/* $Id: at91pio.c,v 1.6 2012/11/12 18:00:36 skrll Exp $ */ /* $NetBSD: at91pio.c,v 1.6 2012/11/12 18:00:36 skrll Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Embedtronics Oy. All rights reserved. * * Based on arch/arm/ep93xx/epgpio.c, * Copyright (c) 2005 HAMAJIMA Katsuomi. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: at91pio.c,v 1.6 2012/11/12 18:00:36 skrll Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <sys/gpio.h> #include <sys/bus.h> #include <machine/intr.h> #include <dev/gpio/gpiovar.h> #include <arm/at91/at91var.h> #include <arm/at91/at91reg.h> #include <arm/at91/at91pioreg.h> #include <arm/at91/at91piovar.h> #include "gpio.h" #if NGPIO > 0 #include <sys/gpio.h> #endif #include "locators.h" #ifdef AT91PIO_DEBUG int at91pio_debug = AT91PIO_DEBUG; #define DPRINTFN(n,x) if (at91pio_debug>(n)) printf x; #else #define DPRINTFN(n,x) #endif #define AT91PIO_NMAXPORTS 4 #define AT91PIO_NPINS 32 struct intr_req { int (*ireq_func)(void *); void *ireq_arg; int ireq_ipl; }; #define PIO_READ(_sc, _reg) bus_space_read_4((_sc)->sc_iot, (_sc)->sc_ioh, (_reg)) #define PIO_WRITE(_sc, _reg, _val) bus_space_write_4((_sc)->sc_iot, (_sc)->sc_ioh, (_reg), (_val)) struct at91pio_softc { bus_space_tag_t sc_iot; bus_space_handle_t sc_ioh; int sc_pid; #if NGPIO > 0 struct gpio_chipset_tag gpio_chipset; gpio_pin_t pins[AT91PIO_NPINS]; #endif int irq; void *ih; struct intr_req ireq[AT91PIO_NPINS]; }; static int at91pio_match(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); static void at91pio_attach(device_t, device_t, void *); #if NGPIO > 0 static int at91piobus_print(void *, const char *); static int at91pio_pin_read(void *, int); static void at91pio_pin_write(void *, int, int); static void at91pio_pin_ctl(void *, int, int); #endif static int at91pio_search(device_t, cfdata_t, const int *, void *); static int at91pio_print(void *, const char *); static int at91pio_intr(void* arg); CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(at91pio, sizeof(struct at91pio_softc), at91pio_match, at91pio_attach, NULL, NULL); static struct at91pio_softc *at91pio_softc[AT91_PIO_COUNT]; struct at91pio_softc *at91pio_sc(at91pio_port port) { if (port < AT91_PIO_COUNT) return at91pio_softc[port]; return NULL; } static int at91pio_match(device_t parent, cfdata_t match, void *aux) { if (strcmp(match->cf_name, "at91pio") == 0) return 2; return 0; } static void at91pio_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { struct at91pio_softc *sc = device_private(self); struct at91bus_attach_args *sa = aux; #if NGPIO > 0 struct gpiobus_attach_args gba; uint32_t psr, osr, pin; int j, n; #endif printf("\n"); sc->sc_iot = sa->sa_iot; sc->sc_pid = sa->sa_pid; if (bus_space_map(sa->sa_iot, sa->sa_addr, sa->sa_size, 0, &sc->sc_ioh)){ printf("%s: Cannot map registers", device_xname(self)); return; } /* save descriptor: */ at91pio_port p = at91_pio_port(sa->sa_pid); if (p < AT91_PIO_COUNT && !at91pio_softc[p]) at91pio_softc[p] = sc; /* make sure peripheral is enabled: */ at91_peripheral_clock(sc->sc_pid, 1); /* initialize ports (disable interrupts) */ PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_IDR, -1); #if NGPIO > 0 /* initialize and attach gpio(4) */ psr = PIO_READ(sc, PIO_PSR); // only ports osr = PIO_READ(sc, PIO_OSR); pin = PIO_READ(sc, PIO_PDSR); psr &= ~at91_gpio_mask(sc->sc_pid); for (j = n = 0; j < AT91PIO_NPINS; j++) { sc->pins[n].pin_num = j; if (psr & (1 << j)) sc->pins[n].pin_caps = (GPIO_PIN_INPUT | GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT | GPIO_PIN_OPENDRAIN // @@@ not all pins | GPIO_PIN_PUSHPULL | GPIO_PIN_PULLUP); else