/* $NetBSD: if_bm.c,v 1.60 2019/05/28 07:41:47 msaitoh Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 Tsubai Masanari. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: if_bm.c,v 1.60 2019/05/28 07:41:47 msaitoh Exp $"); #include "opt_inet.h" #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/mbuf.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/callout.h> #include <uvm/uvm_extern.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <net/if_dl.h> #include <net/if_ether.h> #include <net/if_media.h> #include <net/bpf.h> #ifdef INET #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/if_inarp.h> #endif #include <dev/ofw/openfirm.h> #include <dev/mii/mii.h> #include <dev/mii/miivar.h> #include <dev/mii/mii_bitbang.h> #include <powerpc/spr.h> #include <powerpc/oea/spr.h> #include <machine/autoconf.h> #include <machine/pio.h> #include <macppc/dev/dbdma.h> #include <macppc/dev/if_bmreg.h> #include <macppc/dev/obiovar.h> #define BMAC_TXBUFS 2 #define BMAC_RXBUFS 16 #define BMAC_BUFLEN 2048 struct bmac_softc { device_t sc_dev; struct ethercom sc_ethercom; #define sc_if sc_ethercom.ec_if struct callout sc_tick_ch; bus_space_tag_t sc_iot; bus_space_handle_t sc_ioh; dbdma_regmap_t *sc_txdma; dbdma_regmap_t *sc_rxdma; dbdma_command_t *sc_txcmd; dbdma_command_t *sc_rxcmd; void *sc_txbuf; void *sc_rxbuf; int sc_rxlast; int sc_flags; struct mii_data sc_mii; u_char sc_enaddr[6]; }; #define BMAC_BMACPLUS 0x01 #define BMAC_DEBUGFLAG 0x02 int bmac_match(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); void bmac_attach(device_t, device_t, void *); void bmac_reset_chip(struct bmac_softc *); void bmac_init(struct bmac_softc *); void bmac_init_dma(struct bmac_softc *); int bmac_intr(void *); int bmac_rint(void *); void bmac_reset(struct bmac_softc *); void bmac_stop(struct bmac_softc *); void bmac_start(struct ifnet *); void bmac_transmit_packet(struct bmac_softc *, void *, int); int bmac_put(struct bmac_softc *, void *, struct mbuf *); struct mbuf *bmac_get(struct bmac_softc *, void *, int); void bmac_watchdog(struct ifnet *); int bmac_ioctl(struct ifnet *, u_long, void *); void bmac_setladrf(struct bmac_softc *); int bmac_mii_readreg(device_t, int, int, uint16_t *); int bmac_mii_writereg(device_t, int, int, uint16_t); void bmac_mii_statchg(struct ifnet *); void bmac_mii_tick(void *); uint32_t bmac_mbo_read(device_t); void bmac_mbo_write(device_t, uint32_t); CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(bm, sizeof(struct bmac_softc), bmac_match, bmac_attach, NULL, NULL); const struct mii_bitbang_ops bmac_mbo = { bmac_mbo_read, bmac_mbo_write, { MIFDO, MIFDI, MIFDC, MIFDIR, 0 } }; static inline uint16_t bmac_read_reg(struct bmac_softc *sc, bus_size_t off) { return bus_space_read_2(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, off); } static inline void bmac_write_reg(struct bmac_softc *sc, bus_size_t off, uint16_t val) { bus_space_write_2(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, off, val); } static inline void bmac_set_bits(struct bmac_softc *sc, bus_size_t off, uint16_t val) { val |= bmac_read_reg(sc, off); bmac_write_reg(sc, off, val); } static inline void bmac_reset_bits(struct bmac_softc *sc, bus_size_t off, uint16_t