/* $NetBSD: boot.c,v 2023/05/13 11:45:53 martin Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2016 Kimihiro Nonaka <nonaka@netbsd.org> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "efiboot.h" #include <sys/bootblock.h> #include <sys/boot_flag.h> #include <machine/limits.h> #include "bootcfg.h" #include "bootmod.h" #include "bootmenu.h" #include "biosdisk.h" #include "devopen.h" int errno; int boot_biosdev; daddr_t boot_biossector; extern const char bootprog_name[], bootprog_rev[], bootprog_kernrev[]; extern struct x86_boot_params boot_params; extern char twiddle_toggle; static const char * const names[][2] = { { "netbsd", "netbsd.gz" }, { "onetbsd", "onetbsd.gz" }, { "netbsd.old", "netbsd.old.gz" }, }; #define NUMNAMES __arraycount(names) #define DEFFILENAME names[0][0] #ifndef EFIBOOTCFG_FILENAME #define EFIBOOTCFG_FILENAME "esp:/EFI/NetBSD/boot.cfg" #endif void command_help(char *); void command_quit(char *); void command_boot(char *); void command_pkboot(char *); void command_consdev(char *); void command_dev(char *); void command_devpath(char *); void command_efivar(char *); void command_gop(char *); #if LIBSA_ENABLE_LS_OP void command_ls(char *); #endif void command_memmap(char *); #ifndef SMALL void command_menu(char *); #endif void command_modules(char *); void command_multiboot(char *); void command_reloc(char *); void command_text(char *); void command_version(char *); const struct bootblk_command commands[] = { { "help", command_help }, { "?", command_help }, { "quit", command_quit }, { "boot", command_boot }, { "pkboot", command_pkboot }, { "consdev", command_consdev }, { "dev", command_dev }, { "devpath", command_devpath }, { "efivar", command_efivar }, { "fs", fs_add }, { "gop", command_gop }, { "load", module_add }, #if LIBSA_ENABLE_LS_OP { "ls", command_ls }, #endif { "memmap", command_memmap }, #ifndef SMALL { "menu", command_menu }, #endif { "modules", command_modules }, { "multiboot", command_multiboot }, { "reloc", command_reloc }, { "rndseed", rnd_add }, { "splash", splash_add }, { "text", command_text }, { "userconf", userconf_add }, { "version", command_version }, { NULL, NULL }, }; static char *default_fsname; static char *default_devname; static int default_unit, default_partition; static const char *default_filename; static const char *default_part_name; static char *sprint_bootsel(const char *); static void bootit(const char *, int); int parsebootfile(const char *fname, char **fsname, char **devname, int *unit, int *partition, const char **file) { const char *col; static char savedevname[MAXDEVNAME+1]; #if defined(SUPPORT_NFS) || defined(SUPPORT_TFTP) const struct netboot_fstab *nf; #endif *fsname = default_fsname; if (default_part_name == NULL) { *devname = default_devname; } else { snprintf(savedevname, sizeof(savedevname), "NAME=%s", default_part_name); *devname = savedevname; } *unit = default_unit; *partition = default_partition; *file = default_filename; if (fname == NULL) return 0; if ((col = strchr(fname, ':')) != NULL) { /* device given */ int devlen; int u = 0, p = 0; int i = 0; devlen = col - fname; if (devlen > MAXDEVNAME) return EINVAL; if (strstr(fname, "NAME=") == fname) { strlcpy(savedevname, fname, devlen + 1); *fsname = "ufs"; *devname = savedevname; *unit = -1; *partition = -1; fname = col + 1; goto out; } #define isvalidname(c) ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z') if (!isvalidname(fname[i])) return EINVAL; do { savedevname[i] = fname[i]; i++; } while (isvalidname(fname[i])); savedevname[i] = '\0'; #define