/* $NetBSD: efidisk.c,v 2019/12/17 13:01:39 martin Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2016 Kimihiro Nonaka <nonaka@netbsd.org> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define FSTYPENAMES /* for sys/disklabel.h */ #include "efiboot.h" #include <sys/param.h> /* for howmany, required by <dev/raidframe/raidframevar.h> */ #include <sys/disklabel.h> #include <sys/disklabel_gpt.h> #include "biosdisk.h" #include "biosdisk_ll.h" #include "devopen.h" #include "efidisk.h" static struct efidiskinfo_lh efi_disklist; static int nefidisks; #define MAXDEVNAME 39 /* "NAME=" + 34 char part_name */ #include <dev/raidframe/raidframevar.h> #define RF_COMPONENT_INFO_OFFSET 16384 /* from sys/dev/raidframe/rf_netbsdkintf.c */ #define RF_COMPONENT_LABEL_VERSION 2 /* from <dev/raidframe/rf_raid.h> */ #define RAIDFRAME_NDEV 16 /* abitrary limit to 15 raidframe devices */ struct efi_raidframe { int last_unit; int serial; const struct efidiskinfo *edi; int parent_part; char parent_name[MAXDEVNAME + 1]; daddr_t offset; daddr_t size; }; static void dealloc_biosdisk_part(struct biosdisk_partition *part, int nparts) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nparts; i++) { if (part[i].part_name != NULL) { dealloc(part[i].part_name, BIOSDISK_PART_NAME_LEN); part[i].part_name = NULL; } } dealloc(part, sizeof(*part) * nparts); return; } void efi_disk_probe(void) { EFI_STATUS status; UINTN i, nhandles; EFI_HANDLE *handles; EFI_BLOCK_IO *bio; EFI_BLOCK_IO_MEDIA *media; EFI_DEVICE_PATH *dp; struct efidiskinfo *edi; int dev, depth = -1; TAILQ_INIT(&efi_disklist); status = LibLocateHandle(ByProtocol, &BlockIoProtocol, NULL, &nhandles, &handles); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) return; if (efi_bootdp != NULL) depth = efi_device_path_depth(efi_bootdp, MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH); /* * U-Boot incorrectly represents devices with a single * MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH component. In that case include that * component into the matching, otherwise we'll blindly select * the first device. */ if (depth == 0) depth = 1; for (i = 0; i < nhandles; i++) { status = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->HandleProtocol, 3, handles[i], &BlockIoProtocol, (void **)&bio); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) continue; media = bio->Media; if (media->LogicalPartition || !media->MediaPresent) continue; edi = alloc(sizeof(struct efidiskinfo)); memset(edi, 0, sizeof(*edi)); edi->type = BIOSDISK_TYPE_HD; edi->bio = bio; edi->media_id = media->MediaId; if (efi_bootdp != NULL && depth > 0) { status = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->HandleProtocol, 3, handles[i], &DevicePathProtocol, (void **)&dp); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) goto next; if (efi_device_path_ncmp(efi_bootdp, dp, depth) == 0) { edi->bootdev = true; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&efi_disklist, edi, list); continue; } } next: TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&efi_disklist, edi, list); } FreePool(handles); if (efi_bootdp_type == BOOT_DEVICE_TYPE_CD) { edi = TAILQ_FIRST(&efi_disklist); if (edi != NULL && edi->bootdev) { edi->type = BIOSDISK_TYPE_CD; TAILQ_REMOVE(&efi_disklist, edi, list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&efi_disklist, edi, list); } } dev = 0x80; TAILQ_FOREACH(edi, &efi_disklist, list) { edi->dev = dev++; if (edi->type == BIOSDISK_TYPE_HD) nefidisks++; if (edi->bootdev) boot_biosdev = edi->dev; } } static void efi_raidframe_probe(struct efi_raidframe *raidframe, int *raidframe_count, const struct efidiskinfo *edi, struct biosdisk_partition *part, int parent_part) { int i = *raidframe_count; struct RF_ComponentLabel_s label; if (i + 1 > RAIDFRAME_NDEV) return; if (biosdisk_read_raidframe(edi->dev, part->offset, &label) != 0) return; if (label.version != RF_COMPONENT_LABEL_VERSION) return; raidframe[i].last_unit = label.last_unit; raidframe[i].serial = label.serial_number; raidframe[i].edi = edi; raidframe[i].parent_part = parent_part; if (part->part_name) strlcpy(raidframe[i].parent_name, part->part_name, MAXDEVNAME); else raidframe[i].parent_name[0] = '\0'; raidframe[i].offset = part->offset; raidframe[i].size = label.