val) { bmac_write_reg(sc, off, bmac_read_reg(sc, off) & ~val); } int bmac_match(device_t parent, cfdata_t cf, void *aux) { struct confargs *ca = aux; if (ca->ca_nreg < 24 || ca->ca_nintr < 12) return 0; if (strcmp(ca->ca_name, "bmac") == 0) /* bmac */ return 1; if (strcmp(ca->ca_name, "ethernet") == 0) /* bmac+ */ return 1; return 0; } void bmac_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { struct confargs *ca = aux; struct bmac_softc *sc = device_private(self); struct ifnet *ifp = &sc->sc_if; struct mii_data *mii = &sc->sc_mii; u_char laddr[6]; callout_init(&sc->sc_tick_ch, 0); sc->sc_dev = self; sc->sc_flags = 0; if (strcmp(ca->ca_name, "ethernet") == 0) { char name[64]; memset(name, 0, 64); OF_package_to_path(ca->ca_node, name, sizeof(name)); OF_open(name); sc->sc_flags |= BMAC_BMACPLUS; } ca->ca_reg[0] += ca->ca_baseaddr; ca->ca_reg[2] += ca->ca_baseaddr; ca->ca_reg[4] += ca->ca_baseaddr; sc->sc_iot = ca->ca_tag; if (bus_space_map(sc->sc_iot, ca->ca_reg[0], ca->ca_reg[1], 0, &sc->sc_ioh) != 0) { aprint_error(": couldn't map %#x", ca->ca_reg[0]); return; } bmac_write_reg(sc, INTDISABLE, NoEventsMask); if (OF_getprop(ca->ca_node, "local-mac-address", laddr, 6) == -1 && OF_getprop(ca->ca_node, "mac-address", laddr, 6) == -1) { aprint_error(": cannot get mac-address\n"); return; } memcpy(sc->sc_enaddr, laddr, 6); sc->sc_txdma = mapiodev(ca->ca_reg[2], PAGE_SIZE, false); sc->sc_rxdma = mapiodev(ca->ca_reg[4], PAGE_SIZE, false); sc->sc_txcmd = dbdma_alloc(BMAC_TXBUFS * sizeof(dbdma_command_t), NULL); sc->sc_rxcmd = dbdma_alloc((BMAC_RXBUFS + 1) * sizeof(dbdma_command_t), NULL); sc->sc_txbuf = malloc(BMAC_BUFLEN * BMAC_TXBUFS, M_DEVBUF, M_NOWAIT); sc->sc_rxbuf = malloc(BMAC_BUFLEN * BMAC_RXBUFS, M_DEVBUF, M_NOWAIT); if (sc->sc_txbuf == NULL || sc->sc_rxbuf == NULL || sc->sc_txcmd == NULL || sc->sc_rxcmd == NULL) { aprint_error("cannot allocate memory\n"); return; } aprint_normal(" irq %d,%d: address %s\n", ca->ca_intr[0], ca->ca_intr[2], ether_sprintf(laddr)); intr_establish(ca->ca_intr[0], IST_EDGE, IPL_NET, bmac_intr, sc); intr_establish(ca->ca_intr[2], IST_EDGE, IPL_NET, bmac_rint, sc); memcpy(ifp->if_xname, device_xname(sc->sc_dev), IFNAMSIZ); ifp->if_softc = sc; ifp->if_ioctl = bmac_ioctl; ifp->if_start = bmac_start; ifp->if_flags = IFF_BROADCAST | IFF_SIMPLEX | IFF_MULTICAST; ifp->if_watchdog = bmac_watchdog; IFQ_SET_READY(&ifp->if_snd); mii->mii_ifp = ifp; mii->mii_readreg = bmac_mii_readreg; mii->mii_writereg = bmac_mii_writereg; mii->mii_statchg = bmac_mii_statchg; sc->sc_ethercom.ec_mii = mii; ifmedia_init(&mii->mii_media, 0, ether_mediachange, ether_mediastatus); mii_attach(sc->sc_dev, mii, 0xffffffff, MII_PHY_ANY, MII_OFFSET_ANY, 0); /* Choose a default media. */ if (LIST_FIRST(&mii->mii_phys) == NULL) { ifmedia_add(&mii->mii_media, IFM_ETHER | IFM_10_T, 0, NULL); ifmedia_set(&mii->mii_media, IFM_ETHER | IFM_10_T); } else ifmedia_set(&mii->mii_media, IFM_ETHER | IFM_AUTO); bmac_reset_chip(sc); if_attach(ifp); if_deferred_start_init(ifp, NULL); ether_ifattach(ifp, sc->sc_enaddr); } /* * Reset and enable bmac by heathrow FCR. */ void bmac_reset_chip(struct bmac_softc *sc) { u_int v; dbdma_reset(sc->sc_txdma); dbdma_reset(sc->sc_rxdma); v = obio_read_4(HEATHROW_FCR); v |= EnetEnable; obio_write_4(HEATHROW_FCR, v); delay(50000); v |= ResetEnetCell; obio_write_4(HEATHROW_FCR, v); delay(50000); v &= ~ResetEnetCell; obio_write_4(HEATHROW_FCR, v); delay(50000); obio_write_4(HEATHROW_FCR, v); } void bmac_init(struct bmac_softc *sc) { struct ifnet *ifp = &sc->sc_if; struct ether_header *eh; void *data; int i, tb; uint16_t bmcr; u_short *p; bmac_reset_chip(sc); /* XXX */ bmac_mii_readreg(sc->sc_dev, 0, MII_BMCR, &bmcr); bmcr &= ~BMCR_ISO; bmac_mii_writereg(sc->sc_dev, 0, MII_BMCR, bmcr); bmac_write_reg(sc, RXRST, RxResetValue); bmac_write_reg(sc, TXRST, TxResetBit); /* Wait for reset completion. */ for (i = 1000; i > 0; i -= 10) { if ((bmac_read_reg(sc, TXRST) & TxResetBit) == 0) break; delay(10); } if (i <= 0) printf("%s: reset timeout\n", ifp->if_xname); if (! (sc->sc_flags & BMAC_BMACPLUS)) bmac_set_bits(sc, XCVRIF, ClkBit | SerialMode | COLActiveLow); if ((mfpvr() >> 16) == MPC601) tb = mfrtcl(); else tb = mftbl(); bmac_write_reg(sc, RSEED, tb); bmac_set_bits(sc, XIFC, TxOutputEnable); bmac_read_reg(sc, PAREG); /* Reset various counters. */ bmac_write_reg(sc, NCCNT, 0); bmac_write_reg(sc, NTCNT, 0); bmac_write_reg(sc, EXCNT, 0); bmac_write_reg(sc, LTCNT, 0); bmac_write_reg(sc, FRCNT, 0); bmac_write_reg(sc, LECNT, 0); bmac_write_reg(sc, AECNT, 0); bmac_write_reg(sc, FECNT, 0); bmac_write_reg(sc, RXCV, 0); /* Set tx fifo information. */ bmac_write_reg(sc, TXTH, 4); /* 4 octets before tx starts */ bmac_write_reg(sc, TXFIFOCSR, 0); bmac_write_reg(sc, TXFIFOCSR, TxFIFOEnable); /* Set rx fifo information. */ bmac_write_reg(sc, RXFIFOCSR, 0); bmac_write_reg(sc, RXFIFOCSR, RxFIFOEnable); /* Clear status register. */ bmac_read_reg(sc, STATUS); bmac_write_reg(sc, HASH3, 0); bmac_write_reg(sc, HASH2, 0); bmac_write_reg(sc, HASH1, 0); bmac_write_reg(sc, HASH0, 0); /* Set MAC address. */ p = (u_short *)sc->sc_enaddr; bmac_write_reg(sc, MADD0, *p++); bmac_write_reg(sc, MADD1, *p++); bmac_write_reg(sc, MADD2, *p); bmac_write_reg(sc, RXCFG, RxCRCEnable | RxHashFilterEnable | RxRejectOwnPackets); if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_PROMISC) bmac_set_bits(sc, RXCFG, RxPromiscEnable); bmac_init_dma(sc); /* Enable TX/RX */ bmac_set_bits(sc, RXCFG, RxMACEnable); bmac_set_bits(sc, TXCFG, TxMACEnable); bmac_write_reg(sc, INTDISABLE, NormalIntEvents); ifp->if_flags |= IFF_RUNNING; ifp->if_flags &= ~IFF_OACTIVE; ifp->if_timer = 0; data = sc->sc_txbuf; eh = (struct ether_header *)data; memset(data, 0, sizeof(eh) + ETHERMIN); memcpy(eh->ether_dhost, sc->sc_enaddr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); memcpy(eh->ether_shost, sc->sc_enaddr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); bmac_transmit_packet(sc, data, sizeof(eh) + ETHERMIN); bmac_start(ifp); callout_reset(&sc->sc_tick_ch, hz, bmac_mii_tick, sc); } void bmac_init_dma(struct bmac_softc *sc) { dbdma_command_t *cmd = sc->sc_rxcmd; int i; dbdma_reset(sc->sc_txdma); dbdma_reset(sc->sc_rxdma); memset(sc->sc_txcmd, 0, BMAC_TXBUFS * sizeof(dbdma_command_t)); memset(sc->sc_rxcmd, 0, (BMAC_RXBUFS + 1) * sizeof(dbdma_command_t)); for (i = 0; i < BMAC_RXBUFS; i++) { DBDMA_BUILD(cmd, DBDMA_CMD_IN_LAST, 0, BMAC_BUFLEN, vtophys((vaddr_t)sc->sc_rxbuf + BMAC_BUFLEN * i), DBDMA_INT_ALWAYS, DBDMA_WAIT_NEVER, DBDMA_BRANCH_NEVER); cmd++; } DBDMA_BUILD(cmd, DBDMA_CMD_NOP, 0, 0, 0, DBDMA_INT_NEVER, DBDMA_WAIT_NEVER, DBDMA_BRANCH_ALWAYS); out32rb(&cmd->d_cmddep, vtophys((vaddr_t)sc->sc_rxcmd)); sc->sc_rxlast = 0; dbdma_start(sc->sc_rxdma, sc->sc_rxcmd); } int bmac_intr(void *v) { struct bmac_softc *sc = v; int stat; stat = bmac_read_reg(sc, STATUS); if (stat == 0) return 0; #ifdef BMAC_DEBUG printf("bmac_intr status = 0x%x\n", stat); #endif if (stat & IntFrameSent) { sc->sc_if.if_flags &= ~IFF_OACTIVE; sc->sc_if.if_timer = 0; sc->sc_if.if_opackets++; if_schedule_deferred_start(&sc->sc_if); } /* XXX should do more! */ return 1; } int bmac_rint(void *v) { struct bmac_softc *sc = v; struct ifnet *ifp = &sc->sc_if; struct mbuf *m; dbdma_command_t *cmd; int status, resid, count, datalen; int i, n; void *data; i = sc->sc_rxlast; for (n = 0; n < BMAC_RXBUFS; n++, i++) { if (i == BMAC_RXBUFS) i = 0; cmd = &sc->sc_rxcmd[i]; status = in16rb(&cmd->d_status); resid = in16rb(&cmd->d_resid); #ifdef BMAC_DEBUG if (status != 0 && status != 0x8440 && status != 0x9440) printf("bmac_rint status = 0x%x\n", status); #endif if ((status & DBDMA_CNTRL_ACTIVE) == 0) /* 0x9440 | 0x8440 */ continue; count = in16rb(&cmd->d_count); datalen = count - resid - 2; /* 2 == framelen */ if (datalen < sizeof(struct ether_header)) { printf("%s: short packet len = %d\n", ifp->if_xname, datalen); goto next; } DBDMA_BUILD_CMD(cmd, DBDMA_CMD_STOP, 0, 0, 0, 0); data = (char *)sc->sc_rxbuf + BMAC_BUFLEN * i; /* XXX Sometimes bmac reads one extra byte. */ if (datalen == ETHER_MAX_LEN + 1) datalen--; /* Trim the CRC. */ datalen -= ETHER_CRC_LEN; m = bmac_get(sc, data, datalen); if (m == NULL) { ifp->if_ierrors++; goto next; } if_percpuq_enqueue(ifp->if_percpuq, m); next: DBDMA_BUILD_CMD(cmd, DBDMA_CMD_IN_LAST, 0, DBDMA_INT_ALWAYS, DBDMA_WAIT_NEVER, DBDMA_BRANCH_NEVER); cmd->d_status = 0; cmd->d_resid = 0; sc->sc_rxlast = i + 1; } ether_mediachange(ifp); dbdma_continue(sc->sc_rxdma); return 1; } void bmac_reset(struct bmac_softc *sc) { int s; s = splnet(); bmac_init(sc); splx(s); } void bmac_stop(struct bmac_softc *sc) { struct ifnet *ifp = &sc->sc_if; int s; s = splnet(); callout_stop(&sc->sc_tick_ch); mii_down(&sc->sc_mii); /* Disable TX/RX. */ bmac_reset_bits(sc, TXCFG, TxMACEnable); bmac_reset_bits(sc, RXCFG, RxMACEnable); /* Disable all interrupts. */ bmac_write_reg(sc, INTDISABLE, NoEventsMask); dbdma_stop(sc->sc_txdma); dbdma_stop(sc->sc_rxdma); ifp->if_flags &= ~(IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING); ifp->if_timer = 0; splx(s); } void bmac_start(struct ifnet *ifp) { struct bmac_softc *sc = ifp->if_softc; struct mbuf *m; int tlen; if ((ifp->if_flags & (IFF_RUNNING | IFF_OACTIVE)) != IFF_RUNNING) return; while (1) { if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_OACTIVE) return; IFQ_DEQUEUE(&ifp->if_snd, m); if (m == 0) break; /* * If BPF is listening on this interface, let it see the * packet before we commit it to the wire. */ bpf_mtap(ifp, m, BPF_D_OUT); ifp->if_flags |= IFF_OACTIVE; tlen = bmac_put(sc, sc->sc_txbuf, m); /* 5 seconds to watch for failing to transmit */ ifp->if_timer = 5; ifp->if_opackets++; /* # of pkts */ bmac_transmit_packet(sc, sc->sc_txbuf, tlen); } } void