isnum(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9') if (i < devlen) { if (!isnum(fname[i])) return EUNIT; do { u *= 10; u += fname[i++] - '0'; } while (isnum(fname[i])); } #define isvalidpart(c) ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z') if (i < devlen) { if (!isvalidpart(fname[i])) return EPART; p = fname[i++] - 'a'; } if (i != devlen) return ENXIO; #if defined(SUPPORT_NFS) || defined(SUPPORT_TFTP) nf = netboot_fstab_find(savedevname); if (nf != NULL) *fsname = (char *)nf->name; else #endif *fsname = "ufs"; *devname = savedevname; *unit = u; *partition = p; fname = col + 1; } out: if (*fname) *file = fname; return 0; } static char * snprint_bootdev(char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *devname, int unit, int partition) { static const char *no_partition_devs[] = { "esp", "net", "nfs", "tftp" }; int i; for (i = 0; i < __arraycount(no_partition_devs); i++) if (strcmp(devname, no_partition_devs[i]) == 0) break; if (strstr(devname, "NAME=") == devname) strlcpy(buf, devname, bufsize); else snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%s%d%c", devname, unit, i < __arraycount(no_partition_devs) ? '\0' : 'a' + partition); return buf; } static char * sprint_bootsel(const char *filename) { char *fsname, *devname; int unit, partition; const char *file; static char buf[80]; if (parsebootfile(filename, &fsname, &devname, &unit, &partition, &file) == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%s", snprint_bootdev(buf, sizeof(buf), devname, unit, partition), file); return buf; } return "(invalid)"; } void clearit(void) { if (bootcfg_info.clear) clear_pc_screen(); } static void bootit(const char *filename, int howto) { if (howto & AB_VERBOSE) printf("booting %s (howto 0x%x)\n", sprint_bootsel(filename), howto); if (exec_netbsd(filename, efi_loadaddr, howto, 0, efi_cleanup) < 0) printf("boot: %s: %s\n", sprint_bootsel(filename), strerror(errno)); else printf("boot returned\n"); } void print_banner(void) { int n; clearit(); if (bootcfg_info.banner[0]) { for (n = 0; n < BOOTCFG_MAXBANNER && bootcfg_info.banner[n]; n++) printf("%s\n", bootcfg_info.banner[n]); } else command_version("short"); } void boot(void) { int currname; int c; #if defined(SUPPORT_NFS) || defined(SUPPORT_TFTP) const struct netboot_fstab *nf; #endif boot_modules_enabled = !(boot_params.bp_flags & X86_BP_FLAGS_NOMODULES); /* try to set default device to what BIOS tells us */ bios2dev(boot_biosdev, boot_biossector, &default_devname, &default_unit, &default_partition, &default_part_name); /* if the user types "boot" without filename */ default_filename = DEFFILENAME; #if defined(SUPPORT_NFS) || defined(SUPPORT_TFTP) nf = netboot_fstab_find(default_devname); if (nf != NULL) default_fsname = (char *)nf->name; else #endif default_fsname = "ufs"; if (!(boot_params.bp_flags & X86_BP_FLAGS_NOBOOTCONF)) { #ifdef EFIBOOTCFG_FILENAME int rv = EINVAL; if (efi_bootdp_type != BOOT_DEVICE_TYPE_NET) rv = parsebootconf(EFIBOOTCFG_FILENAME); if (rv) #endif parsebootconf(BOOTCFG_FILENAME); } else { bootcfg_info.timeout = boot_params.bp_timeout; } /* * If console set in boot.cfg, switch to it. * This will print the banner, so we don't need to explicitly do it */ if (bootcfg_info.consdev) command_consdev(bootcfg_info.consdev); else print_banner(); /* Display the menu, if applicable */ twiddle_toggle = 0; if (bootcfg_info.nummenu > 0) { /* Does not return */ doboottypemenu(); } printf("Press return to boot now, any other key for boot menu\n"); for (currname = 0; currname < NUMNAMES; currname++) { printf("booting %s - starting in ", sprint_bootsel(names[currname][0])); c = awaitkey((bootcfg_info.timeout < 0) ? 