/* $NetBSD: vncfb.c,v 1.12 2012/01/04 14:53:57 jmcneill Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2011 Jared D. McNeill <jmcneill@invisible.ca> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Jared D. McNeill. * 4. Neither the name of The NetBSD Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "opt_wsemul.h" #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: vncfb.c,v 1.12 2012/01/04 14:53:57 jmcneill Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <sys/kmem.h> #include <uvm/uvm_extern.h> #include <dev/wscons/wsconsio.h> #include <dev/wscons/wsdisplayvar.h> #include <dev/wsfont/wsfont.h> #include <dev/rasops/rasops.h> #include <dev/wscons/wsdisplay_vconsvar.h> #include <dev/wscons/wskbdvar.h> #include <dev/wscons/wsksymdef.h> #include <dev/wscons/wsksymvar.h> #include <dev/wscons/wsmousevar.h> #include <machine/mainbus.h> #include <machine/thunk.h> #define VNCFB_REFRESH_INTERVAL 33 /* fb refresh interval when mapped */ struct vncfb_fbops { void (*copycols)(void *, int, int, int, int); void (*erasecols)(void *, int, int, int, long); void (*copyrows)(void *, int, int, int); void (*eraserows)(void *, int, int, long); void (*putchar)(void *, int, int, u_int, long); void (*cursor)(void *, int, int, int); }; struct vncfb_softc { device_t sc_dev; device_t sc_wskbddev; device_t sc_wsmousedev; thunk_rfb_t sc_rfb; unsigned int sc_width; unsigned int sc_height; unsigned int sc_depth; int sc_mode; uint8_t * sc_mem; size_t sc_memsize; uint8_t * sc_framebuf; size_t sc_framebufsize; struct vcons_data sc_vd; struct vncfb_fbops sc_ops; int sc_kbd_enable; int sc_mouse_enable; void *sc_ih; void *sc_sih; callout_t sc_callout; void *sc_refresh_sih; }; static int vncfb_match(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); static void vncfb_attach(device_t, device_t, void *); CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(vncfb, sizeof(struct vncfb_softc), vncfb_match, vncfb_attach, NULL, NULL); static void vncfb_putchar(void *, int, int, u_int, long); static void vncfb_copycols(void *, int, int, int, int); static void vncfb_erasecols(void *, int, int, int, long); static void vncfb_copyrows(void *, int, int, int); static void vncfb_eraserows(void *, int, int, long); static void vncfb_cursor(void *, int, int, int); static int vncfb_ioctl(void *, void *, u_long, void *, int, lwp_t *); static paddr_t vncfb_mmap(void *, void *, off_t, int); static void vncfb_init_screen(void *, struct vcons_screen *, int, long *); static void vncfb_update(struct vncfb_softc *, int, int, int, int); static void vncfb_copyrect(struct vncfb_softc *, int, int, int, int, int, int); static void vncfb_fillrect(struct vncfb_softc *, int, int, int, int, uint32_t); static int vncfb_intr(void *); static void vncfb_softintr(void *); static void vncfb_refresh(void *); static void vncfb_softrefresh(void *); static int vncfb_kbd_enable(void *, int); static void vncfb_kbd_set_leds(void *, int); static int vncfb_kbd_ioctl(void *, u_long, void *, int, lwp_t *); static void vncfb_kbd_cngetc(void *, u_int *, int *); static void vncfb_kbd_cnpollc(void *, int); static void vncfb_kbd_bell(void *, u_int, u_int, u_int); static int vncfb_mouse_enable(void *); static int vncfb_mouse_ioctl(void *, u_long, void *, int, lwp_t *); static void vncfb_mouse_disable(void *); static struct vcons_screen