bmac_transmit_packet(struct bmac_softc *sc, void *buff, int len) { dbdma_command_t *cmd = sc->sc_txcmd; vaddr_t va = (vaddr_t)buff; #ifdef BMAC_DEBUG if (vtophys(va) + len - 1 != vtophys(va + len - 1)) panic("bmac_transmit_packet"); #endif DBDMA_BUILD(cmd, DBDMA_CMD_OUT_LAST, 0, len, vtophys(va), DBDMA_INT_NEVER, DBDMA_WAIT_NEVER, DBDMA_BRANCH_NEVER); cmd++; DBDMA_BUILD(cmd, DBDMA_CMD_STOP, 0, 0, 0, DBDMA_INT_ALWAYS, DBDMA_WAIT_NEVER, DBDMA_BRANCH_NEVER); dbdma_start(sc->sc_txdma, sc->sc_txcmd); } int bmac_put(struct bmac_softc *sc, void *buff, struct mbuf *m) { struct mbuf *n; int len, tlen = 0; for (; m; m = n) { len = m->m_len; if (len == 0) { n = m_free(m); continue; } memcpy(buff, mtod(m, void *), len); buff = (char *)buff + len; tlen += len; n = m_free(m); } if (tlen > PAGE_SIZE) panic("%s: putpacket packet overflow", device_xname(sc->sc_dev)); return tlen; } struct mbuf * bmac_get(struct bmac_softc *sc, void *pkt, int totlen) { struct mbuf *m; struct mbuf *top, **mp; int len; MGETHDR(m, M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA); if (m == 0) return 0; m_set_rcvif(m, &sc->sc_if); m->m_pkthdr.len = totlen; len = MHLEN; top = 0; mp = ⊤ while (totlen > 0) { if (top) { MGET(m, M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA); if (m == 0) { m_freem(top); return 0; } len = MLEN; } if (totlen >= MINCLSIZE) { MCLGET(m, M_DONTWAIT); if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0) { m_free(m); m_freem(top); return 0; } len = MCLBYTES; } m->m_len = len = uimin(totlen, len); memcpy(mtod(m, void *), pkt, len); pkt = (char *)pkt + len; totlen -= len; *mp = m; mp = &m->m_next; } return top; } void bmac_watchdog(struct ifnet *ifp) { struct bmac_softc *sc = ifp->if_softc; bmac_reset_bits(sc, RXCFG, RxMACEnable); bmac_reset_bits(sc, TXCFG, TxMACEnable); printf("%s: device timeout\n", ifp->if_xname); ifp->if_oerrors++; bmac_reset(sc); } int bmac_ioctl(struct ifnet *ifp, unsigned long cmd, void *data) { struct bmac_softc *sc = ifp->if_softc; struct ifaddr *ifa = (struct ifaddr *)data; int s, error = 0; s = splnet(); switch (cmd) { case SIOCINITIFADDR: ifp->if_flags |= IFF_UP; bmac_init(sc); switch (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family) { #ifdef INET case AF_INET: arp_ifinit(ifp, ifa); break; #endif default: break; } break; case SIOCSIFFLAGS: if ((error = ifioctl_common(ifp, cmd, data)) != 0) break; /* XXX see the comment in ed_ioctl() about code re-use */ if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP) == 0 && (ifp->if_flags & IFF_RUNNING) != 0) { /* * If interface is marked down and it is running, then * stop it. */ bmac_stop(sc); ifp->if_flags &= ~IFF_RUNNING; } else if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP) != 0 && (ifp->if_flags & IFF_RUNNING) == 0) { /* * If interface is marked up and it is stopped, then * start it. */ bmac_init(sc); } else { /* * Reset the interface to pick up changes in any other * flags that affect hardware registers. */ /*bmac_stop(sc);*/ bmac_init(sc); } #ifdef BMAC_DEBUG if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_DEBUG) sc->sc_flags |= BMAC_DEBUGFLAG; #endif break; default: if ((error = ether_ioctl(ifp, cmd, data)) == ENETRESET) { /* * Multicast list has changed; set the hardware