0 : bootcfg_info.timeout, 1); if ((c != '\r') && (c != '\n') && (c != '\0')) { if ((boot_params.bp_flags & X86_BP_FLAGS_PASSWORD) == 0) { /* do NOT ask for password */ bootmenu(); /* does not return */ } else { /* DO ask for password */ if (check_password((char *)boot_params.bp_password)) { /* password ok */ printf("type \"?\" or \"help\" for help.\n"); bootmenu(); /* does not return */ } else { /* bad password */ printf("Wrong password.\n"); currname = 0; continue; } } } /* * try pairs of names[] entries, foo and foo.gz */ /* don't print "booting..." again */ bootit(names[currname][0], 0); /* since it failed, try compressed bootfile. */ bootit(names[currname][1], AB_VERBOSE); } bootmenu(); /* does not return */ } /* ARGSUSED */ void command_help(char *arg) { printf("commands are:\n" "boot [dev:][filename] [-12acdqsvxz]\n" #ifndef NO_RAIDFRAME " dev syntax is (hd|fd|cd|raid)[N[x]]\n" #else " dev syntax is (hd|fd|cd)[N[x]]\n" #endif #ifndef NO_GPT " or NAME=gpt_label\n" #endif " (ex. \"hd0a:netbsd.old -s\")\n" "pkboot [dev:][filename] [-12acdqsvxz]\n" "dev [dev:]\n" "consdev {pc|com[0123][,{speed}]|com,{ioport}[,{speed}]}\n" "devpath\n" "efivar\n" "gop [{modenum|list}]\n" "load {path_to_module}\n" #if LIBSA_ENABLE_LS_OP "ls [dev:][path]\n" #endif "memmap [{sorted|unsorted|compact}]\n" #ifndef SMALL "menu (reenters boot menu, if defined in boot.cfg)\n" #endif "modules {on|off|enabled|disabled}\n" "multiboot [dev:][filename] [<args>]\n" "reloc {address|none|default}\n" "rndseed {path_to_rndseed_file}\n" "splash {path_to_image_file}\n" "text [{modenum|list}]\n" "userconf {command}\n" "version\n" "help|?\n" "quit\n"); } #if LIBSA_ENABLE_LS_OP void command_ls(char *arg) { const char *save = default_filename; default_filename = "/"; ls(arg); default_filename = save; } #endif /* ARGSUSED */ void command_quit(char *arg) { printf("Exiting...\n"); delay(1 * 1000 * 1000); reboot(); /* Note: we shouldn't get to this point! */ panic("Could not reboot!"); } void command_boot(char *arg) { char *filename; int howto; if (!parseboot(arg, &filename, &howto)) return; if (filename != NULL) { bootit(filename, howto); } else { int i; if (howto == 0) bootdefault(); for (i = 0; i < NUMNAMES; i++) { bootit(names[i][0], howto); bootit(names[i][1], howto); } } } void command_pkboot(char *arg) { extern int has_prekern; has_prekern = 1; command_boot(arg); has_prekern = 0; } void command_dev(char *arg) { static char savedevname[MAXDEVNAME + 1]; char buf[80]; char *devname; const char *file; /* dummy */ if (*arg == '\0') { efi_disk_show(); efi_net_show(); if (default_part_name != NULL) printf("default NAME=%s\n", default_part_name); else printf("default %s\n", snprint_bootdev(buf, sizeof(buf), default_devname, default_unit, default_partition)); return; } if (strchr(arg, ':') == NULL || parsebootfile(arg, &default_fsname, &devname, &default_unit, &default_partition, &file)) { command_help(NULL); return; } /* put to own static storage */ strncpy(savedevname, devname, MAXDEVNAME + 1); default_devname = savedevname; /* +5 to skip leading NAME= */ if (strstr(devname, "NAME=") == devname) default_part_name = default_devname + 5; } static const struct cons_devs { const char *name; u_int tag; int ioport; } cons_devs[] = { { "pc", CONSDEV_PC, 0 }, { "com0", CONSDEV_COM0, 0 }, { "com1", CONSDEV_COM1, 0 }, { "com2", CONSDEV_COM2, 0 }, { "com3", CONSDEV_COM3, 0 }, { "com0kbd", CONSDEV_COM0KBD, 0 }, { "com1kbd", CONSDEV_COM1KBD, 0 }, { "com2kbd", CONSDEV_COM2KBD, 0 }, { "com3kbd", CONSDEV_COM3KBD, 0 }, { "com", CONSDEV_COM0, -1 }, { "auto", CONSDEV_AUTO, 0 }, { NULL, 0 } }; void command_consdev(char *arg) { const struct cons_devs *cdp; char *sep, *sep2 = NULL; int ioport, speed = 0; if (*arg == '\0') { efi_cons_show(); return; } sep = strchr(arg, ','); if (sep != NULL) { *sep++ = '\0'; sep2 = strchr(sep, ','); if (sep2 != NULL) *sep2++ = '\0'; } for (cdp = cons_devs; cdp->name; cdp++) { if (strcmp(arg, cdp->name) == 0) { ioport = cdp->ioport; if (cdp->tag == CONSDEV_PC || cdp->tag == CONSDEV_AUTO) { if (sep != NULL || sep2 != NULL) goto error; } else { /* com? */ if (ioport == -1) { if (sep != NULL) { u_long t = strtoul(sep, NULL, 0); if (t > INT_MAX) goto error; ioport = (int)t; } if (sep2 != NULL) { speed = atoi(sep2); if (speed < 0) goto error; } } else { if (sep != NULL) { speed = atoi(sep); if (speed < 0) goto error; } if (sep2 != NULL) goto error; } } efi_consinit(cdp->tag, ioport, speed); print_banner(); return; } } error: printf("invalid console device.\n"); } #ifndef SMALL /* ARGSUSED */ void command_menu(char *arg) { if (bootcfg_info.nummenu > 0) { /* Does not return */ doboottypemenu(); } else printf("No menu defined in boot.cfg\n"); } #endif /* !SMALL */ void command_modules(char *arg) { if (strcmp(arg, "enabled") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "on") == 0) boot_modules_enabled = true; else if (strcmp(arg, "disabled") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "off") == 0) boot_modules_enabled = false; else printf("invalid flag, must be 'enabled' or 'disabled'.\n"); } void command_multiboot(char *arg) { char *filename; filename = arg; if (exec_multiboot(filename, gettrailer(arg)) < 0) printf("multiboot: %s: %s\n", sprint_bootsel(filename), strerror(errno)); else printf("boot returned\n"); } void command_reloc(char *arg) { char *ep; if (*arg == '\0') { switch (efi_reloc_type) { case RELOC_NONE: printf("reloc: none\n"); break; case RELOC_ADDR: printf("reloc: %p\n", (void *)efi_kernel_reloc); break; case RELOC_DEFAULT: default: printf("reloc: default\n"); break; } goto out; } if (strcmp(arg, "default") == 0) { efi_reloc_type = RELOC_DEFAULT; goto out; } if (strcmp(arg, "none") == 0) { efi_reloc_type = RELOC_NONE; goto out; } errno = 0; efi_kernel_reloc = strtoul(arg, &ep, 0); if (ep == arg || *ep != '\0' || errno) printf("could not parse address \"%s\"\n", arg); else efi_reloc_type = RELOC_ADDR; out: return; } void command_version(char *arg) { CHAR16 *path; char *upath, *ufirmware; int rv; if (strcmp(arg, "full") == 0) { printf("ImageBase: 0x%" PRIxPTR "\n", (uintptr_t)efi_li->ImageBase); printf("Stack: 0x%" PRIxPTR "\n", efi_main_sp); printf("EFI version: %d.%02d\n", ST->Hdr.Revision >> 16, ST->Hdr.Revision & 0xffff); ufirmware = NULL; rv = ucs2_to_utf8(ST->FirmwareVendor, &ufirmware); if (rv == 0) { printf("EFI Firmware: %s (rev %d.%02d)\n", ufirmware, ST->FirmwareRevision >> 16, ST->FirmwareRevision & 0xffff); FreePool(ufirmware); } path = DevicePathToStr(efi_bootdp); upath = NULL; rv = ucs2_to_utf8(path, &upath); FreePool(path); if (rv == 0) { printf("Boot DevicePath: %d:%d:%s\n", DevicePathType(efi_bootdp), DevicePathSubType(efi_bootdp), upath); FreePool(upath); } } printf("\n" ">> %s, Revision %s (from NetBSD %s)\n" ">> Memory: %d/%d k\n", bootprog_name, bootprog_rev, bootprog_kernrev, getbasemem(), getextmem()); } void command_memmap(char *arg) { bool sorted = true; bool compact = false; if (*arg == '\0' || strcmp(arg, "sorted") == 0) /* Already sorted is true. */; else if (strcmp(arg, "unsorted") == 0) sorted = false; else if (strcmp(arg, "compact") == 0) compact = true; else { printf("invalid flag, " "must be 'sorted', 'unsorted' or 'compact'.