vncfb_console_screen; static struct wsscreen_descr vncfb_defaultscreen = { .name = "default", .fontwidth = 8, .fontheight = 16, .capabilities = WSSCREEN_WSCOLORS | WSSCREEN_HILIT, }; static const struct wsscreen_descr *vncfb_screens[] = { &vncfb_defaultscreen, }; static struct wsscreen_list vncfb_screenlist = { .screens = vncfb_screens, .nscreens = __arraycount(vncfb_screens), }; static struct wsdisplay_accessops vncfb_accessops = { .ioctl = vncfb_ioctl, .mmap = vncfb_mmap, }; extern const struct wscons_keydesc vnckbd_keydesctab[]; static const struct wskbd_mapdata vncfb_keymapdata = { vnckbd_keydesctab, KB_US, }; static struct wskbd_accessops vncfb_kbd_accessops = { vncfb_kbd_enable, vncfb_kbd_set_leds, vncfb_kbd_ioctl, }; static const struct wskbd_consops vncfb_kbd_consops = { vncfb_kbd_cngetc, vncfb_kbd_cnpollc, vncfb_kbd_bell, }; static const struct wsmouse_accessops vncfb_mouse_accessops = { vncfb_mouse_enable, vncfb_mouse_ioctl, vncfb_mouse_disable, }; static int vncfb_match(device_t parent, cfdata_t match, void *priv) { struct thunkbus_attach_args *taa = priv; return taa->taa_type == THUNKBUS_TYPE_VNCFB; } static void vncfb_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *priv) { struct vncfb_softc *sc = device_private(self); struct thunkbus_attach_args *taa = priv; struct wsemuldisplaydev_attach_args waa; struct wskbddev_attach_args kaa; struct wsmousedev_attach_args maa; struct rasops_info *ri; unsigned long defattr; sc->sc_dev = self; sc->sc_width = taa->u.vnc.width; sc->sc_height = taa->u.vnc.height; sc->sc_depth = 32; sc->sc_mode = WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_EMUL; #if notyet sc->sc_sockfd = thunk_vnc_open_socket(taa->u.vnc.port); if (sc->sc_sockfd == -1) panic("couldn't open VNC socket"); #endif sc->sc_framebufsize = sc->sc_width * sc->sc_height * (sc->sc_depth / 8); sc->sc_memsize = sc->sc_framebufsize + PAGE_SIZE; sc->sc_mem = kmem_zalloc(sc->sc_memsize, KM_SLEEP); sc->sc_framebuf = (void *)round_page((vaddr_t)sc->sc_mem); aprint_naive("\n"); aprint_normal(": %ux%u %ubpp (port %u)\n", sc->sc_width, sc->sc_height, sc->sc_depth, taa->u.vnc.port); sc->sc_rfb.width = sc->sc_width; sc->sc_rfb.height = sc->sc_height; sc->sc_rfb.depth = sc->sc_depth; sc->sc_rfb.framebuf = sc->sc_framebuf; snprintf(sc->sc_rfb.name, sizeof(sc->sc_rfb.name), "NetBSD/usermode %d.%d.%d", __NetBSD_Version__ / 100000000, (__NetBSD_Version__ / 1000000) % 100, (__NetBSD_Version__ / 100) % 100); if (thunk_rfb_open(&sc->sc_rfb, taa->u.vnc.port) != 0) panic("couldn't open rfb server"); sc->sc_sih = softint_establish(SOFTINT_SERIAL, vncfb_softintr, sc); sc->sc_ih = sigio_intr_establish(vncfb_intr, sc); sc->sc_refresh_sih = softint_establish(SOFTINT_SERIAL, vncfb_softrefresh, sc); callout_init(&sc->sc_callout, 0); callout_setfunc(&sc->sc_callout, vncfb_refresh, sc); vcons_init(&sc->sc_vd, sc, &vncfb_defaultscreen, &vncfb_accessops); sc->sc_vd.init_screen = vncfb_init_screen; ri = &vncfb_console_screen.scr_ri; vcons_init_screen(&sc->sc_vd, &vncfb_console_screen, 1, &defattr); vncfb_console_screen.scr_flags |= VCONS_SCREEN_IS_STATIC; vncfb_defaultscreen.textops = &ri->ri_ops; vncfb_defaultscreen.capabilities = ri->ri_caps; vncfb_defaultscreen.nrows = ri->ri_rows; vncfb_defaultscreen.ncols = ri->ri_cols; wsdisplay_cnattach(&vncfb_defaultscreen, ri, 0, 