/* $NetBSD: ofb.c,v 1.70 2016/05/23 01:45:41 chs Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Chris G. Demetriou * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: ofb.c,v 1.70 2016/05/23 01:45:41 chs Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/buf.h> #include <sys/conf.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/malloc.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/kauth.h> #include <sys/lwp.h> #include <dev/pci/pcidevs.h> #include <dev/pci/pcireg.h> #include <dev/pci/pcivar.h> #include <dev/pci/pciio.h> #include <dev/wscons/wsconsio.h> #include <dev/wscons/wsdisplayvar.h> #include <dev/rasops/rasops.h> #include <dev/wsfont/wsfont.h> #include <dev/ofw/openfirm.h> #include <dev/ofw/ofw_pci.h> #include <sys/bus.h> #include <machine/autoconf.h> #include <machine/grfioctl.h> #include <dev/wscons/wsdisplay_vconsvar.h> #include <powerpc/oea/ofw_rasconsvar.h> struct ofb_softc { device_t sc_dev; pci_chipset_tag_t sc_pc; pcitag_t sc_pcitag; bus_space_tag_t sc_memt; bus_space_tag_t sc_iot; u_int32_t sc_addrs[30]; /* "assigned-addresses" storage */ u_char sc_cmap_red[256]; u_char sc_cmap_green[256]; u_char sc_cmap_blue[256]; int sc_node, sc_ih, sc_mode; paddr_t sc_fbaddr; uint32_t sc_fbsize; struct vcons_data vd; }; static int ofbmatch(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); static void ofbattach(device_t, device_t, void *); CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(ofb, sizeof(struct ofb_softc), ofbmatch, ofbattach, NULL, NULL); const struct wsscreen_descr *_ofb_scrlist[] = { &rascons_stdscreen, /* XXX other formats, graphics screen? */ }; struct wsscreen_list ofb_screenlist = { sizeof(_ofb_scrlist) / sizeof(struct wsscreen_descr *), _ofb_scrlist }; static int ofb_ioctl(void *, void *, u_long, void *, int, struct lwp *); static paddr_t ofb_mmap(void *, void *, off_t, int); static void ofb_init_screen(void *, struct vcons_screen *, int, long *); struct wsdisplay_accessops ofb_accessops = { ofb_ioctl, ofb_mmap, NULL, /* vcons_alloc_screen */ NULL, /* vcons_free_screen */ NULL, /* vcons_show_screen */ NULL /* load_font */ }; static void ofb_putpalreg(struct ofb_softc *, int, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t); static int ofb_getcmap(struct ofb_softc *, struct wsdisplay_cmap *); static int ofb_putcmap(struct ofb_softc *, struct wsdisplay_cmap *); static void ofb_init_cmap(struct ofb_softc *); static int ofb_drm_print(void *, const char *); extern const u_char rasops_cmap[768]; extern int console_node; extern int console_instance; static int ofbmatch(device_t parent, cfdata_t match, void *aux) { struct pci_attach_args *pa = aux; if (PCI_VENDOR(pa->pa_id) == PCI_VENDOR_APPLE && PCI_PRODUCT(pa->pa_id) == PCI_PRODUCT_APPLE_CONTROL) return 1; if (PCI_CLASS(pa->pa_class) == PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY) return 1; return 0; } static void ofbattach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { struct ofb_softc *sc = device_private(self); struct pci_attach_args *pa = aux; struct wsemuldisplaydev_attach_args a; struct rasops_info *ri = &rascons_console_screen.scr_ri; long defattr; int console, node, sub; char devinfo[256]; sc->sc_dev = self; pci_devinfo(pa->pa_id, pa->pa_class, 0, devinfo, sizeof(devinfo)); printf(": %s\n", devinfo); if (console_node == 0) return; node = pcidev_to_ofdev(pa->pa_pc, pa->pa_tag); console = (node == console_node); if (!console) { /* check if any of the childs matches */ sub = OF_child(node); while ((sub != 0) && (sub != console_node)) { sub = OF_peer(sub); } if (sub == console_node) { console = true; } } sc->sc_memt = pa->pa_memt; sc->sc_iot = pa->pa_iot; sc->sc_pc = pa->pa_pc; sc->sc_pcitag = pa->pa_tag; sc->sc_mode = WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_EMUL; if (!console) return; vcons_init(&sc->vd, sc, &rascons_stdscreen, &ofb_accessops); sc->vd.init_screen = ofb_init_screen; sc->sc_node = console_node; sc->sc_ih = console_instance; vcons_init_screen(&sc->vd, &rascons_console_screen, 1, &defattr); rascons_console_screen.scr_flags |= VCONS_SCREEN_IS_STATIC; printf("%s: %d x %d, %dbpp\n", device_xname(self), ri->ri_width, ri->ri_height, ri->ri_depth); sc->sc_fbaddr = 0; if (OF_getprop(sc->sc_node, "address", &sc->sc_fbaddr, 4) != 4) OF_interpret("frame-buffer-adr", 0, 1, &sc->sc_fbaddr); if (sc->sc_fbaddr == 0) { printf("%s: Unable to find the framebuffer address.\n", device_xname(sc->sc_dev)); return; } sc->sc_fbsize = round_page(ri->ri_stride * ri->ri_height); /* XXX */ if (OF_getprop(sc->sc_node, "assigned-addresses", sc->sc_addrs, sizeof(sc->sc_addrs)) == -1) { sc->sc_node = OF_parent(sc->sc_node); OF_getprop(sc->sc_node, "assigned-addresses", sc->sc_addrs, sizeof(sc->sc_addrs)); } ofb_init_cmap(sc); a.console = console; a.scrdata = &ofb_screenlist; a.accessops = &ofb_accessops; a.accesscookie = &sc->vd; config_found(self, &a, wsemuldisplaydevprint); config_found_ia(self, "drm", aux, ofb_drm_print); } static int ofb_drm_print(void *aux, const char *pnp) { if (pnp) aprint_normal("direct rendering for %s", pnp); return (UNSUPP); } static void ofb_init_screen(void *cookie, struct vcons_screen *scr, int existing, long *defattr) { struct ofb_softc *sc = cookie; struct rasops_info *ri = &scr->scr_ri; if (scr != &rascons_console_screen) { rascons_init_rasops(sc->sc_node, ri); } } static int ofb_ioctl(void *v, void *vs, u_long cmd, void *data, int flag, struct lwp *l) { struct vcons_data *vd = v; struct ofb_softc *sc = vd->cookie; struct wsdisplay_fbinfo *wdf; struct vcons_screen *ms = vd->active; struct grfinfo *gm; switch (cmd) { case WSDISPLAYIO_GTYPE: *(u_int *)data = WSDISPLAY_TYPE_PCIMISC; /* XXX ? */ return 0; case WSDISPLAYIO_GINFO: /* we won't get here without any screen anyway */ if (ms != NULL) { wdf = (void *)data; wdf->height = ms->scr_ri.ri_height; wdf->width = ms->scr_ri.ri_width; wdf->depth = ms->scr_ri.ri_depth; wdf->cmsize = 256; return 0; } else return ENODEV; case WSDISPLAYIO_GETCMAP: return ofb_getcmap(sc, (struct wsdisplay_cmap *)data); case WSDISPLAYIO_PUTCMAP: return ofb_putcmap(sc, (struct wsdisplay_cmap *)data); /* XXX There are no way to know framebuffer pa from a user program. */ case GRFIOCGINFO: if (ms != NULL) { gm = (void *)data; memset(gm, 0, sizeof(struct grfinfo)); gm->gd_fbaddr = (void *)sc->sc_fbaddr; gm->gd_fbrowbytes = ms->scr_ri.ri_stride; return 0; } else return ENODEV; case WSDISPLAYIO_LINEBYTES: { *(int *)data = ms->scr_ri.ri_stride; return 0; } case WSDISPLAYIO_SMODE: { int new_mode = *(int*)data; if (new_mode != sc->sc_mode) { sc->sc_mode = new_mode; if (new_mode == WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_EMUL) { ofb_init_cmap(sc); vcons_redraw_screen(ms); } } } return 0; /* PCI config read/write passthrough. */ case PCI_IOC_CFGREAD: case PCI_IOC_CFGWRITE: return (pci_devioctl(sc->sc_pc, sc->sc_pcitag, cmd, data, flag, l)); } return EPASSTHROUGH; } static paddr_t ofb_mmap(void *v, void *vs, off_t offset, int prot) { struct vcons_data *vd = v; struct ofb_softc *sc = vd->cookie; u_int32_t *ap = sc->sc_addrs; int i; if (vd->active == NULL) { printf("%s: no active screen.