sc->pins[n].pin_caps = 0; if (osr & (1 << j)) sc->pins[n].pin_flags = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT; else sc->pins[n].pin_flags = GPIO_PIN_INPUT; if (pin & (1 << j)) sc->pins[n].pin_state = GPIO_PIN_HIGH; else sc->pins[n].pin_state = GPIO_PIN_LOW; n++; } sc->gpio_chipset.gp_cookie = sc; sc->gpio_chipset.gp_pin_read = at91pio_pin_read; sc->gpio_chipset.gp_pin_write = at91pio_pin_write; sc->gpio_chipset.gp_pin_ctl = at91pio_pin_ctl; gba.gba_gc = &sc->gpio_chipset; gba.gba_pins = sc->pins; gba.gba_npins = n; config_found_ia(self, "gpiobus", &gba, at91piobus_print); #endif /* attach device */ config_search_ia(at91pio_search, self, "at91pio", at91pio_print); } #if NGPIO > 0 static int at91piobus_print(void *aux, const char *name) { struct gpiobus_attach_args *gba = aux; struct at91pio_softc *sc = (struct at91pio_softc *)gba->gba_gc->gp_cookie; gpiobus_print(aux, name); aprint_normal(": port %s (mask %08"PRIX32")", at91_peripheral_name(sc->sc_pid), at91_gpio_mask(sc->sc_pid)); return (UNCONF); } #endif static int at91pio_search(device_t parent, cfdata_t cf, const int *ldesc, void *aux) { struct at91pio_softc *sc = device_private(parent); struct at91pio_attach_args paa; paa.paa_sc = sc; paa.paa_iot = sc->sc_iot; paa.paa_pid = cf->cf_loc[AT91PIOCF_PID]; paa.paa_bit = cf->cf_loc[AT91PIOCF_BIT]; if (config_match(parent, cf, &paa) > 0) config_attach(parent, cf, &paa, at91pio_print); return 0; } static int at91pio_print(void *aux, const char *name) { struct at91pio_attach_args *paa = aux; aprint_normal(":"); if (paa->paa_pid > -1) aprint_normal(" port %s", at91_peripheral_name(paa->paa_pid)); if (paa->paa_bit > -1) aprint_normal(" bit %d", paa->paa_bit); return (UNCONF); } int at91pio_read(struct at91pio_softc *sc, int bit) { #if NGPIO > 0 sc->pins[bit].pin_caps = 0; #endif return (PIO_READ(sc, PIO_PDSR) >> bit) & 1; } void at91pio_set(struct at91pio_softc *sc, int bit) { #if NGPIO > 0 sc->pins[bit].pin_caps = 0; #endif PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_SODR, (1U << bit)); } void at91pio_clear(struct at91pio_softc *sc, int bit) { #if NGPIO > 0 sc->pins[bit].pin_caps = 0; #endif PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_CODR, (1U << bit)); } void at91pio_in(struct at91pio_softc *sc, int bit) { #if NGPIO > 0 sc->pins[bit].pin_caps = 0; #endif PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_ODR, (1U << bit)); } void at91pio_out(struct at91pio_softc *sc, int bit) { #if NGPIO > 0 sc->pins[bit].pin_caps = 0; #endif PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_OER, (1U << bit)); } void at91pio_per(struct at91pio_softc *sc, int bit, int perab) { #if NGPIO > 0 sc->pins[bit].pin_caps = 0; #endif switch (perab) { case -1: PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_PER, (1U << bit)); break; case 0: PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_ASR, (1U << bit)); PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_PDR, (1U << bit)); break; case 1: PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_BSR, (1U << bit)); PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_PDR, (1U << bit)); break; default: panic("%s: perab is invalid: %i", __FUNCTION__, perab); break; } } void * at91pio_intr_establish(struct at91pio_softc *sc, int bit, int ipl, int (*ireq_func)(void *), void *arg) { struct intr_req *ireq; DPRINTFN(1, ("at91pio_intr_establish: port=%s, bit=%d\n", at91_peripheral_name(sc->sc_pid), bit)); if (bit < 0 || bit >= AT91PIO_NPINS) return 0; ireq = &sc->ireq[bit]; if (ireq->ireq_func) /* already used */ return 0; ireq->ireq_func = ireq_func; ireq->ireq_arg = arg; ireq->ireq_ipl = ipl; PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_IDR, (1U << bit)); /* disable interrupt for now */ at91pio_in(sc, bit); /* make sure pin is input */ #if NGPIO > 0 sc->pins[bit].pin_caps = 0; #endif #if 0 if (flag & EDGE_TRIGGER) at91pio_bit_set(sc, sc->xinttype1, bit); else /* LEVEL_SENSE */ at91pio_bit_clear(sc, sc->xinttype1, bit); if (flag & RISING_EDGE) /* or HIGH_LEVEL */ at91pio_bit_set(sc, sc->xinttype2, bit); else /* FALLING_EDGE or LOW_LEVEL */ at91pio_bit_clear(sc, sc->xinttype2, bit); if (flag & DEBOUNCE) PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_IFER, (1U << bit)); else PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_IFDR, (1U << bit)); #endif if (!sc->ih) { // use IPL_BIO because we want lowest possible priority as // we really don't know what priority is going to be used by // the caller.. this is not really optimal but tell me a // better way sc->ih = at91_intr_establish(sc->sc_pid, IPL_BIO, INTR_HIGH_LEVEL, at91pio_intr, sc); } //(void)PIO_READ(sc, PIO_ISR); // clear interrupts PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_IER, (1U << bit)); // enable interrupt return sc->ih; } void at91pio_intr_disestablish(struct at91pio_softc *sc, int bit, void *cookie) { struct intr_req *ireq; int i; DPRINTFN(1, ("at91pio_intr_disestablish: port=%s, bit=%d\n", at91_peripheral_name(sc->sc_pid), bit)); if (bit < 0 || bit >= AT91PIO_NPINS) return; if (cookie != sc->ih) return; ireq = &sc->ireq[bit]; if (!ireq->ireq_func) return; PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_IDR, (1U << bit)); ireq->ireq_func = 0; ireq->ireq_arg = 0; for (i = 0; i < AT91PIO_NPINS; i++) { if (sc->ireq[i].ireq_func) break; } if (i >= AT91PIO_NPINS) { at91_intr_disestablish(sc->ih); sc->ih = 0; } } static int at91pio_intr(void *arg) { struct at91pio_softc *sc = arg; int bit; uint32_t isr; isr = (PIO_READ(sc, PIO_ISR) & PIO_READ(sc, PIO_IMR)); if (!isr) return 0; do { bit = ffs(isr) - 1; isr &= ~(1U << bit); #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC if (bit < 0) panic("%s: isr is zero (0x%X)", __FUNCTION__, isr); #endif if (sc->ireq[bit].ireq_func) { int s = _splraise(sc->ireq[bit].ireq_ipl); (*sc->ireq[bit].ireq_func)(sc->ireq[bit].ireq_arg); splx(s); } } while (isr); return 1; } #if NGPIO > 0 static int at91pio_pin_read(void *arg, int pin) { struct at91pio_softc *sc = arg; pin %= AT91PIO_NPINS; if (!sc->pins[pin].pin_caps) return 0; /* EBUSY? */ return (PIO_READ(sc, PIO_PDSR) >> pin) & 1; } static void at91pio_pin_write(void *arg, int pin, int val) { struct at91pio_softc *sc = arg; pin %= AT91PIO_NPINS; if (!sc->pins[pin].pin_caps) return; if (val) PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_SODR, (1U << pin)); else PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_CODR, (1U << pin)); } static void at91pio_pin_ctl(void *arg, int pin, int flags) { struct at91pio_softc *sc = arg; pin %= AT91PIO_NPINS; if (!sc->pins[pin].pin_caps) return; if (flags & GPIO_PIN_INPUT) PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_ODR, (1U << pin)); else if (flags & GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT) PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_OER, (1U << pin)); if (flags & GPIO_PIN_OPENDRAIN) PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_MDER, (1U << pin)); else if (flags & GPIO_PIN_PUSHPULL) PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_MDDR, (1U << pin)); if (flags & GPIO_PIN_PULLUP) PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_PUER, (1U << pin)); else PIO_WRITE(sc, PIO_PUDR, (1U << pin)); } #endif