0, defattr); vcons_replay_msgbuf(&vncfb_console_screen); waa.console = true; waa.scrdata = &vncfb_screenlist; waa.accessops = &vncfb_accessops; waa.accesscookie = &sc->sc_vd; config_found(self, &waa, wsemuldisplaydevprint); wskbd_cnattach(&vncfb_kbd_consops, sc, &vncfb_keymapdata); kaa.console = true; kaa.keymap = &vncfb_keymapdata; kaa.accessops = &vncfb_kbd_accessops; kaa.accesscookie = sc; sc->sc_wskbddev = config_found_ia(self, "wskbddev", &kaa, wskbddevprint); maa.accessops = &vncfb_mouse_accessops; maa.accesscookie = sc; sc->sc_wsmousedev = config_found_ia(self, "wsmousedev", &maa, wsmousedevprint); } static void vncfb_init_screen(void *priv, struct vcons_screen *scr, int existing, long *defattr) { struct vncfb_softc *sc = priv; struct vncfb_fbops *ops = &sc->sc_ops; struct rasops_info *ri = &scr->scr_ri; ri->ri_width = sc->sc_width; ri->ri_height = sc->sc_height; ri->ri_depth = sc->sc_depth; ri->ri_stride = sc->sc_width * ri->ri_depth / 8; ri->ri_bits = sc->sc_framebuf; ri->ri_flg = RI_CENTER | RI_FULLCLEAR; if (existing) ri->ri_flg |= RI_CLEAR; rasops_init(ri, sc->sc_height / 8, sc->sc_width / 8); ri->ri_caps = WSSCREEN_WSCOLORS; rasops_reconfig(ri, sc->sc_height / ri->ri_font->fontheight, sc->sc_width / ri->ri_font->fontwidth); ri->ri_hw = scr; ops->putchar = ri->ri_ops.putchar; ops->copyrows = ri->ri_ops.copyrows; ops->eraserows = ri->ri_ops.eraserows; ops->copycols = ri->ri_ops.copycols; ops->erasecols = ri->ri_ops.erasecols; ops->cursor = ri->ri_ops.cursor; ri->ri_ops.copyrows = vncfb_copyrows; ri->ri_ops.copycols = vncfb_copycols; ri->ri_ops.eraserows = vncfb_eraserows; ri->ri_ops.erasecols = vncfb_erasecols; ri->ri_ops.putchar = vncfb_putchar; ri->ri_ops.cursor = vncfb_cursor; } static void vncfb_putchar(void *priv, int row, int col, u_int c, long attr) { struct rasops_info *ri = priv; struct vcons_screen *scr = ri->ri_hw; struct vncfb_softc *sc = scr->scr_cookie; struct vncfb_fbops *ops = &sc->sc_ops; int x, y, w, h; ops->putchar(ri, row, col, c, attr); x = ri->ri_xorigin + (col * ri->ri_font->fontwidth); y = ri->ri_yorigin + (row * ri->ri_font->fontheight); w = ri->ri_font->fontwidth; h = ri->ri_font->fontheight; vncfb_update(sc, x, y, w, h); } static void vncfb_copycols(void *priv, int row, int srccol, int dstcol, int ncols) { struct rasops_info *ri = priv; struct vcons_screen *scr = ri->ri_hw; struct vncfb_softc *sc = scr->scr_cookie; struct vncfb_fbops *ops = &sc->sc_ops; int x, y, w, h; ops->copycols(ri, row, srccol, dstcol, ncols); y = ri->ri_yorigin + (row * ri->ri_font->fontheight); h = ri->ri_font->fontheight; if (srccol < dstcol) { x = ri->ri_xorigin + (srccol * ri->ri_font->fontwidth); w = (dstcol - srccol) * ri->ri_font->fontwidth; } else { x = ri->ri_xorigin + (dstcol * ri->ri_font->fontwidth); w = (srccol - dstcol) * ri->ri_font->fontwidth; } vncfb_update(sc, x, y, w, h); } static void vncfb_erasecols(void *priv, int row, int startcol, int ncols, long fillattr) { struct rasops_info *ri = priv; struct vcons_screen *scr = ri->ri_hw; struct vncfb_softc *sc = scr->scr_cookie; struct vncfb_fbops *ops = &sc->sc_ops; int x, y, w, h, c; ops->erasecols(ri, row, startcol, ncols, fillattr); y = ri->ri_yorigin + (row * ri->ri_font->fontheight); h = ri->ri_font->fontheight; x = ri->ri_xorigin + (startcol * ri->ri_font->fontwidth); w = ncols * ri->ri_font->fontwidth; c = ri->ri_devcmap[(fillattr >> 16) & 0xf] & 0xffffff; vncfb_fillrect(sc, x, y, w, h, c); } static void vncfb_copyrows(void *priv, int srcrow, int dstrow, int nrows) { struct rasops_info *ri = priv; struct vcons_screen *scr = ri->ri_hw; struct vncfb_softc *sc = scr->scr_cookie; struct vncfb_fbops *ops = &sc->sc_ops; int x, y, w, h, srcx, srcy; int fontheight; /* barrier */ while (sc->sc_rfb.nupdates > 0) if (thunk_rfb_poll(&sc->sc_rfb, NULL) == -1) break; ops->copyrows(ri, srcrow, dstrow, nrows); fontheight = ri->ri_font->fontheight; x = ri->ri_xorigin; y = ri->ri_yorigin + dstrow * fontheight; w = ri->ri_width; h = nrows * fontheight; srcx = ri->ri_xorigin; srcy = ri->ri_yorigin + srcrow * fontheight; vncfb_copyrect(sc, x, y, w, h, srcx, srcy); } static void vncfb_eraserows(void *priv, int row, int nrows, long fillattr) { struct rasops_info *ri = priv; struct vcons_screen *scr = ri->ri_hw; struct vncfb_softc *sc = scr->scr_cookie; struct vncfb_fbops *ops = &sc->sc_ops; int x, y, w, h, c; ops->eraserows(ri, row, nrows, fillattr); y = ri->ri_yorigin + (row * ri->ri_font->fontheight); h = nrows * ri->ri_font->fontheight; x = ri->ri_xorigin; w = ri->ri_width; c = ri->ri_devcmap[(fillattr >> 16) & 0xf] & 0xffffff; vncfb_fillrect(sc, x, y, w, h, c); } static void vncfb_cursor(void *priv, int on, int row, int col) { struct rasops_info *ri = priv; struct vcons_screen *scr = ri->ri_hw; struct vncfb_softc *sc = scr->scr_cookie; struct vncfb_fbops *ops = &sc->sc_ops; int ox, oy, x, y, w, h; w = ri->ri_font->fontwidth; h = ri->ri_font->fontheight; ox = ri->ri_ccol * w + ri->ri_xorigin; oy = ri->ri_crow * h + ri->ri_yorigin; ops->cursor(ri, on, row, col); x = ri->ri_ccol * w + ri->ri_xorigin; y = ri->ri_crow * h + ri->ri_yorigin; vncfb_update(sc, ox, oy, w, h); vncfb_update(sc, x, y, w, h); } static int vncfb_ioctl(void *v, void *vs, u_long cmd, void *data, int flag, lwp_t *l) { struct vcons_data *vd = v; struct vncfb_softc *sc = vd->cookie; struct wsdisplay_fbinfo *wdf; struct vcons_screen *ms = vd->active; int new_mode; switch (cmd) { case WSDISPLAYIO_GTYPE: *(u_int *)data = WSDISPLAY_TYPE_VNC; return 0; case WSDISPLAYIO_GINFO: wdf = data; wdf->height = ms->scr_ri.ri_height; wdf->width = ms->scr_ri.ri_width; wdf->depth = ms->scr_ri.ri_depth; wdf->cmsize = 256; return 0; case WSDISPLAYIO_LINEBYTES: *(u_int *)data = sc->sc_width * (sc->sc_depth / 8); return 0; case WSDISPLAYIO_SMODE: new_mode = *(int *)data; if (sc->sc_mode != new_mode) { sc->sc_mode = new_mode; if (new_mode == WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_EMUL) { callout_halt(&sc->sc_callout, NULL); vcons_redraw_screen(ms); } else { callout_schedule(&sc->sc_callout, 1); } } return 0; default: return EPASSTHROUGH; } } static paddr_t vncfb_mmap(void *v, void *vs, off_t offset, int prot) { struct vcons_data *vd = v; struct vncfb_softc *sc = vd->cookie; paddr_t pa; vaddr_t va; if (offset < 0 || offset >= sc->sc_framebufsize) { device_printf(sc->sc_dev, "mmap: offset 0x%x, fbsize 0x%x" " out of range!\n", (unsigned int)offset, (unsigned int)sc->sc_framebufsize); return -1; } va = trunc_page((vaddr_t)sc->sc_framebuf + offset); if (pmap_extract(pmap_kernel(), va, &pa) == false) { device_printf(sc->sc_dev, "mmap: pmap_extract failed!