/* $NetBSD: pl310.c,v 1.19 2019/01/19 20:52:26 jmcneill Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2012 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Matt Thomas * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: pl310.c,v 1.19 2019/01/19 20:52:26 jmcneill Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/bus.h> #include <sys/cpu.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <sys/atomic.h> #include <arm/locore.h> #include <arm/cortex/mpcore_var.h> #include <arm/cortex/pl310_reg.h> #include <arm/cortex/pl310_var.h> static int arml2cc_match(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); static void arml2cc_attach(device_t, device_t, void *); #define L2CC_SIZE 0x1000 struct arml2cc_softc { device_t sc_dev; bus_space_tag_t sc_memt; bus_space_handle_t sc_memh; kmutex_t sc_lock; uint32_t sc_waymask; struct evcnt sc_ev_inv __aligned(8); struct evcnt sc_ev_wb; struct evcnt sc_ev_wbinv; bool sc_enabled; }; __CTASSERT(offsetof(struct arml2cc_softc, sc_ev_inv.ev_count) % 8 == 0); __CTASSERT(offsetof(struct arml2cc_softc, sc_ev_wb.ev_count) % 8 == 0); __CTASSERT(offsetof(struct arml2cc_softc, sc_ev_wbinv.ev_count) % 8 == 0); CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(arml2cc, sizeof(struct arml2cc_softc), arml2cc_match, arml2cc_attach, NULL, NULL); static inline void arml2cc_disable(struct arml2cc_softc *); static inline void arml2cc_enable(struct arml2cc_softc *); static void arml2cc_sdcache_wb_range(vaddr_t, paddr_t, psize_t); static void arml2cc_sdcache_inv_range(vaddr_t, paddr_t, psize_t); static void arml2cc_sdcache_wbinv_range(vaddr_t, paddr_t, psize_t); static struct arml2cc_softc *arml2cc_sc; static inline uint32_t arml2cc_read_4(struct arml2cc_softc *sc, bus_size_t o) { return bus_space_read_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_memh, o); } static inline void arml2cc_write_4(struct arml2cc_softc *sc, bus_size_t o, uint32_t v) { bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_memh, o, v); } /* ARGSUSED */ static int arml2cc_match(device_t parent, cfdata_t cf, void *aux) { struct mpcore_attach_args * const mpcaa = aux; if (arml2cc_sc) return 0; if (!CPU_ID_CORTEX_A9_P(curcpu()->ci_arm_cpuid) && !CPU_ID_CORTEX_A5_P(curcpu()->ci_arm_cpuid)) return 0; if (strcmp(mpcaa->mpcaa_name, cf->cf_name) != 0) return 0; /* * This isn't present on UP A9s (since CBAR isn't present). */ uint32_t mpidr = armreg_mpidr_read(); if (mpidr == 0 || (mpidr & MPIDR_U)) return 0; return 1; } static const struct { uint8_t rev; uint8_t str[7]; } pl310_revs[] = { { 0, " r0p0" }, { 2, " r1p0" }, { 4, " r2p0" }, { 5, " r3p0" }, { 6, " r3p1" }, { 7, " r3p1a" }, { 8, " r3p2" }, { 9, " r3p3" }, }; static void arml2cc_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { struct arml2cc_softc * const sc = device_private(self); struct mpcore_attach_args * const mpcaa = aux; const char * const xname = device_xname(self); prop_dictionary_t dict = device_properties(self); uint32_t off; aprint_naive("\n"); if (!prop_dictionary_get_uint32(dict, "offset", &off)) off = mpcaa->mpcaa_off1; arml2cc_sc = sc; sc->sc_dev = self; sc->sc_memt = mpcaa->mpcaa_memt; sc->sc_waymask = __BIT(arm_scache.dcache_ways) - 1; evcnt_attach_dynamic(&sc->sc_ev_inv, EVCNT_TYPE_MISC, NULL, xname, "L2 inv requests"); evcnt_attach_dynamic(&sc->sc_ev_wb, EVCNT_TYPE_MISC, NULL, xname, "L2 wb requests"); evcnt_attach_dynamic(&sc->sc_ev_wbinv, EVCNT_TYPE_MISC, NULL, xname, "L2 wbinv requests"); mutex_init(&sc->sc_lock, MUTEX_DEFAULT, IPL_HIGH); bus_space_subregion(sc->sc_memt, mpcaa->mpcaa_memh, off, L2CC_SIZE, &sc->sc_memh); uint32_t id = arml2cc_read_4(sc, L2C_CACHE_ID); u_int rev = __SHIFTOUT(id, CACHE_ID_REV); const char *revstr = ""; for (size_t i = 0; i < __arraycount(pl310_revs); i++) { if (rev == pl310_revs[i].rev) { revstr = pl310_revs[i].str; break; } } const bool enabled_p = arml2cc_read_4(sc, L2C_CTL) != 0; aprint_normal(": ARM PL310%s L2 Cache Controller%s\n", revstr, enabled_p ? "" : " (disabled)"); if (enabled_p) { if (device_cfdata(self)->cf_flags & 1) { arml2cc_disable(sc); aprint_normal_dev(self, "cache %s\n", arml2cc_read_4(sc, L2C_CTL) ? "enabled" : "disabled"); sc->sc_enabled = false; } else { cpufuncs.cf_sdcache_wb_range = arml2cc_sdcache_wb_range; cpufuncs.cf_sdcache_inv_range = arml2cc_sdcache_inv_range; cpufuncs.cf_sdcache_wbinv_range = arml2cc_sdcache_wbinv_range; sc->sc_enabled = true; } } else if ((device_cfdata(self)->cf_flags & 1) == 0) { if (!enabled_p) { arml2cc_enable(sc); aprint_normal_dev(self, "cache %s\n", arml2cc_read_4(sc, L2C_CTL) ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } cpufuncs.cf_sdcache_wb_range = arml2cc_sdcache_wb_range; cpufuncs.cf_sdcache_inv_range = arml2cc_sdcache_inv_range; cpufuncs.cf_sdcache_wbinv_range = arml2cc_sdcache_wbinv_range; sc->sc_enabled = true; } KASSERTMSG(arm_pcache.dcache_line_size == arm_scache.dcache_line_size, "pcache %u scache %u", arm_pcache.dcache_line_size, arm_scache.dcache_line_size); } static inline void arml2cc_cache_op(struct arml2cc_softc *sc, bus_size_t off, uint32_t val, bool wait) { arml2cc_write_4(sc, off, val); if (wait) { while (arml2cc_read_4(sc, off) & 1) { /* spin */ } } } static inline void arml2cc_cache_way_op(struct arml2cc_softc *sc, bus_size_t off, uint32_t way_mask) { arml2cc_write_4(sc, off, way_mask); while (arml2cc_read_4(sc, off) & way_mask) { /* spin */ } } static inline void arml2cc_cache_sync(struct arml2cc_softc *sc) { arml2cc_cache_op(sc, L2C_CACHE_SYNC, 0, true); } static inline void arml2cc_disable(struct arml2cc_softc *sc) { mutex_spin_enter(&sc->sc_lock); arml2cc_cache_way_op(sc, L2C_CLEAN_INV_WAY, sc->sc_waymask); arml2cc_cache_sync(sc); arml2cc_write_4(sc, L2C_CTL, 0); // turn it off mutex_spin_exit(&sc->sc_lock); } static inline void arml2cc_enable(struct arml2cc_softc *sc) { mutex_spin_enter(&sc->sc_lock); arml2cc_cache_way_op(sc, L2C_INV_WAY, sc->sc_waymask); arml2cc_cache_sync(sc); arml2cc_write_4(sc, L2C_CTL, 1); // turn it on mutex_spin_exit(&sc->sc_lock); } void arml2cc_init(bus_space_tag_t bst, bus_space_handle_t bsh, bus_size_t o) { struct arm_cache_info * const info = &arm_scache; uint32_t cfg = bus_space_read_4(bst, bsh, o + L2C_CACHE_TYPE); info->cache_type = __SHIFTOUT(cfg, CACHE_TYPE_CTYPE); info->cache_unified = __SHIFTOUT(cfg, CACHE_TYPE_HARVARD) == 0; u_int cfg_dsize = __SHIFTOUT(cfg, CACHE_TYPE_DSIZE); u_int d_waysize = 8192 << __SHIFTOUT(cfg_dsize, CACHE_TYPE_xWAYSIZE); info->dcache_ways = 8 << __SHIFTOUT(cfg_dsize, CACHE_TYPE_xASSOC); info->dcache_line_size = 32 << __SHIFTOUT(cfg_dsize, CACHE_TYPE_xLINESIZE); info->dcache_size = info->dcache_ways * d_waysize; info->dcache_type = CACHE_TYPE_PIPT; info->icache_type = CACHE_TYPE_PIPT; if (info->cache_unified) { info->icache_ways = info->dcache_ways; info->icache_line_size = info->dcache_line_size; info->icache_size = info->dcache_size; } else { u_int cfg_isize = __SHIFTOUT(cfg, CACHE_TYPE_ISIZE); u_int i_waysize = 8192 << __SHIFTOUT(cfg_isize, CACHE_TYPE_xWAYSIZE); info->icache_ways = 8 << __SHIFTOUT(cfg_isize, CACHE_TYPE_xASSOC); info->icache_line_size = 32 << __SHIFTOUT(cfg_isize, CACHE_TYPE_xLINESIZE); info->icache_size = i_waysize * info->icache_ways; } } static void arml2cc_cache_range_op(paddr_t pa, psize_t len, bus_size_t cache_op) { struct arml2cc_softc * const sc = arml2cc_sc; const size_t line_size = arm_scache.dcache_line_size; const size_t line_mask = line_size - 1; size_t off = pa & line_mask; if (off) { len += off; pa -= off; } len = roundup2(len, line_size); mutex_spin_enter(&sc->sc_lock); if (__predict_false(!sc->sc_enabled)) { mutex_spin_exit(&sc->sc_lock); return; } for (const paddr_t endpa = pa + len; pa < endpa; pa += line_size) { arml2cc_cache_op(sc, cache_op, pa, false); } arml2cc_cache_sync(sc); mutex_spin_exit(&sc->sc_lock); } static void arml2cc_sdcache_inv_range(vaddr_t va, paddr_t pa, psize_t len) { atomic_inc_64(&arml2cc_sc->sc_ev_inv.ev_count); arml2cc_cache_range_op(pa, len, L2C_INV_PA); } static void arml2cc_sdcache_wb_range(vaddr_t va, paddr_t pa, psize_t len) { atomic_inc_64(&arml2cc_sc->sc_ev_wb.ev_count); arml2cc_cache_range_op(pa, len, L2C_CLEAN_PA); } static void arml2cc_sdcache_wbinv_range(vaddr_t va, paddr_t pa, psize_t len) { atomic_inc_64(&arml2cc_sc->sc_ev_wbinv.ev_count); arml2cc_cache_range_op(pa, len, L2C_CLEAN_INV_PA); }