filter * accordingly. */ if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_RUNNING) { bmac_init(sc); bmac_setladrf(sc); } error = 0; } break; } splx(s); return error; } /* * Set up the logical address filter. */ void bmac_setladrf(struct bmac_softc *sc) { struct ethercom *ec = &sc->sc_ethercom; struct ifnet *ifp = &sc->sc_if; struct ether_multi *enm; struct ether_multistep step; uint32_t crc; uint16_t hash[4]; int x; /* * Set up multicast address filter by passing all multicast addresses * through a crc generator, and then using the high order 6 bits as an * index into the 64 bit logical address filter. The high order bit * selects the word, while the rest of the bits select the bit within * the word. */ if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_PROMISC) { bmac_set_bits(sc, RXCFG, RxPromiscEnable); return; } if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) { hash[3] = hash[2] = hash[1] = hash[0] = 0xffff; goto chipit; } hash[3] = hash[2] = hash[1] = hash[0] = 0; ETHER_LOCK(ec); ETHER_FIRST_MULTI(step, ec, enm); while (enm != NULL) { if (memcmp(enm->enm_addrlo, enm->enm_addrhi, ETHER_ADDR_LEN)) { /* * We must listen to a range of multicast addresses. * For now, just accept all multicasts, rather than * trying to set only those filter bits needed to match * the range. (At this time, the only use of address * ranges is for IP multicast routing, for which the * range is big enough to require all bits set.) */ hash[3] = hash[2] = hash[1] = hash[0] = 0xffff; ifp->if_flags |= IFF_ALLMULTI; ETHER_UNLOCK(ec); goto chipit; } crc = ether_crc32_le(enm->enm_addrlo, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); /* Just want the 6 most significant bits. */ crc >>= 26; /* Set the corresponding bit in the filter. */ hash[crc >> 4] |= 1 << (crc & 0xf); ETHER_NEXT_MULTI(step, enm); } ETHER_UNLOCK(ec); ifp->if_flags &= ~IFF_ALLMULTI; chipit: bmac_write_reg(sc, HASH0, hash[0]); bmac_write_reg(sc, HASH1, hash[1]); bmac_write_reg(sc, HASH2, hash[2]); bmac_write_reg(sc, HASH3, hash[3]); x = bmac_read_reg(sc, RXCFG); x &= ~RxPromiscEnable; x |= RxHashFilterEnable; bmac_write_reg(sc, RXCFG, x); } int bmac_mii_readreg(device_t self, int phy, int reg, uint16_t *val) { return mii_bitbang_readreg(self, &bmac_mbo, phy, reg, val); } int bmac_mii_writereg(device_t self, int phy, int reg, uint16_t val) { return mii_bitbang_writereg(self, &bmac_mbo, phy, reg, val); } uint32_t bmac_mbo_read(device_t self) { struct bmac_softc *sc = device_private(self); return bmac_read_reg(sc, MIFCSR); } void bmac_mbo_write(device_t self, uint32_t val) { struct bmac_softc *sc = device_private(self); bmac_write_reg(sc, MIFCSR, val); } void bmac_mii_statchg(struct ifnet *ifp) { struct bmac_softc *sc = ifp->if_softc; int x; /* Update duplex mode in TX configuration */ x = bmac_read_reg(sc, TXCFG); if ((IFM_OPTIONS(sc->sc_mii.mii_media_active) & IFM_FDX) != 0) x |= TxFullDuplex; else x &= ~TxFullDuplex; bmac_write_reg(sc, TXCFG, x); #ifdef BMAC_DEBUG printf("bmac_mii_statchg 0x%x\n", IFM_OPTIONS(sc->sc_mii.mii_media_active)); #endif } void bmac_mii_tick(void *v) { struct bmac_softc *sc = v; int s; s = splnet(); mii_tick(&sc->sc_mii); splx(s); callout_reset(&sc->sc_tick_ch, hz, bmac_mii_tick, sc); }