\n"); return -1; } return atop(pa); } static void vncfb_update(struct vncfb_softc *sc, int x, int y, int w, int h) { thunk_rfb_update(&sc->sc_rfb, x, y, w, h); softint_schedule(sc->sc_sih); } static void vncfb_copyrect(struct vncfb_softc *sc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int srcx, int srcy) { thunk_rfb_copyrect(&sc->sc_rfb, x, y, w, h, srcx, srcy); softint_schedule(sc->sc_sih); } static void vncfb_fillrect(struct vncfb_softc *sc, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t c) { thunk_rfb_fillrect(&sc->sc_rfb, x, y, w, h, (uint8_t *)&c); softint_schedule(sc->sc_sih); } static int vncfb_intr(void *priv) { struct vncfb_softc *sc = priv; softint_schedule(sc->sc_sih); return 0; } static void vncfb_softintr(void *priv) { struct vncfb_softc *sc = priv; thunk_rfb_event_t event; int s; while (thunk_rfb_poll(&sc->sc_rfb, &event) > 0) { switch (event.message_type) { case THUNK_RFB_KEY_EVENT: s = spltty(); wskbd_input(sc->sc_wskbddev, event.data.key_event.down_flag ? WSCONS_EVENT_KEY_DOWN : WSCONS_EVENT_KEY_UP, event.data.key_event.keysym & 0xfff); splx(s); break; case THUNK_RFB_POINTER_EVENT: s = spltty(); wsmouse_input(sc->sc_wsmousedev, event.data.pointer_event.button_mask, event.data.pointer_event.absx, event.data.pointer_event.absy, 0, 0, WSMOUSE_INPUT_ABSOLUTE_X|WSMOUSE_INPUT_ABSOLUTE_Y); splx(s); default: break; } } } static void vncfb_refresh(void *priv) { struct vncfb_softc *sc = priv; softint_schedule(sc->sc_refresh_sih); } static void vncfb_softrefresh(void *priv) { struct vncfb_softc *sc = priv; if (sc->sc_mode == WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_EMUL) return; /* update the screen */ vncfb_update(sc, 0, 0, sc->sc_width, sc->sc_height); /* flush the pending drawing op */ while (thunk_rfb_poll(&sc->sc_rfb, NULL) > 0) ; callout_schedule(&sc->sc_callout, mstohz(VNCFB_REFRESH_INTERVAL)); } static int vncfb_kbd_enable(void *priv, int on) { struct vncfb_softc *sc = priv; sc->sc_kbd_enable = on; return 0; } static void vncfb_kbd_set_leds(void *priv, int leds) { } static int vncfb_kbd_ioctl(void *priv, u_long cmd, void *data, int flag, lwp_t *l) { struct wskbd_bell_data *bd; switch (cmd) { case WSKBDIO_GTYPE: *(int *)data = WSKBD_TYPE_RFB; return 0; case WSKBDIO_COMPLEXBELL: bd = data; vncfb_kbd_bell(priv, bd->pitch, bd->period, bd->volume); return 0; default: return EPASSTHROUGH; } } static void vncfb_kbd_cngetc(void *priv, u_int *type, int *data) { struct vncfb_softc *sc = priv; thunk_rfb_event_t event; for (;;) { if (thunk_rfb_poll(&sc->sc_rfb, &event) > 0) { if (event.message_type == THUNK_RFB_KEY_EVENT) { *type = event.data.key_event.down_flag ? WSCONS_EVENT_KEY_DOWN : WSCONS_EVENT_KEY_UP; *data = event.data.key_event.keysym & 0xfff; return; } } } } static void vncfb_kbd_cnpollc(void *priv, int on) { struct vncfb_softc *sc = priv; if (!on) { vncfb_intr(sc); } } static void vncfb_kbd_bell(void *priv, u_int pitch, u_int period, u_int volume) { struct vncfb_softc *sc = priv; thunk_rfb_bell(&sc->sc_rfb); softint_schedule(sc->sc_sih); } static int vncfb_mouse_enable(void *priv) { struct vncfb_softc *sc = priv; sc->sc_mouse_enable = 1; return 0; } static int vncfb_mouse_ioctl(void *priv, u_long cmd, void *data, int flag, lwp_t *l) { switch (cmd) { case WSMOUSEIO_GTYPE: *(u_int *)data = WSMOUSE_TYPE_PSEUDO; return 0; default: return EPASSTHROUGH; } } static void vncfb_mouse_disable(void *priv) { struct vncfb_softc *sc = priv; sc->sc_mouse_enable = 0; }