\n"); return; } efi_memory_show_map(sorted, compact); } void command_devpath(char *arg) { EFI_STATUS status; UINTN i, nhandles; EFI_HANDLE *handles; EFI_DEVICE_PATH *dp0, *dp; CHAR16 *path; char *upath; UINTN cols, rows, row = 0; int rv; status = uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->QueryMode, 4, ST->ConOut, ST->ConOut->Mode->Mode, &cols, &rows); if (EFI_ERROR(status) || rows <= 2) rows = 0; else rows -= 2; /* * all devices. */ status = LibLocateHandle(ByProtocol, &DevicePathProtocol, NULL, &nhandles, &handles); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) return; for (i = 0; i < nhandles; i++) { status = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->HandleProtocol, 3, handles[i], &DevicePathProtocol, (void **)&dp0); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) break; printf("DevicePathType %d\n", DevicePathType(dp0)); if (++row >= rows) { row = 0; printf("Press Any Key to continue :"); (void) awaitkey(-1, 0); printf("\n"); } for (dp = dp0; !IsDevicePathEnd(dp); dp = NextDevicePathNode(dp)) { path = DevicePathToStr(dp); upath = NULL; rv = ucs2_to_utf8(path, &upath); FreePool(path); if (rv) { printf("convert failed\n"); break; } printf("%d:%d:%s\n", DevicePathType(dp), DevicePathSubType(dp), upath); FreePool(upath); if (++row >= rows) { row = 0; printf("Press Any Key to continue :"); (void) awaitkey(-1, 0); printf("\n"); } } } } void command_efivar(char *arg) { static const char header[] = "GUID Variable Name Value\n" "==================================== ==================== ========\n"; EFI_STATUS status; UINTN sz = 64, osz; CHAR16 *name = NULL, *tmp, *val, guid[128]; char *uname, *uval, *uguid; EFI_GUID vendor; UINTN cols, rows, row = 0; int rv; status = uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->QueryMode, 4, ST->ConOut, ST->ConOut->Mode->Mode, &cols, &rows); if (EFI_ERROR(status) || rows <= 2) rows = 0; else rows -= 2; name = AllocatePool(sz); if (name == NULL) { printf("memory allocation failed: %" PRIuMAX" bytes\n", (uintmax_t)sz); return; } SetMem(name, sz, 0); vendor = NullGuid; printf("%s", header); for (;;) { osz = sz; status = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->GetNextVariableName, 3, &sz, name, &vendor); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) { if (status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) break; if (status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { printf("GetNextVariableName failed: %" PRIxMAX "\n", (uintmax_t)status); break; } tmp = AllocatePool(sz); if (tmp == NULL) { printf("memory allocation failed: %" PRIuMAX "bytes\n", (uintmax_t)sz); break; } SetMem(tmp, sz, 0); CopyMem(tmp, name, osz); FreePool(name); name = tmp; continue; } val = LibGetVariable(name, &vendor); if (val != NULL) { uval = NULL; rv = ucs2_to_utf8(val, &uval); FreePool(val); if (rv) { printf("value convert failed\n"); break; } } else uval = NULL; uname = NULL; rv = ucs2_to_utf8(name, &uname); if (rv) { printf("name convert failed\n"); FreePool(uval); break; } GuidToString(guid, &vendor); uguid = NULL; rv = ucs2_to_utf8(guid, &uguid); if (rv) { printf("GUID convert failed\n"); FreePool(uval); FreePool(uname); break; } printf("%-35s %-20s %s\n", uguid, uname, uval ? uval : "(null)"); FreePool(uguid); FreePool(uname); if (uval != NULL) FreePool(uval); if (++row >= rows) { row = 0; printf("Press Any Key to continue :"); (void) awaitkey(-1, 0); printf("\n"); } } FreePool(name); }