__numBlocks; (*raidframe_count)++; return; } void efi_disk_show(void) { const struct efidiskinfo *edi; struct efi_raidframe raidframe[RAIDFRAME_NDEV]; int raidframe_count = 0; EFI_BLOCK_IO_MEDIA *media; struct biosdisk_partition *part; uint64_t size; int i, j, nparts; bool first; TAILQ_FOREACH(edi, &efi_disklist, list) { media = edi->bio->Media; first = true; printf("disk "); switch (edi->type) { case BIOSDISK_TYPE_CD: printf("cd0"); printf(" mediaId %u", media->MediaId); if (edi->media_id != media->MediaId) printf("(%u)", edi->media_id); printf("\n"); printf(" cd0a\n"); break; case BIOSDISK_TYPE_HD: printf("hd%d", edi->dev & 0x7f); printf(" mediaId %u", media->MediaId); if (edi->media_id != media->MediaId) printf("(%u)", edi->media_id); printf(" size "); size = (media->LastBlock + 1) * media->BlockSize; if (size >= (10ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)) printf("%"PRIu64" GB", size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)); else printf("%"PRIu64" MB", size / (1024 * 1024)); printf("\n"); break; } if (edi->type != BIOSDISK_TYPE_HD) continue; if (biosdisk_readpartition(edi->dev, 0, 0, &part, &nparts)) continue; for (i = 0; i < nparts; i++) { if (part[i].size == 0) continue; if (part[i].fstype == FS_UNUSED) continue; if (part[i].fstype == FS_RAID) { efi_raidframe_probe(raidframe, &raidframe_count, edi, &part[i], i); } if (first) { printf(" "); first = false; } if (part[i].part_name && part[i].part_name[0]) printf(" NAME=%s(", part[i].part_name); else printf(" hd%d%c(", edi->dev & 0x7f, i + 'a'); if (part[i].guid != NULL) printf("%s", part[i].guid->name); else if (part[i].fstype < FSMAXTYPES) printf("%s", fstypenames[part[i].fstype]); else printf("%d", part[i].fstype); printf(")"); } if (!first) printf("\n"); dealloc_biosdisk_part(part, nparts); } for (i = 0; i < raidframe_count; i++) { size_t secsize = raidframe[i].edi->bio->Media->BlockSize; printf("raidframe raid%d serial %d in ", raidframe[i].last_unit, raidframe[i].serial); if (raidframe[i].parent_name[0]) printf("NAME=%s size ", raidframe[i].parent_name); else printf("hd%d%c size ", raidframe[i].edi->dev & 0x7f, raidframe[i].parent_part + 'a'); if (raidframe[i].size >= (10ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 / secsize)) printf("%"PRIu64" GB", raidframe[i].size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024 / secsize)); else printf("%"PRIu64" MB", raidframe[i].size / (1024 * 1024 / secsize)); printf("\n"); if (biosdisk_readpartition(raidframe[i].edi->dev, raidframe[i].offset + RF_PROTECTED_SECTORS, raidframe[i].size, &part, &nparts)) continue; first = 1; for (j = 0; j < nparts; j++) { bool bootme = part[j].attr & GPT_ENT_ATTR_BOOTME; if (part[j].size == 0) continue; if (part[j].fstype == FS_UNUSED) continue; if (part[j].fstype == FS_RAID) /* raid in raid? */ continue; if (first) { printf(" "); first = 0; } if (part[j].part_name && part[j].part_name[0]) printf(" NAME=%s(", part[j].part_name); else printf(" raid%d%c(", raidframe[i].last_unit, j + 'a'); if (part[j].guid != NULL) printf("%s", part[j].guid->name); else if (part[j].fstype < FSMAXTYPES) printf("%s", fstypenames[part[j].fstype]); else printf("%d", part[j].fstype); printf("%s)", bootme ? ", bootme" : ""); } if (first == 0) printf("\n"); dealloc_biosdisk_part(part, nparts); } } const struct efidiskinfo * efidisk_getinfo(int dev) { const struct efidiskinfo *edi; TAILQ_FOREACH(edi, &efi_disklist, list) { if (dev == edi->dev) return edi; } return NULL; } /* * Return the number of hard disk drives. */ int get_harddrives(void) { return nefidisks; } int efidisk_get_efi_system_partition(int dev, int *partition) { extern const struct uuid GET_efi; const struct efidiskinfo *edi; struct biosdisk_partition *part; int i, nparts; edi = efidisk_getinfo(dev); if (edi == NULL) return ENXIO; if (edi->type != BIOSDISK_TYPE_HD) return ENOTSUP; if (biosdisk_readpartition(edi->dev, 0, 0, &part, &nparts)) return EIO; for (i = 0; i < nparts; i++) { if (part[i].size == 0) continue; if (part[i].fstype == FS_UNUSED) continue; if (guid_is_equal(part[i].guid->guid, &GET_efi)) break; } dealloc_biosdisk_part(part, nparts); if (i == nparts) return ENOENT; *partition = i; return 0; }