\n", device_xname(sc->sc_dev)); return -1; } /* framebuffer at offset 0 */ if ((offset >= 0) && (offset < sc->sc_fbsize)) return bus_space_mmap(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_fbaddr, offset, prot, BUS_SPACE_MAP_LINEAR); /* * restrict all other mappings to processes with superuser privileges * or the kernel itself */ if (kauth_authorize_machdep(kauth_cred_get(), KAUTH_MACHDEP_UNMANAGEDMEM, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != 0) { printf("%s: mmap() rejected.\n", device_xname(sc->sc_dev)); return -1; } /* let them mmap() 0xa0000 - 0xbffff if it's not covered above */ #ifdef OFB_FAKE_VGA_FB if (offset >=0xa0000 && offset < 0xbffff) return sc->sc_fbaddr + offset - 0xa0000; #endif /* allow to map our IO space */ if ((offset >= 0xf2000000) && (offset < 0xf2800000)) { return bus_space_mmap(sc->sc_iot, offset-0xf2000000, 0, prot, BUS_SPACE_MAP_LINEAR); } for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { switch (ap[0] & OFW_PCI_PHYS_HI_SPACEMASK) { case OFW_PCI_PHYS_HI_SPACE_MEM32: if (offset >= ap[2] && offset < ap[2] + ap[4]) return bus_space_mmap(sc->sc_memt, offset, 0, prot, BUS_SPACE_MAP_LINEAR); } ap += 5; } return -1; } static int ofb_getcmap(struct ofb_softc *sc, struct wsdisplay_cmap *cm) { u_int index = cm->index; u_int count = cm->count; int error; if (index >= 256 || count > 256 || index + count > 256) return EINVAL; error = copyout(&sc->sc_cmap_red[index], cm->red, count); if (error) return error; error = copyout(&sc->sc_cmap_green[index], cm->green, count); if (error) return error; error = copyout(&sc->sc_cmap_blue[index], cm->blue, count); if (error) return error; return 0; } int ofb_putcmap(struct ofb_softc *sc, struct wsdisplay_cmap *cm) { u_int index = cm->index; u_int count = cm->count; int i, error; u_char rbuf[256], gbuf[256], bbuf[256]; u_char *r, *g, *b; if (cm->index >= 256 || cm->count > 256 || (cm->index + cm->count) > 256) return EINVAL; error = copyin(cm->red, &rbuf[index], count); if (error) return error; error = copyin(cm->green, &gbuf[index], count); if (error) return error; error = copyin(cm->blue, &bbuf[index], count); if (error) return error; memcpy(&sc->sc_cmap_red[index], &rbuf[index], count); memcpy(&sc->sc_cmap_green[index], &gbuf[index], count); memcpy(&sc->sc_cmap_blue[index], &bbuf[index], count); r = &sc->sc_cmap_red[index]; g = &sc->sc_cmap_green[index]; b = &sc->sc_cmap_blue[index]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { OF_call_method_1("color!", sc->sc_ih, 4, *r, *g, *b, index); r++, g++, b++, index++; } return 0; } static void ofb_putpalreg(struct ofb_softc *sc, int idx, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { if ((idx<0) || (idx > 255)) return; if (sc != NULL) { OF_call_method_1("color!", sc->sc_ih, 4, r, g, b, idx); sc->sc_cmap_red[idx] = r; sc->sc_cmap_green[idx] = g; sc->sc_cmap_blue[idx] = b; } else { OF_call_method_1("color!", console_instance, 4, r, g, b, idx); } } static void ofb_init_cmap(struct ofb_softc *sc) { int i; /* mess with the palette only when we're running in 8 bit */ if (rascons_console_screen.scr_ri.ri_depth == 8) { for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { ofb_putpalreg(sc, i, rasops_cmap[(i * 3) + 0], rasops_cmap[(i * 3) + 1], rasops_cmap[(i * 3) + 2]); } } }