case expr_null:
	      case expr_variable_exists:
	      case expr_variable_reference:
	      case expr_arg:
	      case expr_funcall:
	      case expr_function:
	      case expr_add:
	      case expr_subtract:
	      case expr_multiply:
	      case expr_divide:
	      case expr_remainder:
	      case expr_binary_and:
	      case expr_binary_or:
	      case expr_binary_xor:
	      case expr_client_state:
	      case expr_gethostname:
		return 0;
	return 0;

int expr_valid_for_context (struct expression *expr,
			    enum expression_context context)
	/* We don't know at parse time what type of value a function may
	   return, so we can't flag an error on it. */
	if (expr -> op == expr_funcall ||
	    expr -> op == expr_variable_reference)
		return 1;

	switch (context) {
	      case context_any:
		return 1;

	      case context_boolean:
		if (is_boolean_expression (expr))
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case context_data:
		if (is_data_expression (expr))
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case context_numeric:
		if (is_numeric_expression (expr))
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case context_data_or_numeric:
		if (is_numeric_expression (expr) ||
		    is_data_expression (expr)) {
			return 1;
		return 0;

	      case context_function:
		if (expr -> op == expr_function)
			return 1;
		return 0;
	return 0;
#endif /* NOTYET */

struct binding *create_binding (struct binding_scope **scope, const char *name)
	struct binding *binding;

	if (!*scope) {
		if (!binding_scope_allocate (scope, MDL))
			return (struct binding *)0;

	binding = find_binding (*scope, name);
	if (!binding) {
		binding = dmalloc (sizeof *binding, MDL);
		if (!binding)
			return (struct binding *)0;

		memset (binding, 0, sizeof *binding);
		binding -> name = dmalloc (strlen (name) + 1, MDL);
		if (!binding -> name) {
			dfree (binding, MDL);
			return (struct binding *)0;
		strcpy (binding -> name, name);

		binding -> next = (*scope) -> bindings;
		(*scope) -> bindings = binding;

	return binding;

int bind_ds_value (struct binding_scope **scope,
		   const char *name,
		   struct data_string *value)
	struct binding *binding;

	binding = create_binding (scope, name);
	if (!binding)
		return 0;

	if (binding -> value)
		binding_value_dereference (&binding -> value, MDL);

	if (!binding_value_allocate (&binding -> value, MDL))
		return 0;

	data_string_copy (&binding -> value -> value.data, value, MDL);
	binding -> value -> type = binding_data;

	return 1;

int find_bound_string (struct data_string *value,
		       struct binding_scope *scope,
		       const char *name)
	struct binding *binding;

	binding = find_binding (scope, name);
	if (!binding ||
	    !binding -> value ||
	    binding -> value -> type != binding_data)
		return 0;

	if (binding -> value -> value.data.terminated) {
		data_string_copy (value, &binding -> value -> value.data, MDL);
	} else {
		if (buffer_allocate (&value->buffer,
				     MDL) == 0) {
			return 0;

		memcpy (value -> buffer -> data,
			binding -> value -> value.data.data,
			binding -> value -> value.data.len);
		value -> data = value -> buffer -> data;
		value -> len = binding -> value -> value.data.len;

	return 1;

int unset (struct binding_scope *scope, const char *name)
	struct binding *binding;

	binding = find_binding (scope, name);
	if (binding) {
		if (binding -> value)
				(&binding -> value, MDL);
		return 1;
	return 0;

 * \brief Adds two Dc-formatted lists into a single Dc-formatted list
 * Given two data_strings containing compressed lists, it constructs a
 * third data_string containing a single compressed list:
 * 1. Decompressing the first list into a buffer
 * 2. Decompressing the second list onto the end of the buffer
 * 3. Compressing the buffer into the result
 * If either list is empty, the result will be the equal to the compressed
 * content of the non-empty list.  If both lists are empty, the result will
 * be an "empty" list: a 1 byte buffer containing 0x00.
 * It relies on two functions to decompress and compress:
 *  - MRns_name_uncompress_list() - produces a null-terminated string of
 *  comma-separated domain-names from a buffer containing  "Dc" formatted
 *  data
 *  - MRns_name_compress_list() - produces a buffer containing "Dc" formatted
 *  data from a null-terminated string containing comma-separated domain-names
 * \param result data_string which will contain the combined list
 * in Dc format
 * \param list1 data_string containing first Dc formatted list
 * \param list2 data_string containing second Dc formatted list
 * \return 0 if there is an error, the length of the new list when successful
int concat_dclists (struct data_string* result,
	struct data_string* list1,
	struct data_string* list2)
	char uncompbuf[32*NS_MAXCDNAME];
	char *uncomp = uncompbuf;
	int uncomp_len = 0;
	int compbuf_max = 0;
	int list_len = 0;
	int i;

	/* If not empty, uncompress first list into the uncompressed buffer */
	if (list1 && (list1->data) && (list1->len)) {
		list_len = MRns_name_uncompress_list(list1->data,
						     list1->len, uncomp,
		if (list_len < 0) {
			log_error ("concat_dclists:"
				   " error decompressing domain list 1");
			return (0);

		uncomp_len = list_len;
		uncomp += list_len;

	/* If not empty, uncompress second list into the uncompressed buffer */
	if (list2 && (list2->data) && (list2->len)) {
		/* If first list wasn't empty, add a comma */
		if (uncomp_len > 0)  {
			*uncomp++ =  ',';

		list_len = MRns_name_uncompress_list(list2->data, list2->len,
						      uncomp, (sizeof(uncompbuf)
							       - uncomp_len));
		if (list_len < 0) {
			log_error ("concat_dclists:"
				   " error decompressing domain list 2");
			return (0);

		uncomp_len += list_len;
		uncomp += list_len;

	/* If both lists were empty, return an "empty" result */
	if (uncomp_len == 0) {
		if (!buffer_allocate (&result->buffer, 1, MDL)) {
			log_error ("concat_dclists: empty list allocate fail");
			result->len = 0;
			return (0);

		result->len = 1;
		result->data = result->buffer->data;
		return (1);

	/* Estimate the buffer size needed for decompression. The largest
	 * decompression would if one where there are no repeated portions,
	 * (i.e. no compressions). Therefore that size should be the
	 * decompressed string length + 2 for each comma + a final null. Each
	 * dot gets replaced with a length byte and is accounted for in string
	 * length. Mininum length is * uncomp_len + 3. */
	compbuf_max = uncomp_len + 3;
	uncomp = uncompbuf;
	for (i = 0; i < uncomp_len; i++)
		if (*uncomp++ == ',')
			compbuf_max += 2;

	/* Allocate compression buffer based on estimated max */
	if (!buffer_allocate (&result->buffer, compbuf_max, MDL)) {
		log_error ("concat_dclists: No memory for result");
		result->len = 0;
		return (0);

	/* Compress the combined list into result */
	list_len = MRns_name_compress_list(uncompbuf, uncomp_len,
					   result->buffer->data, compbuf_max);

	if (list_len <= 0) {
		log_error ("concat_dlists: error compressing result");
		data_string_forget(result, MDL);
		result->len = 0;
		return (0);

	/* Update result length to actual size */
	result->len = list_len;
	result->data = result->buffer->data;
	return (list_len);

/* vim: set tabstop=8: */