/* $NetBSD: eficons.c,v 2023/09/15 15:40:22 martin Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2016 Kimihiro Nonaka <nonaka@netbsd.org> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/bitops.h> #include <sys/stdint.h> #include <comio_direct.h> #include "efiboot.h" #include "bootinfo.h" #include "vbe.h" #ifndef DEFAULT_GOP_MODE #define DEFAULT_GOP_MODE "1024x768" #endif #define FALLBACK_GOP_MODE 0 extern struct x86_boot_params boot_params; struct btinfo_console btinfo_console; static EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *efi_gop; static int efi_gop_mode = -1; static CHAR16 keybuf[16]; static int keybuf_read = 0; static int keybuf_write = 0; static SERIAL_IO_INTERFACE *serios[4]; static int default_comspeed = #if defined(CONSPEED) CONSPEED; #else 9600; #endif static u_char serbuf[16]; static int serbuf_read = 0; static int serbuf_write = 0; static int raw_com_addr = 0; static void eficons_init_video(void); static void efi_switch_video_to_text_mode(void); static int efi_cons_getc(void); static int efi_cons_putc(int); static int efi_cons_iskey(int); static int efi_cons_waitforinputevent(uint64_t); static void efi_com_probe(void); static bool efi_valid_com(int); static int efi_com_init(int, int); static int efi_com_getc(void); static int efi_com_putc(int); static int efi_com_status(int); static int efi_com_waitforinputevent(uint64_t); static int raw_com_init(int, int); static int raw_com_getc(void); static int raw_com_putc(int); static int raw_com_status(int); static int raw_com_waitforinputevent(uint64_t); static int efi_find_gop_mode(char *); static int iodev; static int (*internal_getchar)(void) = efi_cons_getc; static int (*internal_putchar)(int) = efi_cons_putc; static int (*internal_iskey)(int) = efi_cons_iskey; static int (*internal_waitforinputevent)(uint64_t) = efi_cons_waitforinputevent; static int getcomaddr(int idx) { static const short comioport[4] = { 0x3f8, 0x2f8, 0x3e8, 0x2e8 }; if (idx < __arraycount(comioport)) return comioport[idx]; return 0; } /* * XXX only pass console parameters to kernel. */ void efi_consinit(int dev, int ioport, int speed) { int i; btinfo_console.speed = default_comspeed; switch (dev) { case CONSDEV_AUTO: for (i = 0; i < __arraycount(serios); i++) { iodev = CONSDEV_COM0 + i; if (!efi_valid_com(iodev)) continue; btinfo_console.addr = getcomaddr(i); efi_cons_putc('0' + i); efi_com_init(btinfo_console.addr, btinfo_console.speed); /* check for: * 1. successful output * 2. optionally, keypress within 7s */ if (efi_com_putc(':') && efi_com_putc('-') && efi_com_putc('(') && awaitkey(7, 0)) goto ok; } goto nocom; ok: break; case CONSDEV_COM0: case CONSDEV_COM1: case CONSDEV_COM2: case CONSDEV_COM3: iodev = dev; btinfo_console.addr = ioport; if (btinfo_console.addr == 0) btinfo_console.addr = getcomaddr(iodev - CONSDEV_COM0); if (speed != 0) btinfo_console.speed = speed; efi_com_init(btinfo_console.addr, btinfo_console.speed); break; case CONSDEV_COM0KBD: case CONSDEV_COM1KBD: case CONSDEV_COM2KBD: case CONSDEV_COM3KBD: iodev = dev - CONSDEV_COM0KBD + CONSDEV_COM0; btinfo_console.addr = getcomaddr(iodev - CONSDEV_COM0); efi_cons_putc('0' + iodev - CONSDEV_COM0); efi_com_init(btinfo_console.addr, btinfo_console.speed); /* check for: * 1. successful output * 2. optionally, keypress within 7s */ if (efi_com_putc(':') && efi_com_putc('-') && efi_com_putc('(') && awaitkey(7, 0)) goto kbd; /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case CONSDEV_PC: default: nocom: iodev = CONSDEV_PC; internal_putchar = efi_cons_putc; kbd: internal_getchar = efi_cons_getc; internal_iskey = efi_cons_iskey; internal_waitforinputevent = efi_cons_waitforinputevent; memset(keybuf, 0, sizeof(keybuf)); keybuf_read = keybuf_write = 0; break; } strlcpy(btinfo_console.devname, iodev == CONSDEV_PC ? "pc" : "com", 16); } int cninit(void) { efi_switch_video_to_text_mode(); eficons_init_video(); efi_com_probe(); efi_consinit(boot_params.bp_consdev, boot_params.bp_consaddr, boot_params.bp_conspeed); return 0; } void efi_cons_show(void) { const bool pc_is_console = strcmp(btinfo_console.devname, "pc") == 0; const bool com_is_console = strcmp(btinfo_console.devname, "com") == 0; bool first = true; bool found = false; int i; if (efi_gop != NULL) { printf("pc"); if (pc_is_console) printf("*"); first = false; } for (i = 0; i < __arraycount(serios); i++) { if (serios[i] != NULL) { if (!first) printf(" "); first = false; printf("com%d", i); if (com_is_console && btinfo_console.addr == getcomaddr(i)) { printf(",%d*", btinfo_console.speed); found = true; } } } if (!found && com_is_console) { if (!first) printf(" "); first = false; printf("com,0x%x,%d*", btinfo_console.addr, btinfo_console.speed); } printf("\n"); } static int efi_cons_getc(void) { EFI_STATUS status; EFI_INPUT_KEY key; int c; if (keybuf_read != keybuf_write) { c = keybuf[keybuf_read]; keybuf_read = (keybuf_read + 1) % __arraycount(keybuf); return c; } status = uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke, 2, ST->ConIn, &key); while (status == EFI_NOT_READY) { WaitForSingleEvent(ST->ConIn->WaitForKey, 0); status = uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke, 2, ST->ConIn, &key); } return key.UnicodeChar; } static int efi_cons_putc(int c) { CHAR16 buf[2]; buf[0] = c; buf[1] = 0; Output(buf); return 1; } /*ARGSUSED*/ static int efi_cons_iskey(int intr) { EFI_STATUS status; EFI_INPUT_KEY key; if (keybuf_read != keybuf_write) return 1; status = uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke, 2, ST->ConIn, &key); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) return 0; keybuf[keybuf_write] = key.UnicodeChar; keybuf_write = (keybuf_write + 1) % __arraycount(keybuf); return 1; } static int efi_cons_waitforinputevent(uint64_t timeout) { EFI_STATUS status; status = WaitForSingleEvent(ST->ConIn->WaitForKey, timeout); if (!EFI_ERROR(status)) return 0; if (status == EFI_TIMEOUT) return ETIMEDOUT; return EINVAL; } int getchar(void) { return internal_getchar(); } void putchar(int c) { if (c == '\n') internal_putchar('\r'); internal_putchar(c); } int iskey(int intr) { return internal_iskey(intr); } char awaitkey(int timeout, int tell) { char c = 0; for (;;) { char numbuf[32]; int len; if (tell && timeout) { len = snprintf(numbuf, sizeof(numbuf), "%d seconds. ", timeout); if (len > 0 && len < sizeof(numbuf)) { char *p = numbuf; printf("%s", numbuf); while (*p) *p++ = '\b'; } } if (iskey(1)) { /* flush input buffer */ while (iskey(0)) c = getchar(); if (c == 0) c = -1; goto out; } if (timeout--) internal_waitforinputevent(10000000); else break; if (tell) printf("%s", numbuf); } out: if (tell) printf("0 seconds. \n"); return c; } void clear_pc_screen(void) { uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->ClearScreen, 1, ST->ConOut); } static uint8_t getdepth(const EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_MODE_INFORMATION *info) { switch (info->PixelFormat) { case PixelBlueGreenRedReserved8BitPerColor: case PixelRedGreenBlueReserved8BitPerColor: return 32; case PixelBitMask: return fls32(info->PixelInformation.RedMask | info->PixelInformation.GreenMask | info->PixelInformation.BlueMask | info->PixelInformation.ReservedMask); case PixelBltOnly: case PixelFormatMax: return 0; } return 0; } static void setpixelformat(UINT32 mask, uint8_t *num, uint8_t *pos) { uint8_t n, p; n = popcount32(mask); p = ffs32(mask); if (p > 0) p--; *num = n; *pos = p; } static void bi_framebuffer(void) { EFI_STATUS status; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_MODE_INFORMATION *info; struct btinfo_framebuffer fb; INT32 bestmode; UINTN sz; if (efi_gop == NULL) goto nofb; if (efi_gop_mode >= 0) { bestmode = efi_gop_mode; } else { /* If a mode has not been selected, choose a default */ bestmode = efi_find_gop_mode(DEFAULT_GOP_MODE); if (bestmode == -1) bestmode = FALLBACK_GOP_MODE; } status = uefi_call_wrapper(efi_gop->SetMode, 2, efi_gop, bestmode); if (EFI_ERROR(status) || efi_gop->Mode->Mode != bestmode) { printf("GOP setmode failed: %" PRIxMAX "\n", (uintmax_t)status); goto nofb; } status = uefi_call_wrapper(efi_gop->QueryMode, 4, efi_gop, bestmode, &sz, &info); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) { printf("GOP querymode failed: %" PRIxMAX "\n", (uintmax_t)status); goto nofb; } memset(&fb, 0, sizeof(fb)); fb.physaddr = efi_gop->Mode->FrameBufferBase; fb.flags = 0; fb.width = info->HorizontalResolution; fb.height = info->VerticalResolution; fb.depth = getdepth(info); fb.stride = info->PixelsPerScanLine * ((fb.depth + 7) / 8); fb.vbemode = 0; /* XXX */ switch (info->PixelFormat) { case PixelBlueGreenRedReserved8BitPerColor: fb.rnum = 8; fb.gnum = 8; fb.bnum = 8; fb.rpos = 16; fb.gpos = 8; fb.bpos = 0; break; case PixelRedGreenBlueReserved8BitPerColor: fb.rnum = 8; fb.gnum = 8; fb.bnum = 8; fb.rpos = 0; fb.gpos = 8; fb.bpos = 16; break; case PixelBitMask: setpixelformat(info->PixelInformation.RedMask, &fb.rnum, &fb.rpos); setpixelformat(info->PixelInformation.GreenMask, &fb.gnum, &fb.gpos); setpixelformat(info->PixelInformation.BlueMask, &fb.bnum, &fb.bpos); break; case PixelBltOnly: case PixelFormatMax: panic("Error: invalid pixel format (%d)", info->PixelFormat); break; } framebuffer_configure(&fb); return; nofb: framebuffer_configure(NULL); } int vbe_commit(void) { bi_framebuffer(); return 0; } static void print_text_modes(void) { EFI_STATUS status; UINTN cols, rows; INT32 i, curmode; curmode = ST->ConOut->Mode->Mode; for (i = 0; i < ST->ConOut->Mode->MaxMode; i++) { status = uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->QueryMode, 4, ST->ConOut, i, &cols, &rows); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) continue; printf("%c%d: %" PRIxMAX "x%" PRIxMAX "\n", i == curmode ? '*' : ' ', i, (uintmax_t)cols, (uintmax_t)rows); } } static int efi_find_text_mode(char *arg) { EFI_STATUS status; UINTN cols, rows; INT32 i; char mode[32]; for (i = 0; i < ST->ConOut->Mode->MaxMode; i++) { status = uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->QueryMode, 4, ST->ConOut, i, &cols, &rows); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) continue; snprintf(mode, sizeof(mode), "%" PRIuMAX "x%" PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)cols, (uintmax_t)rows); if (strcmp(arg, mode) == 0) return i; } return -1; } void command_text(char *arg) { EFI_STATUS status; INT32 modenum; if (*arg == '\0' || strcmp(arg, "list") == 0) { print_text_modes(); return; } if (strchr(arg, 'x') != NULL) { modenum = efi_find_text_mode(arg); if (modenum == -1) { printf("mode %s not supported by firmware\n", arg); return; } } else { modenum = strtoul(arg, NULL, 0); } status = uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetMode, 2, ST->ConOut, modenum); if (!EFI_ERROR(status)) return; printf("invalid flag, must be 'list', a display mode, " "or a mode number\n"); } static int print_gop_modes(void) { EFI_STATUS status; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_MODE_INFORMATION *info; UINTN sz; UINT32 i; uint8_t depth; if (efi_gop == NULL) return 1; for (i = 0; i < efi_gop->Mode->MaxMode; i++) { status = uefi_call_wrapper(efi_gop->QueryMode, 4, efi_gop, i, &sz, &info); if (EFI_ERROR(status) && status == EFI_NOT_STARTED) { status = uefi_call_wrapper(efi_gop->SetMode, 2, efi_gop, efi_gop->Mode->Mode); status = uefi_call_wrapper(efi_gop->QueryMode, 4, efi_gop, i, &sz, &info); } if (EFI_ERROR(status)) continue; printf("%c%d: %dx%d ", memcmp(info, efi_gop->Mode->Info, sizeof(*info)) == 0 ? '*' : ' ', i, info->HorizontalResolution, info->VerticalResolution); switch (info->PixelFormat) { case PixelRedGreenBlueReserved8BitPerColor: printf("RGBR"); break; case PixelBlueGreenRedReserved8BitPerColor: printf("BGRR"); break; case PixelBitMask: printf("R:%08x G:%08x B:%08x X:%08x", info->PixelInformation.RedMask, info->PixelInformation.GreenMask, info->PixelInformation.BlueMask, info->PixelInformation.ReservedMask); break; case PixelBltOnly: printf("(blt only)"); break; default: printf("(Invalid pixel format)"); break; } printf(" pitch %d", info->PixelsPerScanLine); depth = getdepth(info); if (depth > 0) printf(" bpp %d", depth); printf("\n"); } return 0; } static int efi_find_gop_mode(char *arg) { EFI_STATUS status; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_MODE_INFORMATION *info; UINTN sz; UINT32 i; char mode[32]; uint8_t depth; for (i = 0; i < efi_gop->Mode->MaxMode; i++) { status = uefi_call_wrapper(efi_gop->QueryMode, 4, efi_gop, i, &sz, &info); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) continue; depth = getdepth(info); if (depth == 0) continue; snprintf(mode, sizeof(mode), "%lux%lux%u", (long)info->HorizontalResolution, (long)info->VerticalResolution, depth); if (strcmp(arg, mode) == 0) return i; snprintf(mode, sizeof(mode), "%lux%lu", (long)info->HorizontalResolution, (long)info->VerticalResolution); if (strcmp(arg, mode) == 0) return i; } return -1; } void command_gop(char *arg) { EFI_STATUS status; INT32 modenum; if (efi_gop == NULL) { printf("GOP not supported by firmware\n"); return; } if (*arg == '\0' || strcmp(arg, "list") == 0) { print_gop_modes(); return; } if (strchr(arg, 'x') != NULL) { modenum = efi_find_gop_mode(arg); if (modenum == -1) { printf("mode %s not supported by firmware\n", arg); return; } } else { modenum = strtoul(arg, NULL, 0); } status = uefi_call_wrapper(efi_gop->SetMode, 2, efi_gop, modenum); if (!EFI_ERROR(status) && efi_gop->Mode->Mode == modenum) { efi_gop_mode = modenum; return; } printf("invalid flag, must be 'list', a display mode, " "or a mode number\n"); } static void eficons_init_video(void) { EFI_STATUS status; UINTN cols, rows; INT32 i, best, mode80x25, mode100x31; /* * Setup text mode */ uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->Reset, 2, ST->ConOut, TRUE); mode80x25 = mode100x31 = -1; for (i = 0; i < ST->ConOut->Mode->MaxMode; i++) { status = uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->QueryMode, 4, ST->ConOut, i, &cols, &rows); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) continue; if (mode80x25 < 0 && cols == 80 && rows == 25) mode80x25 = i; else if (mode100x31 < 0 && cols == 100 && rows == 31) mode100x31 = i; } best = mode100x31 >= 0 ? mode100x31 : mode80x25 >= 0 ? mode80x25 : -1; if (best >= 0) uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetMode, 2, ST->ConOut, best); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->EnableCursor, 2, ST->ConOut, TRUE); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->ClearScreen, 1, ST->ConOut); LibLocateProtocol(&GraphicsOutputProtocol, (void **)&efi_gop); } /* * for Apple EFI */ #define CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL \ {0xf42f7782, 0x12e, 0x4c12, {0x99, 0x56, 0x49, 0xf9, 0x43, 0x4, 0xf7, 0x21}} static EFI_GUID ConsoleControlProtocol = CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL; struct _EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_INTERFACE; typedef struct _EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_INTERFACE EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_INTERFACE; typedef enum { EfiConsoleControlScreenText } EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_SCREEN_MODE; typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL_SET_MODE) ( IN EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_INTERFACE *This, IN EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_SCREEN_MODE Mode ); struct _EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_INTERFACE { VOID *GetMode; EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL_SET_MODE SetMode; VOID *LockStdIn; }; static void efi_switch_video_to_text_mode(void) { EFI_STATUS status; EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_INTERFACE *cci; /* Set up the console, so printf works. */ status = LibLocateProtocol(&ConsoleControlProtocol, (void **)&cci); if (!EFI_ERROR(status)) { uefi_call_wrapper(cci->SetMode, 2, cci, EfiConsoleControlScreenText); } } /* * serial port */ static void efi_com_probe(void) { EFI_STATUS status; UINTN i, nhandles; EFI_HANDLE *handles; EFI_DEVICE_PATH *dp, *dp0; EFI_DEV_PATH_PTR dpp; SERIAL_IO_INTERFACE *serio; int uid = -1; status = LibLocateHandle(ByProtocol, &SerialIoProtocol, NULL, &nhandles, &handles); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) return; for (i = 0; i < nhandles; i++) { /* * Identify port number of the handle. This assumes ACPI * UID 0-3 map to legacy COM[1-4] and they use the legacy * port address. */ status = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->HandleProtocol, 3, handles[i], &DevicePathProtocol, (void **)&dp0); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) continue; for (uid = -1, dp = dp0; !IsDevicePathEnd(dp); dp = NextDevicePathNode(dp)) { if (DevicePathType(dp) == ACPI_DEVICE_PATH && DevicePathSubType(dp) == ACPI_DP) { dpp = (EFI_DEV_PATH_PTR)dp; if (dpp.Acpi->HID == EISA_PNP_ID(0x0501)) { uid = dpp.Acpi->UID; break; } } } if (uid < 0 || __arraycount(serios) <= uid) continue; /* Prepare SERIAL_IO_INTERFACE */ status = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->HandleProtocol, 3, handles[i], &SerialIoProtocol, (void **)&serio); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) continue; serios[uid] = serio; } FreePool(handles); } static bool efi_valid_com(int dev) { int idx; switch (dev) { default: case CONSDEV_PC: return false; case CONSDEV_COM0: case CONSDEV_COM1: case CONSDEV_COM2: case CONSDEV_COM3: idx = dev - CONSDEV_COM0; break; } return idx < __arraycount(serios) && serios[idx] != NULL && getcomaddr(idx) != 0; } static int efi_com_init(int addr, int speed) { EFI_STATUS status; SERIAL_IO_INTERFACE *serio; if (speed <= 0) return 0; if (!efi_valid_com(iodev)) return raw_com_init(addr, speed); serio = serios[iodev - CONSDEV_COM0]; if (serio->Mode->BaudRate != btinfo_console.speed) { status = uefi_call_wrapper(serio->SetAttributes, 7, serio, speed, serio->Mode->ReceiveFifoDepth, serio->Mode->Timeout, serio->Mode->Parity, serio->Mode->DataBits, serio->Mode->StopBits); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) { printf("com%d: SetAttribute() failed with status=%" PRIxMAX "\n", iodev - CONSDEV_COM0, (uintmax_t)status); return 0; } } raw_com_addr = 0; default_comspeed = speed; internal_getchar = efi_com_getc; internal_putchar = efi_com_putc; internal_iskey = efi_com_status; internal_waitforinputevent = efi_com_waitforinputevent; memset(serbuf, 0, sizeof(serbuf)); serbuf_read = serbuf_write = 0; return speed; } static int efi_com_getc(void) { EFI_STATUS status; SERIAL_IO_INTERFACE *serio; UINTN sz; u_char c; if (!efi_valid_com(iodev)) panic("Invalid serial port: iodev=%d", iodev); if (serbuf_read != serbuf_write) { c = serbuf[serbuf_read]; serbuf_read = (serbuf_read + 1) % __arraycount(serbuf); return c; } serio = serios[iodev - CONSDEV_COM0]; for (;;) { sz = 1; status = uefi_call_wrapper(serio->Read, 3, serio, &sz, &c); if (!EFI_ERROR(status) && sz > 0) break; if (status != EFI_TIMEOUT && EFI_ERROR(status)) panic("Error reading from serial status=%"PRIxMAX, (uintmax_t)status); } return c; } static int efi_com_putc(int c) { EFI_STATUS status; SERIAL_IO_INTERFACE *serio; UINTN sz = 1; u_char buf; if (!efi_valid_com(iodev)) return 0; serio = serios[iodev - CONSDEV_COM0]; buf = c; status = uefi_call_wrapper(serio->Write, 3, serio, &sz, &buf); if (EFI_ERROR(status) || sz < 1) return 0; return 1; } /*ARGSUSED*/ static int efi_com_status(int intr) { EFI_STATUS status; SERIAL_IO_INTERFACE *serio; UINTN sz; u_char c; if (!efi_valid_com(iodev)) panic("Invalid serial port: iodev=%d", iodev); if (serbuf_read != serbuf_write) return 1; serio = serios[iodev - CONSDEV_COM0]; sz = 1; status = uefi_call_wrapper(serio->Read, 3, serio, &sz, &c); if (EFI_ERROR(status) || sz < 1) return 0; serbuf[serbuf_write] = c; serbuf_write = (serbuf_write + 1) % __arraycount(serbuf); return 1; } static void efi_com_periodic_event(EFI_EVENT event, void *ctx) { EFI_EVENT timer = ctx; if (efi_com_status(0)) { uefi_call_wrapper(BS->SetTimer, 3, event, TimerCancel, 0); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->SignalEvent, 1, timer); } } static int efi_com_waitforinputevent(uint64_t timeout) { EFI_STATUS status; EFI_EVENT timer, periodic; status = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->CreateEvent, 5, EVT_TIMER, 0, NULL, NULL, &timer); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) return EINVAL; status = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->CreateEvent, 5, EVT_TIMER | EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, efi_com_periodic_event, timer, &periodic); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) { uefi_call_wrapper(BS->CloseEvent, 1, timer); return EINVAL; } status = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->SetTimer, 3, periodic, TimerPeriodic, 1000000); /* 100ms */ if (EFI_ERROR(status)) { uefi_call_wrapper(BS->CloseEvent, 1, periodic); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->CloseEvent, 1, timer); return EINVAL; } status = WaitForSingleEvent(&timer, timeout); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->SetTimer, 3, periodic, TimerCancel, 0); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->CloseEvent, 1, periodic); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->CloseEvent, 1, timer); if (!EFI_ERROR(status)) return 0; if (status == EFI_TIMEOUT) return ETIMEDOUT; return EINVAL; } static int raw_com_init(int addr, int speed) { if (addr == 0 || speed <= 0) return 0; speed = cominit_d(addr, speed); raw_com_addr = addr; default_comspeed = speed; internal_getchar = raw_com_getc; internal_putchar = raw_com_putc; internal_iskey = raw_com_status; internal_waitforinputevent = raw_com_waitforinputevent; return speed; } static int raw_com_getc(void) { if (raw_com_addr == 0) panic("%s: Invalid serial port", __func__); return comgetc_d(raw_com_addr); } static int raw_com_putc(int c) { if (raw_com_addr == 0) panic("%s: Invalid serial port", __func__); return computc_d(c, raw_com_addr); } static int raw_com_status(int intr) { if (raw_com_addr == 0) panic("%s: Invalid serial port", __func__); return comstatus_d(raw_com_addr); } static int raw_com_waitforinputevent(uint64_t timeout /* in 0.1 usec */) { uint64_t ms; if (raw_com_addr == 0) panic("%s: Invalid serial port", __func__); for (ms = howmany(timeout, 10 * 1000); ms != 0; ms--) { if (raw_com_status(0)) return 0; uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 1000); } return ETIMEDOUT; }