/* $NetBSD: wd.c,v 1.5 2019/01/08 19:36:57 jdolecek Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2003 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Manuel Bouyer. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stdint.h> #include <lib/libsa/stand.h> #include <lib/libkern/libkern.h> #include "boot.h" #include "wdvar.h" static int wd_get_params(struct wd_softc *wd); static int wdgetdisklabel(struct wd_softc *wd); static void wdgetdefaultlabel(struct wd_softc *wd, struct disklabel *lp); /* * Get drive parameters through 'device identify' command. */ int wd_get_params(struct wd_softc *wd) { int error; uint8_t buf[DEV_BSIZE]; if ((error = wdc_exec_identify(wd, buf)) != 0) return error; memcpy(&wd->sc_params, buf, sizeof wd->sc_params); /* 48-bit LBA addressing */ if ((wd->sc_params.atap_cmd2_en & ATA_CMD2_LBA48) != 0) wd->sc_flags |= WDF_LBA48; /* Prior to ATA-4, LBA was optional. */ if ((wd->sc_params.atap_capabilities1 & WDC_CAP_LBA) != 0) wd->sc_flags |= WDF_LBA; if ((wd->sc_flags & WDF_LBA48) != 0) { DPRINTF(("Drive supports LBA48.\n")); wd->sc_capacity = ((uint64_t)wd->sc_params.atap_max_lba[3] << 48) | ((uint64_t)wd->sc_params.atap_max_lba[2] << 32) | ((uint64_t)wd->sc_params.atap_max_lba[1] << 16) | ((uint64_t)wd->sc_params.atap_max_lba[0] << 0); DPRINTF(("atap_max_lba = (0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", wd->sc_params.atap_max_lba[3], wd->sc_params.atap_max_lba[2], wd->sc_params.atap_max_lba[1], wd->sc_params.atap_max_lba[0])); wd->sc_capacity28 = ((uint32_t)wd->sc_params.atap_capacity[1] << 16) | ((uint32_t)wd->sc_params.atap_capacity[0] << 0); DPRINTF(("atap_capacity = (0x%x, 0x%x)\n", wd->sc_params.atap_capacity[1], wd->sc_params.atap_capacity[0])); } else if ((wd->sc_flags & WDF_LBA) != 0) { DPRINTF(("Drive supports LBA.\n")); wd->sc_capacity = wd->sc_capacity28 = ((uint32_t)wd->sc_params.atap_capacity[1] << 16) | ((uint32_t)wd->sc_params.atap_capacity[0] << 0); } else { DPRINTF(("Drive doesn't support LBA; using CHS.\n")); wd->sc_capacity = wd->sc_capacity28 = wd->sc_params.atap_cylinders * wd->sc_params.atap_heads * wd->sc_params.atap_sectors; } DPRINTF(("wd->sc_capacity = %" PRId64 ", wd->sc_capacity28 = %d.\n", wd->sc_capacity, wd->sc_capacity28)); return 0; } /* * Initialize disk label to the default value. */ void wdgetdefaultlabel(struct wd_softc *wd, struct disklabel *lp) { memset(lp, 0, sizeof(struct disklabel)); lp->d_secsize = DEV_BSIZE; lp->d_ntracks = wd->sc_params.atap_heads; lp->d_nsectors = wd->sc_params.atap_sectors; lp->d_ncylinders = wd->sc_params.atap_cylinders; lp->d_secpercyl = lp->d_ntracks * lp->d_nsectors; if (strcmp(wd->sc_params.atap_model, "ST506") == 0) lp->d_type = DKTYPE_ST506; else lp->d_type = DKTYPE_ESDI; strncpy(lp->d_typename, wd->sc_params.atap_model, 16); strncpy(lp->d_packname, "fictitious", 16); if (wd->sc_capacity > UINT32_MAX) lp->d_secperunit = UINT32_MAX; else lp->d_secperunit = wd->sc_capacity; lp->d_rpm = 3600; lp->d_interleave = 1; lp->d_flags = 0; lp->d_partitions[RAW_PART].p_offset = 0; lp->d_partitions[RAW_PART].p_size = lp->d_secperunit * (lp->d_secsize / DEV_BSIZE); lp->d_partitions[RAW_PART].p_fstype = FS_UNUSED; lp->d_npartitions = MAXPARTITIONS; /* RAW_PART + 1 ??? */ lp->d_magic = DISKMAGIC; lp->d_magic2 = DISKMAGIC; lp->d_checksum = dkcksum(lp); /* * Set partition 'a' to be the whole disk. * Cleared if we find an mbr or a netbsd label. */ lp->d_partitions[0].p_size = lp->d_partitions[RAW_PART].p_size; lp->d_partitions[0].p_fstype = FS_BSDFFS; } /* * Read disk label from the device. */ int wdgetdisklabel(struct wd_softc *wd) { char *msg; size_t rsize; struct disklabel *lp; uint8_t buf[DEV_BSIZE]; wdgetdefaultlabel(wd, &wd->sc_label); if (wdstrategy(wd, F_READ, LABELSECTOR, DEV_BSIZE, buf, &rsize)) return EOFFSET; if ((msg = getdisklabel(buf + LABELOFFSET, &wd->sc_label))) printf("wd%d: getdisklabel: %s\n", wd->sc_unit, msg); lp = &wd->sc_label; /* check partition */ if ((wd->sc_part >= lp->d_npartitions) || (lp->d_partitions[wd->sc_part].p_fstype == FS_UNUSED)) { DPRINTF(("illegal partition\n")); return EPART; } DPRINTF(("label info: d_secsize %d, d_nsectors %d, d_ncylinders %d," " d_ntracks %d, d_secpercyl %d\n", wd->sc_label.d_secsize, wd->sc_label.d_nsectors, wd->sc_label.d_ncylinders, wd->sc_label.d_ntracks, wd->sc_label.d_secpercyl)); return 0; } /* * Open device (read drive parameters and disklabel) */ int wdopen(struct open_file *f, ...) { int error; va_list ap; u_int unit, part; struct wd_softc *wd; va_start(ap, f); unit = va_arg(ap, u_int); part = va_arg(ap, u_int); va_end(ap); DPRINTF(("wdopen: %d:%d\n", unit, part)); wd = alloc(sizeof(struct wd_softc)); if (wd == NULL) return ENOMEM; memset(wd, 0, sizeof(struct wd_softc)); if (wdc_init(wd, &unit) != 0) return (ENXIO); wd->sc_part = part; wd->sc_unit = unit; if ((error = wd_get_params(wd)) != 0) return error; if ((error = wdgetdisklabel(wd)) != 0) return error; f->f_devdata = wd; return 0; } /* * Close device. */ int wdclose(struct open_file *f) { return 0; } /* * Read some data. */ int wdstrategy(void *f, int rw, daddr_t dblk, size_t size, void *p, size_t *rsize) { int i, nsect; daddr_t blkno; struct wd_softc *wd; struct partition *pp; uint8_t *buf; if (size == 0) return 0; if (rw != F_READ) return EOPNOTSUPP; buf = p; wd = f; pp = &wd->sc_label.d_partitions[wd->sc_part]; nsect = howmany(size, wd->sc_label.d_secsize); blkno = dblk + pp->p_offset; for (i = 0; i < nsect; i++, blkno++) { int error; if ((error = wdc_exec_read(wd, WDCC_READ, blkno, buf)) != 0) return error; buf += wd->sc_label.d_secsize; } *rsize = size; return 0; }